Lindsey Graham admits the real reason for the US’s unlimited funding of the Russia-Ukraine war

As expected, it has nothing to do with preserving freedom or “democracy”

Neoconservative, warmongering lawmaker from South Carolina says US wants access to Ukraine’s “$10 to $12 trillion in critical minerals.”

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) is the first member of the Washington establishment to speak out loud about US funding of the Ukraine-Russia war, which is in reality a war between the US/NATO and Russia. Ukraine is just NATO’s proxy.

In an interview with CBS News Face the Nation, Senator Graham said Washington cannot afford to let Russia win its war with Ukraine because that would mean losing direct access to enormous natural resources.

Graham called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “megalomaniac” who is trying to “recreate the Russian empire by force of arms,” starting with Ukraine – a popular argument of Washington neoconservatives that has no basis in fact. Graham claimed that if Moscow wins the war, it will seize Ukraine’s wealth and “share it with China.”

Share with China? That’s coming from a globalist lawmaker who has no problem with China buying up valuable American farmland and businesses while voting for policies that incentivize the outsourcing of all of America’s industrial infrastructure to China.

Graham suggested that this ‘gold mine’ would be better claimed by the United States and its allies.

You’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion worth of important minerals in Ukraine,” Graham said. “It could become the richest country in all of Europe. If we help Ukraine now, it can become the best business partner we’ve ever dreamed of. Those $10 to $12 trillion in important minerals could be used by Ukraine and the West, rather than left to Putin and China.”

You can watch the video clip of Graham making these claims in this post on X:

But wait a minute. I thought this war was about defending freedom and democracy. So it’s really just about money and resources?

Thank you, Senator Graham, for telling the truth. You just admitted on national television that everything the American people have been told by the military-industrial complex and its lackeys in Congress, not to mention the corporate media, about why we are sending billions to Ukraine is a blatant lie. More than two years of fake news were erased by this one-minute segment from Lindsey Graham.

Graham may have told part of the truth, but not the whole truth. The US/NATO wants to control not only Ukraine’s vast natural resources, but also Russia’s. Russia’s natural resources dwarf those of Ukraine. The country has huge amounts of natural gas, oil, gold and rare earths. That is why they have openly called for regime change in Russia to replace Putin with a Western puppet who better suits the financial interests of Western-based transnational corporations.

Here is an older video in which the late warmonger John McCain admits that natural resources such as gas are at stake. Russia is the world’s gas station.

Lest you think my analysis is a pipe dream, you should know that dividing Russia into several countries and stealing its resources has long been a theme among Western elites, and they know that this can only be achieved through war. The US government’s Helsinki Commission held a briefing before Congress on June 23, 2022, discussing ways to divide Russia into several smaller countries in the name of alleged “decolonization” and “anti-imperialism.”

Graham had obviously not been following the news. It was war politicians like himself who were punished in the European elections. People in the West do not want war with Russia, and they certainly do not want their sons and daughters put through the Ukrainian meat grinder.

But there could be another, more disturbing possibility. What if America’s establishment war politicians like Graham are assured that they no longer have to fear election results, unlike their globalist friends in Europe? Let’s hope that’s not the case, but the timing of the bird flu fear campaign being ramped up now seems a bit odd, doesn’t it? Another pandemic means unfettered access to mail-in voting, and then we have another rigged election.

Pray for peace. Let’s resist the evil of globalism with its constant wars, famines, fake news, fake food, and fake vaccines.

Author: Leo Hohmann


June 15, 2024


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