Fully “vaccinated” CNN political commentator dies suddenly

CNN political commentator Alice Stewart died unexpectedly. She was 58 years old. Her body was found outdoors, in Virginia, on May 18. She was lying face down in a ditch, and her hands were purple.

Authorities stated that her death was caused by a “medical emergency” but provided no further details. The police do not believe it to be a crime, nor a suicide. No official cause of death has been revealed.


In 2016, Stewart was communications director for U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. “Heartbreaking,” he wrote on X.

Stewart was fully vaccinated and boosted. When US journalist Sophia A. Nelson wrote on X on May 14, 2021, that she had become terribly ill after the second vaccination but was still “super happy” to be vaccinated, Stewart replied: “Hang in there! It’s worth it!

She received her second Pfizer jab on May 5, 2021. “Thank you to all the caregivers who took the needles. Please take your jab,” she said.

On September 10 of the same year, she wrote: “I am fully vaccinated. Not sure why others do what they do.”

On December 20, 2021, she got her booster: “I got my booster. It’s your turn. Thank you.”


May 31, 2024


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