NASA Discovered Proof of Portals and Has Just Sent Four Spacecrafts to Test Them
Portals have long been considered mere fiction, but it appears that NASA has gathered concessive evidence of such doorways connecting distant places in our solar system.
There’s science in science-fiction, and that science is becoming fiction, and vice-versa. In 1998, data sent by NASA’s Polar spacecraft revealed that portals were opening up all around Earth’s atmosphere, the kind that allows one to travel incommensurable distances in a blink of an eye.
“We call them X-points, or electron diffusion regions,” explained plasma physicist Jack Scudder of the University of Iowa. “They’re places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the Sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away.”
As unrealistic as this may sound, it is all based on real science. These X-points are ripples in space and time that connect all celestial bodies with a magnetic field. They were probably called X-points instead of wormholes to not draw too much attention to them. At the moment, NASA and other space agencies are trying to figure out a way to send material objects through these portals, as only charged particles were seen doing this before.
In fact, energetic particles flowing through these openings are responsible for phenomena on Earth, such as geomagnetic storms, polar auroras, light pillars, and the heating of Earth’s upper atmosphere. In turn, particles from our side of the fence are hurtling through the openings and meeting the Sun.
Light pillars over Alaska
These X-points are typically found some tens of thousands of kilometers from Earth, above Middle Earth orbit, into geosynchronous orbit (GSO) and predominantly in High Earth orbit, 22.000 miles above the blue dot. This is the point where the geomagnetic field meets Sun’s magnetic field and form these bizarre wormholes.
Some are tiny and last for a brief moment, while others are huge and can withstand for long periods of time. While information is somehow vague on this topic, maybe it can be presumed that an example surprised by a UFO hunter is of an X-point opening up in Earth’s middle/high orbit. It only lasts for a brief moment, but it sure fits the above description.
So why isn’t NASA testing this technology already? And most important, why is there no fuss in the media about it?
First thing to consider is that such observations are fairly novel. The second thing to have in mind is that a thorough analysis takes considerable time. These magnetic portals are also invisible to the naked eye, they don’t last long and appear in random spots. This is why NASA prepared a squad of four satellites equipped with energetic particle detectors and magnetic sensors to reach High Earth orbit in 2014. However, the mission was postponed till 2015, when the probes were launched and reached Middle Earth orbit.
Based on data collected by the Polar spacecraft, researchers determined how these X-points looked like and how they behaved.
“Using Polar data, we found five simple combinations of magnetic field energetic particle measurements that tell us when we’ve come across an X-point or an electron diffusion region,” said Scudder. “A single spacecraft, properly instrumented, can make these measurements.”
The new Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) will provide high resolution images of these areas. In February 2017, the probes began a three-months endeavour into a higher orbit, reaching from middle to High Earth orbit, which is twice as far as previously flown.
The mission is wrapped in a certain aura of secrecy, possibly because of national security reasons. The official report stipulates that the mission will “continue to map out the fundamental characteristics of space around Earth, helping us understand the key region through which our satellites and astronauts travel.ˮ MMS will transit through regions where vast explosions called “magnetic reconnectionsˮ occur, and will beam back high-res images of this phenomenon.
Nothing is mentioned about the X-points, but reading through the lines reveals certain ideas. After all, NASA is not lying to us, it’s just using a layer mask on all explanations, which go beyond the trivial speech. Scudder couldn’t oppose his enthusiasm back in 2012 when he asserted in Warp Drive and Beyond From Here To The Stars: The Physics and History behind Advanced Theoretical Propulsion (Volume 1) – “It’s a shortcut worthy of the best portals of fiction, only this time the portals are real. And with the new signposts we know how to find them.”
Now that is known what their true mission is, how should be interpreted their intent to “understand the key region through which our satellites and astronauts travelˮ? Is it possible that they have already achieved warp drive and/or portal travel? Are they already sending spacecrafts through X-points?
Whatever the case, the future tends to mirror the universe of Star Wars, which is probably not just a work of fiction anymore. It remains only a matter of time until they lay all cards on the table and bring the future into everyone’s reality.
November 26, 2017
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