Inventor Of Free Energy Electrical Generator: ‘I’ve Been Poisoned Several Times’
What is a free energy machine? It doesn’t mean free as in the monetary sense, but more so free as in the resource being extracted to produce the energy, as Nikola Tesla once said, is available in “unlimited quantities”.
It’s not like extracting oil from the Earth, and using that oil to power our planet because we know, first of all, that it’s destroying our planet; secondly, it’s not a limitless source of energy.
Adam Trombly and colleague Joseph Kahn designed and applied for patents for the Closed Path Homopolar Generator, a revolutionary design for super-efficient generation of electrical power. He explains the suppression of free energy machines.
We have more than enough technology and resources to completely change the way we produce energy here on Earth. Why does it take so long to implement them? Why don’t we ever see them?
New developments in all areas of science, especially ones that don’t seem to fit the frame, always receive harsh criticism, and are dealt blows to their progress and acceptance with labels like “pseudoscience”.
This is discouraging, as non-material science seems to be the next catalyst for a scientific revolution, which is why hundreds of scientists from around the world are coming together to emphasize this.
“The day science beings to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” said Nikola Tesla.
Tesla also once said that “Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel… We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians…
Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static, or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic – and this we know it is, for certain – then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of nature.”
This is exactly what we talk about here, and why legendary quantum physicist John Wheeler told the world that: “No point is more central than this, that space is not empty, it is the seat of the most violent physics.”
More Advanced than Current “Clean Energies”
The truth is that there are developments which are far more advanced than wind, solar, and other clean energy initiatives that could completely transform our planet and change the world forever. Imagine if everyone on the planet had access to clean, free, limitless amounts of energy, for an unlimited period of time?
If they do exist, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that they do, then we are sitting on developments that can revolutionize our planet.
The question is, where are they? Why is there so much red tape, and why does it take decades for a revolutionary idea and or technology to hit the mainstream?
As it turns out, it’s not the technology that will change our world, but the consciousness and intention behind our technological developments.
37 Years to Grant Patent
One great example (out of many) of delayed patent applications come from Dr. Gerald F. Ross. He filed a patent application for a new invention he had devised to defeat the jamming of electromagnetic transmissions at specified frequencies. It was not until June 17, 2014 (almost 37 years later) that this patent was granted.
The program delaying patent applications is called the Sensitive Application Warning System (SWAS). Usually, when an application is submitted for a patent approval it requires a couple of examiners who work with the Patent office to go through their process of approval.
This process usually takes approximately 1 to 2 years, but applications that are filed in SAWS must be approved by several people and can be delayed for a number of years.
It’s also important to note (as reported by the Federation of American Scientists) that there were over 5,000 inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of the Fiscal Year 2014, which marked the highest number of secrecy orders in effect since 1994.
The Invention Secrecy Act
This is all thanks to an act many people are unaware of. It’s called the Invention Secrecy Act and it was written up in 1951. Under this act, patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders.
These orders can restrict their publication if government agencies believe that their disclosure would be harmful to national security.
So what type of technology is under restriction under the Invention Secrecy Act? We don’t really know, but a previous list from 1971 was obtained by researcher Michael Ravnitzky. Most of the technology listed seems to be related to various military applications. This is what Steven Aftergood from the Federation of American Scientists said about it: “The 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of 70-80%.”
Adam Trombly and colleague Joseph Kahn designed and applied for patents for the Closed Path Homopolar Generator, a potentially revolutionary design for super-efficient generation of electrical power. In June of 1982, International Letters of Patent were published by the International Patent Cooperation Treaty Organization. You can view that patent here.
The difference between the international patents and the US patent system is that in the US the material of the patent is secret until the patent is granted, while overseas the application itself is the basis of the patent, which stands until challenged by a third party.
The abstract for the patent reads as follows:
“A co-rotating generator homopolar has a rotor (12) comprising a driver disc (30) and the co-rotating co-axial electro-magnets (32a and 32b) on each side, and has an improved operation using a magnetic return circuit low reluctance for the magnetic flux which passes through the driver disc (30).
The low reluctance circuit allows the electro-magnets (32a and 32b) to produce a high intensity field with a value of the excitation current of the relatively low coil. Therefore, overheating is eliminated and the total potential of zero sequence generator is obtained.
The low magnetic reluctance return circuit (220) is preferably formed by a co-rotating enclosure of relatively high permeability (with halves of speakers (37a and 37b) of sufficient radial and axial dimensions for holding the electromagnets and the driver disc of the rotor. The driver disc (30) is constructed preferably with a material of high permeability, low resistivity, such as iron, and may of course be integral with the cores of the electromagnets (35a and 35b).”
The Casimir Effect
The Casimir Effect is a proven example of the free energy that cannot be debunked. It illustrates zero point or vacuum state energy, which predicts that two metal plates close together attract each other due to an imbalance in the quantum fluctuations.
You can see a visual demonstration of this concept here. The implications of this are far-reaching and have been written about extensively within theoretical physics by researchers all over the world.
Today, we are beginning to see that these concepts are not just theoretical, but instead very practical; the only reason they are not being widely utilized today is simply that they have been suppressed.
“There is significant evidence that scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but that its existence and potential use has been discouraged and indeed suppressed over the past half century or more.” – Dr. Theodor C. Loder III, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, University of New Hampshire.
Vacuums generally are thought to be voids, but Hendrik Casimir believed these pockets of nothing do indeed contain fluctuations of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that two metal plates held apart in a vacuum could trap the waves, creating vacuum energy that could attract or repel the plates.
As the boundaries of a region move, the variation in vacuum energy (zero-point energy) leads to the Casimir effect.
Recent research was done at Harvard University, Vrije University in Amsterdam and elsewhere has proved the Casimir effect correct.
“These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world and yet they have not really seen the light of day. If these technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the history of the world” – Dr. Brian O’leary, former Princeton Physics Professor and NASA Astronaut.
Harold E. Puthoff is an American Physicist and Ph.D. from Stanford University and researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas.
He published a paper in the journal Physical Review A (atomic, molecular and optical physics) entitled Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force.
His paper proposed a model in which gravity is not a separately existing fundamental force, but is rather an induced effect associated with zero-point fluctuations of the vacuum, as illustrated by the Casimir force.
Another astonishing paper entitled Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum, by the same researchers, this time in conjunction with Daniel C. Cole, Ph.D. and Associate Professor at Boston University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering was published in the same journal.
“Relatively recent proposals have been made in the literature for extracting energy and heat from electromagnetic zero-point radiation via the use of the Casimir force. The basic thermodynamics involved in these proposals is analyzed and clarified here, with the conclusion that yes, in principle, these proposals are correct.”
So, as you can see, these are not new ideas.
“These are not just fringe scientists with science fiction ideas. They are mainstream ideas being published in mainstream physics journals and being taken seriously by mainstream military and NASA type funders… I’ve been taken out on aircraft carries by the Navy and shown what it is we have to replace if we have new energy sources to provide new fuel methods.” – Dr. Puthoff Paramahamsa Tewari.
What’s interesting about the story from Trombly, is the fact that he mentions Paramahamsa Tewari. Tewari has also lectured with him and attended multiple conferences with Trombly. There is no shortage of videos from Trombly.
Tewari was successful in eliminating the back torque of the generator. What happens when you do that? He explains it on his website, where you can find more resources about him, his machine and his work. Unfortunately, he recently passed away, and one of his papers was recently published in Physics Essays. The full version is available on his website. Much of his work has been copied, stolen and published by many others.
You can see footage of Tewari’s machine here.
The over unity test results are confirmed at the Kirloskar factory (India) where the vice president, factory manager, and lead electrical engineer discuss their replication of the device and over unity test results. Below is a great picture of Tewari discussing his breakthroughs with former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics professor, Dr. Brian O’Leary.
Why do we mention Tewari? Because Trombly believes in Tewari’s work. According to Trombly, “As the eighties progressed, copies of the Closed Path Homopolar Generator patent had circulated throughout the world. One scientist, Paramahamsa Tewari, who was then Head of Quality Control for the Tarapore Atomic Power Station in Trombay, India, received permission to carry out experiments with the design.
In 1986, Tewari (with the blessing of the late Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi) published results of experiments carried out with a crude facsimile of the machine described in the patent. In the American Industrial Journal Magnets, Tewari wrote: ‘The test results have shown an efficiency of the machine above 250%’.”
It was the first time in human history that claims of greater than 100% output had been independently verified by a bona fide third party using the description of the art provided by a patent document.
A prototype of Tewari’s (from his own mind, not influenced by anyone, he influenced others in the field, he is an originator) machine was tested by Kirloskar Electric, a manufacturer of electrical generators in India. There, it exhibited 165% efficiency (over-unity).
Testimony of Violent Suppression
Below are a couple of clips of Adam taken from the Thrive documentary. There are multiple videos and lectures by him up on YouTube.
“Lord Kelvin’s statements bare with it the voice of paradigms past… We knew that the Earth was flat, we knew that we were the center of the universe, and we knew that a man-made heavier than air piece of machinery could not take flight.
Through all stages of human history, intellectual authorities have pronounced their supremacy by ridiculing or suppressing elements of reality that simply didn’t fit within the framework of accepted knowledge. Are we really any different today?
Have we really changed our acceptance towards things that won’t fit the frame? Maybe there are concepts of our reality we have yet to understand, and if we open our eyes maybe we will see that something significant has been overlooked.” – Terje Toftenes.
November 7, 2018
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