On Friday, June 21, International Yoga Day is celebrated around the world.

The MISA Yoga School, together with the ATMAN Federation and other international schools, will have a special spiritual program, intending that the spiritual strength created by this union contributes to raising the level of global consciousness.

We invite you to participate in this exceptional event that will be organized in many cities across the country and abroad!

In Bucharest, the International Yoga Day will be celebrated at Pipera 1 (3-5 Dimitrie Pompeiu Boulevard) through a very rich program, including paranormal spiritual exemplifications, lectures by our spiritual guide, yang spiral meditation, artistic yoga and other surprises.

Special program for the International Yoga Day

Friday, June 21, 2019

18:00-18:03 Consecration of the fruits of the spiritual program to God the Father
18:03-18:15 Introductory presentation
18:15-18:25 Artistic yoga
18:25-18:40 Presentation of some introductory elements relating to the astrological moment of the summer solstice (simultaneously with the formation of the spiral)
18:40-19:10 Yang spiral meditation on the occasion of the summer solstice
19:10-19:20 Presentation of the anniversary edition of the magazine Yoga Magazin (No. 99-100), which includes 100 classic Hatha Yoga body postures, followed by a brief presentation on the strength of unison and the importance of doing spiritual actions in unison.
19:25-19:35 Paranormal spiritual exemplification supported by triple energy by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, on the theme “The state of happiness”.
19:40-20-20:40 Lecture by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
, on the theme “The revealed fundamental mystery of ASANA body postures, which are, in the Hatha Yoga system, a fast and important mean of dynamization, of beneficial transformation of both the invisible layers of the being and of the physical body” (first part)
20:45-21:00 Paranormal spiritual exemplification supported by triple energy by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, on the theme “Exemplary Communion with God the Father”.
21:05-22:20 Lecture by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
, on the theme “The revealed fundamental mystery of ASANA body postures, which are, in the Hatha Yoga system, a fast and important mean of dynamization, of beneficial transformation of both the invisible layers of the being and of the physical body” (second part)
22.25-00:15 Screening of the documentary “Sacred Erotism” (first part). Filmmaker: yoga instructor Dan Bozaru.

On Friday, June 21, 2019, the scheduled yoga classes will not take place so that all those who wish to do so will have the opportunity to participate in this exceptional event.


June 20, 2019


Also available in: Română Français

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