Several devastating tirades against Von der Leyen: “You belong in prison!”, “A disgrace for every democracy”, “You kill people”!

It is time someone told you what the majority of Europeans think of you.” This is what Polish MEP Ewa Zajaczkowska (Confederal Group) said to Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament.

Her appointment as President of the EU Commission was “a big mistake,” said Zajaczkowska.

You are the face of the European Green Deal, which is destroying the European economy and agriculture,” said the MEP. “You are the face of the climate madness in the EU, which is making Europeans poorer and poorer.”

Von der Leyen is also the face of the migration pact that is making millions of women and children in Europe unsafe in their own cities. “You are responsible for every rape, every sexual assault and every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal migrants because you welcome these people into Europe.”

Von der Leyen does not belong in the European Commission, but in prison, said Zajaczkowska. “Her presidency is the downfall of the European Union.”

Von der Leyen didn’t dare look at her while she spoke. “What a pity,” said the MEP. “We want a Europe of free and sovereign countries, not a sick left-wing ideology,” she concluded her sharp tirade.

Von der Leyen was re-elected as President of the European Commission on July 18 afternoon.

Entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand wrote on X:

How can someone under whose ‘leadership’:

  • a great war began on the European continent,
  • Europe’s critical energy infrastructure (Nordstream) was blown up by an unknown power and there was no desire to investigate this,
  • Europe unconditionally supported a genocide in Gaza,
  • Europe’s economy grew considerably slower than other major economies,
  • Europe’s voice on the international stage lost all relevance by either parroting the Americans or boasting of hypocritical ‘values’,

want to be re-elected based on a platform of ‘strength and leadership’?

The war will continue under her “leadership,” and even expand:

Mrs von der Leyen, you are a disgrace to every democracy. You should be ashamed of yourself” said MEP Christine Anderson (AfD).

You, Ursula, you kill people” shouted a Romanian MEP to von der Leyen during EP during the plenary session on July 18, 2024.


July 22, 2024


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