Sasha Latypova describes how to recognize controlled opposition

When you see that the person recognizes that vaccines are dangerous, and acknowledges the role of the pharmaceutical industry, but studiously ignores the role of the government, then you know they are being controlled.”

Sasha Latypova, a retired research and development executive in the pharmaceutical industry, states in an interview with Counterspin Media that “controlled opposition is definitely a real phenomenon” and “certainly was not invented specifically for this event [covid].”

There is a famous quote by Vladimir Lenin that says that “The best way to defeat the opposition is to lead it yourself,” says Latypova, noting that it has become much easier to do this “because of technology and the possibilities for falsification: fake stories, fake credentials, and the propaganda machine is immense.”

Most of [the government’s covid spending] has been spent on propaganda. This is not surprising. Because they have to win people’s consciousness first before they can get them involved in all the other events,” Latypova adds.

The retired pharmaceutical manager advises:

Pay attention to the words, to spot them. I always tell people: Pay attention to the words. Ignore who is speaking and what they said before, but pay attention to what they are saying now. For example, if you see the person admitting that vaccines are dangerous, that there are deaths and injuries, that the pharmaceutical industry has a role in this – that the pharmaceutical industry has profit motives, all that – but studiously avoids the government’s role in this, then you know they are being controlled.”

Latypova goes on to stress the fact that the covid crimes (i.e. the injections) “don’t just affect the pharmaceutical industry.” She adds: “It is a merging of the government with the corporations, and that is fascism. This is fascism spreading over us.”

Latypova also says that she “published that the pharmaceutical industry is very, very evil because they knowingly produced poison.”

But to properly prosecute a criminal activity, you have to understand the hierarchy,” Latypova adds. “And the hierarchy here is that the government is doing this through the pharmaceutical industry as the defender, as the poison producer to whom it has granted – as Pfizer calls it in its court documents – ‘derived sovereign immunity.’ That is the way the crime is carried out.”

Another piece of advice from the pharmaceutical veteran:

When you see people discussing this the way I just laid it out, and understanding the role of government and the pharmaceutical industry together, then they’re probably telling you the truth. If they’re assiduously avoiding government and preserving the government’s ability to declare pandemics based on nothing, then you know for sure that it’s controlled opposition. Because they’re preserving the core of the castle, and they’re giving away a lot of elements, but they’re definitely going to preserve that castle: which is the government’s ability to tell you there’s a pandemic and then move on to fascism.”


July 9, 2024


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