How to increase intuition

Have you experienced having to do something because you feel that you have to do it, even if you do not find it practical or logical? For instance, you are already driving away from your house and suddenly there is a prompting within you to check on the locks or the oven. Lo and behold, when you reach home you discover you failed to lock the main door or unplug the cords.

You may wonder why these occur. There are times when you do not heed to this prompting, you would have difficulty focusing or shoving off that feeling. It does not happen often nor does it occur to everybody. The reason for these instances can be attributed to one’s intuition. It refers to that psychological belief and philosophical knowledge that continue to baffle humans for ages.

To develop and increase intuition, you have to: listen to the voice within you; shut off the noise around you; synchronize your consciousness and heart; and learn from the experts.

Listen To the Voice within You

There is a voice within each person that suggests what to do and what is right and wrong. This aspect of the human psyche cannot be fully understood; but many people have benefited from following this prompting: some saved their loved ones or their own lives; others have made the best decisions ever in their lives because they listened to this small voice; and others got high scores in rather difficult examinations.

To listen to the voice within you, you need to practice stillness and undisturbed concentration. The more you listen, the clearer the message becomes; and you are led to make the best options whether to dismiss it or to obey it.

Shut Off the Noise around You

You cannot listen to your inner voice if you are so preoccupied with the routines and worries of the outside world. Learn to literally shut off anything that distracts you such as the television, the computer, your gadgets, and the noise that surrounds you. By finding a good silent spot in your house or office, spend a few minutes just being still and relaxed. When you empty your psyche and yourself of any distracting thought or image, you can be at peace and be attuned to your own intuition.

Synchronize Your Consciousness and Heart

Your consciousness is where everything is conceived and your heart easily glides with its suggestions. However, the heart has its own way of going its own direction. Sometimes, the feelings of the heart do not follow through the logic of the consciousness. This is then the time when the heart and psyche are not in harmony.

Many decisions are wasted because a person listened to what they believed it was his or her heart (but actually it was just a lust coming from the ego) and ignored the consciousness. Remember, many confuse the feelings from the heart with their own lusts coming from ego, and this can be deceitful and crafty, as many people think they are doing the right thing when they feel it is good. As much as possible, the consciousness should control the emotions, because emotions can oftentimes fade and such decisions are often irrational. It is then wise to put a balance between the intellect and the emotions; in this way, you can get the most of every situation.

Learn From the Experts

Study and research are good allies in life. Since you have to keep going and be upward bound, learning should always be a part of your daily agenda. The same is true with improving your intuition. Learn by studying what the experts say. If possible, you can even personally discuss this subject matter with professionals such as philosophers and psychologists as well as your more knowledgeable friends or contemporaries. If the intuition is honed and is in its best condition, you will notice that you have peace, wisdom, and balance.


September 23, 2022


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