Spanish researchers make a remarkable announcement: The world is not controlled by humans

Now we’re really going deep down the rabbit hole. Spanish researchers from La Quinta Columna made a rather bizarre announcement at a meeting in Madrid on May 18.

They referred to the work of American surgeon Roger Leir, who studied people who claimed to have been abducted by malefic extraterrestrials. In a number of cases, Dr. Leir removed implants from their bodies. These turned out to be made of carbon nanotubes and graphene.

The nanotechnology that is injected into the vaccinated people is an advanced version of these implants, according to biostatistician Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna. In his opinion, this technology has been implanted en masse in humans by “another species” that parasitizes humanity.

The text from the video posted on virtual communication networks:

“Vallecas Book Fair, May 18, 2024.

Message from La Quinta Columna to the entire world population.

After scientifically observing under the microscope what they called “vaccines”, evidencing that they contain nano and micro technology based on graphene, having made a review of our history, after all the official media have reduced to silence the discovery we made, and after analysing the injectables (covid “vaccines” and all kinds of inoculates), we can say loud and clear:

The world is not being run by human beings.

Our message is conclusive.

Our entire species is being implanted so as to neuromodulate behavior, actions and thoughts.

The proof is under the microscope.”

La Quinta Columna met Steve Colbern, who worked with Dr. Leir to learn more about the implants, which he believes are the worst that has ever occurred to humanity.

These malefic extraterrestrial beings have been here and have ruled the world from the beginning. And we can back up our statements with scientific evidence,” said Delgado.

José Luis Sevillano of La Quinta Columna said that those in power are trying to influence humanity in every way possible, through drugs, culture, loud disharmonious music, electromagnetic radiation and so on. They want to control our brain and nervous system, our thoughts and feelings.

We have found the truth in a world full of lies. Our world is not controlled by humans. That may sound crazy. But if you look at it under the microscope, it sends a shiver down your spine. Another malefic species controls ours, and wages war. They poison us, through the air and the food,” says Sevillano.

We know relatively little about these creatures that have probably lived among us for thousands of years.

What I have been saying since the 1990s is now confirmed by the scientific team at La Quinta Columna,” commented speaker and author David Icke.


June 9, 2024


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