God can manifest to anyone of us under a certain form…
“The real meaning of life implies to search God by the fervor of absolute purity and love. But in order to obtain this supreme gift, it is required a constant, ceaseless and frantic effort.”
Professor Yoga Gregorian Bivolaru
“Oh Lord, Heavenly Father, You are now for me invisible, impersonal, unknown and mysterious; still I do believe, with my deep ardor of love and abnegation towards You, that You will take a form and You will appear in my being.”
If we utter this prayer with aspiration, love and faith for continuous 24 hours we can live the miracle to perceive some divine appearance that can transform our life.
Herein we are going to present some statements for some outstanding spiritual experiences of the yogis who in practicing the 24 hours continuous prayer to God miraculously perceived some divine appearances under various aspects. We hope these genuine accounts will raise in people’s souls the unshakeable faith that God can manifest for anyone of us. We know that the real meaning of life is to know God. Therefore by means of the continuous 24 hours prayer to God for asking God to appear for us under a certain form, we can take a decisive step to this supreme goal of our life.
Can we also see God? The great initiates and holy men teach us that, because God is infinite and all-inclusive, it is actually impossible to see Him. We can perceive in an ineffable, overwhelming way His presence and love. We can sink our soul in the mystery and miracle of His infinite and eternal existence. And we can enjoy the ineffable manifestations of His Grace, which can take infinite graded forms, from the subtle down to the concrete, tangible ones.
God is almighty. He is the unique master of the world we live in, of all manifested worlds and universes. He is the Creator of all that exists and His almighty Will can afford any miracle. Thus, God can manifest for us as well, if we passionately ask this to Him. If we sincerely wish that our relation with God concretize also through the apparition or manifestation of some Divine forms, if we ask this with love, aspiration, purity and faith, God will answer us.
Many yogis described extraordinary spiritual experiences where God manifested for them during the 24 continuous prayers, under various forms, sometimes very subtle, other times very concrete (visible – eyes open manifestations). It takes a lot of purity and inner openness to recognize these Divine signs and apparitions. We must get rid of any predetermined ideas, because God is perfectly free and, if we determine Him through our prayers to appear to us in one form or another then He can appear under absolutely any form. God knows very well every one of us and knows very well what is in our soul and in our mind. He knows the real needs of our soul, the symbols or aspects we are mostly responsive to, which can touch and impress us. Thus He manifests under the form that is most precious and close to our soul, to be easy for us to recognize and love Him. He can manifest as a breeze or as a firing bush, as a sun, a fire, a sword, an infinite ocean, a rain of flowers, a rainbow, a mountain or a sacred symbol… Countless His manifestations can be. But He can also manifest under the form of a Great Cosmic Power, of a wise old man, under the form of Shiva or Jesus, or of some godlike appearance we are quite sensitive to. All those whom God, in His immense grace, manifested to in visions of some concrete or subtle forms confirmed the same overwhelming feeling of recognition and also gratitude. For they ineffably felt that the divine appearance was the most adequate for them. In other words, God manifests in different ways for every human being, namely in the most proper way for each of us.
During the dialogue I remembered that I believe with all the ardor of my love and abnegation that God would take a form and appear to me. Thus I asked Him to reveal Himself under a form that my conscience might recognize and match quite easily anytime. I then saw at the level of Chid Akasha (the subtle space in forehead area) an immense, white and gracious swan; it was floating on water I could see at the middle of my forehead (I was feeling the down side of my head in water and the upper side above the water) making that specific gesture of water “percolation” with its beak. I then heard: “I know how to separate the nectar from poison”, then I saw one of the swan’s eyes closer and closer, until the deep, dark, velvety space from the interior of its pupil comprised me entirely, and everything became an ocean of happiness again. (Daniela, 31 years old)
After the first two hours during I had been uttering the prayer to ask God to manifest Himself, I saw a blossomed engrafted apricot tree dropping down white flowers that were covering me. I realized it was God and His grace over brimming, because I was covered by a state of peace, tranquility and harmony. I was feeling protected and guarded. I was feeling so good that I didn’t need anything else. Any concern and worry from the outside world had completely disappeared. (Ioana, 60 years old)
At dawn, I widely opened the window and let myself covered by the morning air. I was praying more and more passionately to determine God appear for me and I was convinced there would be something unexpected for me. I was waiting for the Sun to rise. I was enjoying the splendor of the sunrise and while saying the prayer I was telling for myself that God took such a wonderful form – the Sun – which was offering me so much happiness that I was no longer longing for any other proof of His existence. I was content and delighted. I was as if floating and I had no perception of my body at all. Then I started seeing (my eyes open) very special luminous manifestations – in the Sun and around it – like overspills of extraordinary beautiful colored lights that had no reflection in the real world. They were unutterably shining and intense. Waves of joy filled in my body; shivers were passing through my spine and I got warmed up. The sleep, which had started hovering about, completely disappeared. I was closing and opening my eyes trying to check out what I saw: an ocean of intense shining colors, like hundreds of rainbows…
I was thinking about the love I was feeling for my father and I loved God as the child used to love his father 30 years ago. I called Him “Father” a word that used to give me great restraint before (since 23 years ago when my father had died). Then it occurred a breach. Something had broken and I released myself. I felt God protective and mild like a father. There were no more worries, preoccupations, men, nothing. I was only with His warm love. I could also feel Him physically like something velvety that surrounded and caressed me. (Gabriela, 34 years old)
Before starting the prayer I was happy like a child whose parents promise him something and there he waits eagerly for that something to come. Saying the prayer I was getting more and more the feeling that I’m a small part of God. Suddenly I felt released from all worries and thoughts which were oppressing me and I could realize anything I wish. I was feeling extremely powerful and self-confident.
I said to myself that if I’m a spark of God I should look like a small light and I imagined myself a glow-worm in the grass. I closed my eyes and it very clearly appeared a very small glim, in some spotless white silver like crystal. As I kept praying, the lighting point was slowly increasing. I opened my eyes, continuing to pray, and I stood up on my feet. Then I sat on the bed. I closed my eyes and again the lighting point appeared as I was praying. The light was increasing, becoming a sphere in which the shining white was merging the blue and the pink light. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I also perceived these radiant phenomena with open eyes… In my room everything was bright and I was feeling very happy. (Luminita, 32 years old)
After few hours of insistently saying the prayer, I saw Shiva in His dancer posture. His image was projected on the nightstand near an old wooden cross and I could see it with open eyes. First I saw bright spots like a shining cloth and then out of the light there appeared Shiva, in fact the image of Him as a dancer, outlined in bright points. I could not believe my eyes, I blamed on the tiredness. But I can say for certain that before this image appeared I was not at all tired, as I had been sleeping for hours. I even exclaimed: “Shiva!” The projection lasted long enough and awakened in me an exquisite state of love, happiness and gratitude. (Monica, 31 years old)
After 5-6 hours I reached a profound state of communion with God. Before it I had the revelation the previous period was as a test for my insistence, because God was already there. As concrete manifestation I’ve entered a space where I “knew” and felt that everything was pervaded by God, that He is Himself all that space. As I would have rather continued to say the prayer, God told me very clear: “This revealing of Me is a very concrete form. Enjoy it.” That space was penetrated and crossed by very harmonious, wonderful streams, by a sort of light in high vibrations. In fact, the most correct I could describe that space as an ineffable, mysterious essence pervaded by a very harmonious and subtle vibration, which comprised a kind of “essence of light” (it was a different kind of light, not like the physical one). These bright vibrations were also very mysterious.
I asked God to explain to me what is He like, because he was so close to me and still I did not understand, I couldn’t comprise or understand His qualities, attributes inside of me. I asked Him: “What You are? What are You like? Who and where are You? Please tell me about You!” He spontaneously answered me, in simple words, always testifying inside of me, as an inner state, what He was saying. For instance: “I am everything. I am the all-embracing space and the void beyond the space. I am the eternity and freedom. It’s only me that exist for real.” (Marian, 27 years old)
After 7 hours of continuous prayer, while the only problems for me were the body position not to get benumbed, there emerged, I may say, a miracle. It had actually showed up before by signs but I didn’t understand these signs at the moment. But after some time it was obvious. The prayers became more and more silent; I was feeling I started to express myself directly by my soul than by means of words in my mind. The prayer transformed, from a shouted request into a mute one, voicing the enthusiasm of my exalted soul, “encoded” as a prayer. The more this process advanced the more I felt some intuitive flashes that appeared and I thus entered in a vaster, more coherent and beautiful reality; that reality was this very one we are living in. I was “suspended” in prayer and from time to time (but often increasingly) I crossed a limit that enabled the step beyond. Then, an extremely intense and at the same time infinitely complex and refined shiver crossed my whole being. After these moments started to reiterate more and more, I couldn’t make any connection to what was about to come, I suddenly realized that God was talking to me! I distinguished His voice in my heart, whispering Divine inspirations in emergent states in the middle of my chest. I was surrounded by God and at the same time I was embracing God in my heart! First I was overwhelmed by very strong feelings of astonishment and emotion. He had been there from the beginning but I was the one who didn’t observe Him! As I realized this I was seized by a strong feeling of love and gratitude and I dared thank Him. His answer was a stream of love and light. I completely forgot about my body for more than 5 hours. (Mihai, 31 years old)
After I prayed for a few hours asking God Father to manifest for me I had a new experience: there suddenly appeared to me a feminine entity incredibly beautiful and completely nude. I was extremely amazed of that very concrete apparition and I had the unshakeable certainty She was one of the ten Great Cosmic Powers, which She telepathically confirmed and even told me Her name (Kamalatmika). I started to contemplate Her, delighted and fascinated with the beauty She was beaming and then I even experienced an overwhelming love making in the astral with this Great Cosmic Power. I was remarkably happy.
I was very amazed to find that She was in a permanent state of divine all-embracing happiness. She was shining and absolutely divine. I immediately felt my sexual potential was naturally transmuted through a kind of interior alchemy (I was simply contemplating these processes) and the energies were absorbed in Sahashrara with no effort. Everything was due to Her presence. She told me that making love to a Great Cosmic Power is a direct path for knowledge of God.
I was thus amazed to see that even She was in a permanent state of ecstasy; She was also perfectly lucid and aware. There was no trace of defect or imperfection (inherent to real women). All the divine qualities as beauty, love, and spiritual discrimination were shining in Her.
The most extraordinary thing to me was that the Great Cosmic Power enormously loved God. Then every thought (or intention) of mine was quite ingeniously “transformed” so that it might lead me to God, as if there was no room for anything else but God. Everything was God and I was amazed (though I theoretically knew this) to see that absolutely everything is containing God. So basically, if you know how to consider it, from certain viewpoints every thought could be turned in a magic way, just as She was doing then, to immediately point towards God. She was like a great magician who was taking me out from the broil of creation and leading me with deep love to God. (Dan, 31 years)
Probably we have all read, in excitement and transfiguration, narrations of some famous yogis about some Divine appearances (such narrations have been published in previous numbers of our magazine (Yoga Magazin)). You will certainly notice that also the Romanian yogis who performed the 24 hours prayer to God Father gave us exciting and convincing statements. We hope you will better convince for yourselves that you should endevour to continuously pray for 24 hours, being aware of the beauty and the joy you will experience then.
“God Father exists and He can be perceived even at the physical level because, the entire Macrocosm basically is God’s body. The mystic poets had often seen God Father, for real, even in this physical world. Thus they said the stars are His eyes, the grass and the trees are His tresses, the flowing waters are His blood. The ocean boom, the nightingale chirping, the cry of the new born baby and all the other sounds of His creation make up His voice…Thus, God Father can really appear to us even in a physical form.”
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