NATO is testing all systems for a conflict with Russia: thousands of paratroopers were dropped in the Baltics and Romania!

NATO’s largest military mobilization since World War II became a reality with the massive airdrop of thousands of paratroopers into the Baltic countries and Romania.

In total, NATO mobilized 90,000 troops for the Steadfast Defender 24 exercise to test all protection systems.

Thousands of NATO paratroopers are dropped in the Baltics and Romania

Up to 2,000 paratroopers from six allied countries took part in the exercise in Romania: USA, Romania, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, France and Spain.

The exercise scenario envisaged the dropping of paratroopers from 14 transport aircraft such as US C-17, French and German A400M, as well as the occupation of airfields in the Turda and Chinku regions.

The main phase of the exercise took place on May 12, at the 71st Air Base “General Emmanuel Ionescu” in Campia Turzii.

The aim of the exercise was the rapid and massive deployment of forces to protect the eastern NATO area. The scenario envisaged massive parachute drops into the enemy’s rear in order to effectively prepare and support defensive operations.

A total of 13,000 NATO paratroopers took part in the month-long exercise, which is being carried out in the Baltics and the Balkans.

Exercise Swift Response 24 is a U.S.-led exercise designed to demonstrate U.S. capabilities and cooperation with NATO Allies. This exercise is part of NATO’s Steadfast Defender exercise, which provides a strong demonstration of the Alliance’s resolve and ability to implement and execute deterrence and defense across the Euro-Atlantic region.

In addition, similar exercises will soon take place in other NATO and partner countries, including the Republic of Moldova.

At the same time, the United States has launched air defense and missile defense exercises in Europe as part of the Astral Knight 2024 program. More than 5,000 military personnel will take part in the exercises.

47,000 soldiers mobilized by Germany – testing the surveillance system

Around 35,000 German soldiers are ready to help the allies in an “emergency” said Chancellor Olaf Scholz during a visit to Latvia.

The security situation in the Baltic countries remains tense.

That is why Germany and other allies decided two years ago to deploy additional units to the Baltic states in order to significantly strengthen NATO’s eastern wing,” the German Chancellor said in this context, according to the Federal Government’s press service.

It is pointed out that Germany will take over the protection of the airspace of Estonia and, from 2024, of Latvia. Scholz stressed that the Bundeswehr will focus on protecting northeastern and central Europe.

In October 2023, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced that Germany would keep 35,000 troops on alert to implement NATO’s new deterrence and defense strategy.

From 2025, they would be deployed as part of the 25th Division and would then be available at various levels of NATO operational readiness.

The German commitment is part of NATO’s plans for a new military model, which envisages keeping 300,000 soldiers in a high state of readiness for possible future NATO missions.

At the same time, the Bundeswehr is taking part in the NATO exercises Quadriga 2024. These are a series of exercises that test the ability to transport troops to the eastern flank of the alliance.

12,000 German soldiers practice transporting ground troops to the eastern side of NATO. The main purpose of the exercise is to test the military surveillance capabilities of the Allies and their ability to deal with Russia.

The head of the training department of the German Army Command, Colonel Dirk Hamann, stressed that the deployment of troops throughout the NATO area should be ensured.

In particular, military units will be relocated from the northern parts of Norway to Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and Romania, thus covering the entire eastern side of NATO from north to south.

These NATO exercises are planned to take place over a period of two years.

The German officer also pointed out that during recent exercises in the Arctic Circle, the Bundeswehr demonstrated its ability to move troops over strategic distances under difficult weather and climatic conditions.

The USA sends the 10th Mountain Division to Eastern Europe

Several thousand soldiers from the 3rd Brigade of the 10th U.S. Mountain Division, stationed at Fort Johnson, Louisiana, are being deployed to Eastern Europe.

According to US sources, they will replace the 101st Airborne Division, but this will depend on further developments.

The 3rd Brigade of the 10th Mountain Division will be stationed in Romania and several other Eastern European countries. It includes a headquarters, three infantry regiments, and an artillery, engineer and cavalry regiment.

In September, the U.S. Army deployed 3,400 soldiers from the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions to southeastern Europe and Scandinavia.

Recently, troops of the 3rd Brigade of the 10th Mountain Infantry Brigade operated in Northern Europe, particularly in Norway, Sweden and Finland.


May 28, 2024


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