Serbian President Vucic: We will have a full-scale war in 3-4 months – We control what we have in oil, flour, sugar.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic gave a long interview to the Swiss weekly newspaper Weltwoche in which he revealed that Serbia controls the reserves of oil, flour and sugar because there will be a world war in 3 to 4 months.

Aleksandar Vucic

Since the Serbian president has excellent relations with Putin and Moscow, it is possible that Vucic knows what is going on behind the scenes and that he has issued a Russian ultimatum to NATO, especially after the admission of the deployment of Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets at NATO bases in Romania and Poland.

In the interview he said, among others:

“The rhetoric is getting worse every day and reminds me of a well-known historian:

I think we are approaching the last days when we can review and reflect on the events in Ukraine. If the major powers do not act soon, then yes, I am quite sure we are facing a real catastrophe.

If you bet that someone is bluffing, you don’t have better cards. You just think that the other person has worse cards. You are not sure because you don’t know your cards and you haven’t seen them. I am always very cautious and cautious when it comes to assessing Putin’s wishes or possible future moves.

What makes the situation even more complicated is the fact that everyone is only talking about war. Nobody is looking for peace. Nobody is talking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

I find it very strange that no one is trying to end the war. There is another theory that I understand.

I am not saying that I approve of them; that the West believes it can easily defeat Putin, that it wants to exhaust him in Ukraine, that he will then invade space, that Russia will no longer exist with its current territory, that Putin will be overthrown and so on. Maybe that is doable, but…….

Why do I say we are on the brink? Analyze the situation of NATO and the United States. They cannot afford to lose the war in Ukraine.

Secondly, the geopolitical position of Europe and the entire West will deteriorate to such an extent that no one will be able to regenerate and renew it.

Third, this will open Pandora’s box for further moves and hostilities against the collective West in the future. But let’s look at the other side. If Putin loses the war, he will (first) personally lose everything. Secondly, he will have no descendants from someone who created a common denominator for Ivan, Peter the Great and Catherine the Great.

And thirdly, Russia in its current form will no longer exist. And when these two sides are so far apart in their wishes and expectations, you can see that everything is at stake!

Everything. Nobody can afford to lose. In this situation, we are probably approaching a real catastrophe. And then we come to another question. Who is ready to lose 1 million, 2 million, 5 million, 10 million people? Ask yourself. I am not ready to lose even one person. And we will not participate in that. But that is a question for others.

I can’t use the word ‘World War III,’ but I think we are not far from this major conflict! No more than 3-4 months! And there is a risk that it will break out even sooner.

In Europe, leaders act like great heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a high price if war comes.

The world is changing, even if we don’t want to admit it, but it’s changing every day and much faster than ever before. And when you have these kinds of conflicts of interest, you get close to major conflicts and major wars. And I don’t know how you could stop that.

To be honest, I wish so. Today I checked the amount of our stocks of oil, flour, sugar, salt and everything else, because I don’t know what tomorrow will bring for all of us.”


June 15, 2024


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