NATO has become the military wing of a globalist power structure that promotes the self-destruction of all nations and a depopulated world

One of NATO’s main missions is to spread instability around the world and use the military-industrial complex to intimidate countries that do not bow to the militant, anti-family, anti-God agenda coming from Western capitals and supported by the Western media.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reaffirmed the alliance’s commitment to defending the rights of LGBTQ people, joining numerous Western politicians, institutions and organizations marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

Author Jose Nino summed this up well in an article for Big League Politics:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is pursuing to spread degenerate values abroad. While Russia appears to have great success against NATO-backed Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine, NATO leadership is using bizarre virtue-mongering to distract from the miserable failure of this proxy war against Russia.

Since the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has been particularly outspoken about NATO’s values and why it is an institution to be trusted, despite its long history of causing instability abroad – from Serbia to Libya.”

On May 17, Stoltenberg reaffirmed NATO’s commitment to LGBTQ+ values by arrogantly declaring in a post that the current Western value system and what it is based on is more connected to progressist agenda than to protecting its member states.

NATO exists to defend 32 nations and the right of our peoples to live freely and in peace. On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and every day, all love is equal. LGBTQ+ people deserve respect and dignity, and I am proud to call myself your ally.”

Nino reminds us why NATO was founded after World War II in 1949 to counter the influence of the Soviet Union on the European continent.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, NATO has worked to reshape the world in America’s increasingly dysfunctional pattern. Its interventions from the Balkans to Libya have brought nothing but damage and instability.”

NATO is no longer viewed as a defense alliance by most countries in the world.

NATO’s wars of aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999 and against Libya in 2011, as well as the long-term occupation of Afghanistan, have meant that the country is not freer or better off in 2021 than it was after the invasion 20 years earlier, but much more dangerous because a great number of American and Western weapons are in the hands of Taliban terrorists.

But even more destructive is the fact that NATO works with an army of neo-Marxist and cultural Marxist nonprofits to promote values that are at odds with those of the Bible, including gay marriage, abortion on demand up until birth, and the ability for children to choose their own sex, along with the whole idea of gender as a social construct designed to “suppress sexually deviant and psychically disturbed people.” Why do they promote ideas that are so destructive to society? Because they know that no nation can survive for long without strong beneficial moral values and devotion to a higher authority that is above carnal man.

Nino adds:

Any country that gets involved with NATO catches the venereal disease of multiculturalism, sexual degeneration and social decay. But above all, NATO is a tangled military alliance with a crusading ideology that threatens world peace.”

No nation can survive without strong men. Transgender women (biological men pretending to be women) walking around in skirts do not usually make good military officers, but this exact behavior is now being encouraged and supported by the military forces of the US, Europe, Australia, Canada and Israel. This group of nations will all suffer catastrophic defeats at the hands of Russia and China if they continue with their plans to herd the bear and create a scenario for World War III, all while indulging in the lowest form of human behavior.

At the heart of this Western globalist agenda is the demonic attempt to depopulate the world according to the principles of the Georgia Guidestones and other globalist texts. Because everyone knows that same-sex marriages do not produce children. Castrated, mutilated and transsexual youths do not reproduce either.

Every truly free and independent nation should immediately withdraw from this military alliance, and non-members should also completely free themselves from NATO’s Luciferian psychological clutches. For NATO’s psychopathic leaders base their speech and actions on moral decay, warmongering and satanic lust for power over the free spirits of people everywhere.


June 2, 2024


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