Hurricane Helene Was Engineered. Geoengineering Expert’s Bombshell: Claim of Human Manipulation Behind Deadly Storm

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington suggests Hurricane Helene’s destructive path may have been manipulated by frequency transmissions and weather modification technologies.

Wigington, a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation, one of the world’s largest engineering, construction, and project management companies, makes a bold assertion: Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior may have been engineered.

Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just the result of natural processes and climate patterns, or was it manipulated?” he asks in a video published recently.

The geoengineering researcher pointed to a series of visual phenomena—specifically “the circular blue flashes” seen on radar during the storm.

According to Wigington, these flashes represent “frequency transmissions from the NEXRAD network of transmitter installations.

NEXRAD (Next Generation Weather Radar) is a network of high-resolution Doppler weather radars operated jointly by the National Weather Service (NWS), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and U.S. Air Force.

Wigington explains that “all available science evidence makes clear that atmospheric frequency transmissions can and do have a repelling effect on air masses, especially if and when the air masses have been seeded with electrically conductive nanoparticles.”

In other words, Wigington believes human technology may have deliberately altered the storm’s direction and intensity.

He went on to emphasize the role of these frequency transmissions, claiming, “The brighter the blue flash from a frequency transmission installation, the more pronounced and powerful the repelling effect on any air mass or storm in the vicinity will be.”

Wigington insists this repelling effect can significantly influence a storm’s movement.

He suggested that areas where no flashes were seen were free from this interference: “Where there are no blue flashes, there is no transmission, thus no repelling effect.”

In his view, these gaps in transmission allowed the storm to continue in certain directions unimpeded: “A migrating storm will be hindered from moving toward frequency transmissions and will easily migrate in a direction with no transmissions.

Wigington concludes that the devastating path of Hurricane Helene may not have been a random act of nature: “So again I ask, was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature, or was it engineered? You decide.”

Wigington’s claims, if true, raise serious concerns about the manipulation of extreme weather events.

Hurricane Helene caused widespread destruction and fatalities across the Southeastern United States in late September 2024. It was the strongest hurricane on record to strike the Big Bend region of Florida, the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Maria in 2017, and the deadliest to strike the mainland US since Katrina in 2005.

As rescuers continue to respond to the widespread damage across the southeastern United States, questions about human interference loom large.

Watch Dane’s presentation below:

In June 2023, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a congressionally mandated report suggesting that both global and regional geoengineering projects are being carried out “covertly,” without citizens’ knowledge.

Geoengineering is the deliberate manipulation of the Earth’s weather.

Page 43 of the document confirms the U.S. government “conducts or funds limited research into solar radiation modification” (SRM), which involves the use of airplanes or balloons to disperse potentially dangerous chemicals into the stratosphere allegedly to reflect sunlight away from Earth.

SRM is practiced in the name of so-called “climate change,” according to advocates.

The same page of the White House document also confirms that U.S. Congress has been directing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to fund SRM research “for the last several years.”

Moreover, a 2010 report published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office implies billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent over the past few decades on geoengineering efforts.

Kristen Meghan, a former U.S. Air Force officer, has revealed alarming details about the U.S. government’s involvement in weather modification, commonly known as chemtrails.

Initially skeptical, Meghan discovered that she had been unknowingly approving the hazardous chemicals used in these operations, including nanoparticulate metals like strontium, aluminum, and silver iodide.

I realized it was actually coming right out of my office as I was one of the people that was approving the chemicals,” Meghan recounted.

She warned of the severe health risks posed by these chemicals, including contamination of food and water, and linked them to rising cases of neurodegenerative diseases and respiratory issues, urging public action to address the problem.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) vowed to stop airplanes from carrying out the “crime” of spraying chemicals over Americans as part of his future role in the Trump administration, should the former president win in November.

In March 2021, announced the release of its groundbreaking documentary, The Dimming, which purports to expose the existence of global weather intervention operations.

Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs?” the documentary’s description asks.

Watch The Dimming below:


October 8, 2024


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