Attention! “Each of these beneficial moments, which are also enigmatic gifts that are offered to us by God, help us to understand and savour, spiritually speaking, the mysteries of the occult astral resonances. By focusing our attention firmly and continuously upon them, these ineffable moments also give us the opportunity to live plenarily and profoundly the mystery of the present moment.”
Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Motto: “Sometimes people stumble over the truth, but only the fools get up immediately and go on indifferently.”

All spiritual communions and exemplifications (except the astrological moments) will be broadcast live on MISA Senzational TV

All times are Central European Time (CET)


Saturday, June 1 – Children’s Day. Between 12:00-12:45: intense, plenary, profound communion with the state of candour of the child that exists in each of us.

Saturday, June 1, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Sincerity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 1, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Art, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Sunday, June 2, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Gentleness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Monday, June 3 – The Camp for Communion with the Godly Attributes begins, which will take place between June 3-9, both physically (at the “Rising Sun” holiday house in Șirnea) and online.

Monday, June 3, between 05:40-06:25 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mercury in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Neptune. Effects: awakens and gives rise to a refined, transfiguring way of thinking and favours the dynamisation of the power of penetrating consciousness. It represents a chance to discover some mysterious, unprecedented ways of overcoming the sphere of consciousness by cultivating the state of surrender to the Will of God the Father. It facilitates the spontaneous emergence of a state of great transfiguration and at the same time gives very good inner control over the fluctuations of consciousness. It makes it possible to amplify and refine the aspiration towards spiritual transformation, it makes it possible to penetrate occultly into the sphere of the collective subconscious, it allows the lightning elimination of phobias.

Monday, June 3, between 08:00-08:45 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Mercury in trine with the subtle force sphere of Pluto. Effects: This aspect is favourable for the creative association of the firm will with the ability of consciousness to find creative solutions, at the same time facilitating the overcoming of obstacles of all kinds. It awakens and amplifies inner diplomacy, inclination to study, energizes and amplifies creative force, awakens and enhances personal charm.

Tuesday, June 4, between 12:05-12:50 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Mercury in conjunction with the subtle force sphere of Jupiter. Effects: This aspect gives the awakening of the benevolent sensitivity, makes possible the awakening of artistic refinement, stimulates the creative imagination, makes possible the elevation of affective experiences, induces spiritualization and refinement of benevolent feelings, awakens and amplifies spiritual aspiration. It facilitates the awakening and energization of elevated mystical experiences and gives impetus to successful mobilization for the fulfillment of the great spiritual ideals of mankind. It makes the creative force enter into effervescence, energises and amplifies erotic refinement, favours the orientation and sublimation of beneficial subtle energies towards inspired artistic creativity.

Tuesday, June 4, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Contemplation, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Tuesday, June 4/ Wednesday, June 5 – Shivaratri. Between 23:40-00:10: Intense, plenary, deep communion with Shiva on the sacred occasion of Shivaratri.

Wednesday, June 5, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Genius, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, June 6, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Presence, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, June 7 – The Camp for Deepening the Communion with Maha Vidya Kamalatmika begins, which will take place between June 7-16 in Costinești and online, under the coordination of Advaitananda and Adina Stoian.

Friday, June 7, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Truth, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 8, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Health, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 8, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Compassion, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 8, from 22:30Ceremony of Adoration of the Great Macrocosmic Power Tara, performed in unison in Bucharest (at Pipera 1 Hall) and in several cities in Romania.

Saturday, June 8 / Sunday, June 9, between 23:30-00:00 – Deep spiritual communion with the archetype of the zodiac sign of Gemini.

Sunday, June 9, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: the state of plenary and deep communion with the members of the Supreme Galactic Council.

Sunday, June 9, from 17:00Meeting of the Group for Deepening the Spiritual Guide-Aspirant Relationship, held in unison.

Sunday, June 9, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Meaning, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Tuesday, June 11, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Infinity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, June 12, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Enthusiasm, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, June 13 – Ascension Day. Between 17:00-17:45: Spiritual communion with Jesus in glory, the ascension of Jesus from the physical world into the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father, God.

Thursday, June 13, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Love, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, June 14, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Mystery, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 15, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Generosity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 15, between 17:00-18:01 – Intense, plenary, deep communion with the soul of the Romanian people and with the soul of the Hungarian people.

Saturday, June 15, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Healthy Humour, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Sunday, June 16, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Wisdom, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Monday, June 17, between 14:30-15:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mercury in conjunction with the subtle sphere of force of Venus. Effects: it favours affectionate, empathic, intense and deep communication especially with loved ones, it brings about an ineffable state of harmony between the sphere of consciousness and the affective sphere of the being, it amplifies the impulse of conscious dedication to God, it awakens artistic creativity, romanticism, spontaneity and playfulness in couple relationships. It is a favourable moment for the sincere and open expression of emotional feelings. It brings out an ineffable charm in communication and confers eloquence. It awakens and amplifies the power of conscious dedication to noble ideals.

Tuesday, June 18, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Triumph, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, June 19 – The 8th International Congress for Yoga and Eastern & Western Alternative Therapies begins, taking place between June 19-23, online.

Wednesday, June 19, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Unity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, June 20 – Tripura Sundari. The favourable period for engaging in couple with love, continence and transfiguration is between 15:00 (Wednesday, June 19) and 09:00 (Thursday, June 20). Communion with the Great Macrocosmic Power Tripura Sundari takes place on Thursday, June 20 between 00:24-01:24. The time of maximum beneficial influence is at 00:54.

Thursday, June 20, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Infinity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, June 20 – The Sun enters the sign of Cancer. Between 22:40-23:55: Intense, profound and mysterious communion to enter into a state of occult resonance with the moment of the Summer Solstice. The Summer Solstice peak time is Thursday, June 20 at 22:51.

Friday, June 21 – International Yoga Day (established by the United Nations on June 21).

Friday, June 21, between 18:05-18:50 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Mercury in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Mars. Effects: Communion with the beneficial subtle energy of this aspect awakens and energizes the intuitive capacities of consciousness and energizes beneficial sensory perceptions. It brings forth the aspiration for knowledge and deep understanding of the beauties of life, facilitates ecstatic identification with Nature, facilitates the perception of God as the Mysterious Manifestation of the subtle force of life. It awakens the ability to act intelligently and consciously for good, it energizes the power of consciousness, the courage to express our ideas firmly. It amplifies the power of penetrating consciousness, practical intelligence, passion, romanticism. It enables us to overcome our superficiality, fear, doubts, in favour of awakening the strength of our conscience and spontaneity in action, it facilitates overcoming inertia, awakening the ability to find ingenious, effective solutions, it brings clarity of expression. It energizes the ability to translate beneficial ideas into action and facilitates the practical use of conscious perceptions. It fosters creativity, competitiveness and combativeness, and is a good opportunity to rid ourselves of silly prejudices. It helps to integrate harmoniously into the social sphere, it stimulates and enhances spontaneity and speed in making decisions, it awakens the state of harmony between the sphere of consciousness and the astral sphere.

Friday, June 21, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Consciousness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 22 – Full Moon. The period of the Full Moon’s inauspicious influence begins on Friday, June 21, at 09:08 am and ends on Saturday, June 22, at 21:08. The time of the Full Moon’s maximum inauspicious influence is Saturday, June 22 at 03:08.

Saturday, June 22, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Intelligence, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 22, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Expansion, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Sunday, June 23 – Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). Between 12:00-12:45: Intense, plenary, profound spiritual communion with the Christian feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit, which places us in an ineffable state of resonance with the Godly Grace that is poured into our inner universe.

Sunday, June 23, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Eternity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Monday, June 24, between 17:00-17:45 – Intense, plenary, deep communion with the mystical reality of the Holy Trinity.

Saturday, June 24 – CELEBRATION OF THE FAIRIES („Sânzienele” in Romanian – the Summer Fairies). Between 21:30-22:45: empathic spiritual communion with Sânzienele (Feele); in order to favour this mysterious communion, it is recommended to administer 5 grams of the plant Drăgaica or Sânziene (Galium Verum), finely ground, sublingually, 3 hours before. In order to facilitate the occult resonance with the mystical world of the Fairies, we suggest that this communion takes place this year in nature (best in a quiet forest or in a clearing) or in the city, in a park with trees and lots of greenery. Optionally, before this exemplification, a light offering can be made with 7 candles which will then be consecrated to the Fairies and 7 blessings will be made for them. When this communion takes place in a forest, we will try to evoke the Fairies in an affectionate way and we will try to perceive them as beautiful, pure, affectionate female creatures, radiating a specific candour. Finally, we can ask them to inspire us in our daily existence and to help us awaken our intuition and assist us in discovering the mysteries of the vegetal kingdom.

Tuesday, June 25, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Altruism, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, June 26, between 19:55-20:40 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Mercury in trine with the subtle force sphere of Saturn. Effects: This aspect awakens insight, observation, awakens the state of wisdom and facilitates the emergence of inspired, brilliant ideas. This aspect enables inner maturation through a correct and deep understanding of our responsibilities and awakens selflessness. It facilitates the attainment of inner peace and deep calm in the sphere of consciousness. It allows the rapid and definitive elimination of states of scattered consciousness, enhances the power of concentration, gives practical thinking, objectivity, punctuality.

Wednesday, June 26, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Goodness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, June 27, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Salvation (Redemption), which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, June 28 – The International Vira Mahavira Ananda Camp begins, which will take place from June 28 to July 7 in Costinești, Romania.

Friday, June 28, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Eternity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, June 28 / Saturday, June 29, between 22:40-00:10 – Spiritual exemplification: profound, ample communion with Shiva-Bhairava on the occasion of the sacred moment of Bhairava Ashtami. 

In the spiritual tradition of India, Bhairava is both a fundamental and formidable hypostasis of Shiva, a hypostasis that personifies the transcendent Godly reality. Terrifying or even frightening to the exacerbated and hoarding ego (ahamkara in Sanskrit), Bhairava is pure and ecstatic liberating Godly grace for the God-thirsty soul, and is considered one of the most graceful, protective and loving hypostases of God, as he is constantly blessing all humanity.

Saturday, June 29, between 06:35-07:20 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Venus in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Mars. Effects: favours the awakening of refined passion, romance, erotic and artistic refinement. It energizes the need to express feelings of love by amplifying the courage to express our emotional potential, it facilitates creativity and spontaneity, helping to release prejudices especially of an erotic nature. It leads to the transformation of limiting desires into spiritual states through surrender and unconditional giving. It awakens courage, self-fulfillment, annihilation of habits that are unhelpful to our emotional-relational evolution. It prepares to awaken the state of pure love, energizes tenderness in our being and allows overcoming shyness and prejudices about eros. It enhances the creative imagination, the state of transfiguration and harmony in the couple, the power of transformation of the being through love. It awakens and energises tenderness.

Saturday, June 29, between 12:00-12:45Spiritual communion with Saints Peter and Paul.

Saturday, June 29, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Good, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, June 29, between 17:00-17:45 – Intense, plenary, profound communion with the Soul of the Romanian people.

Saturday, June 29, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, full, deep, continuous communion with the sublime, endless, eternal, free, subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Authority, which we then draw abundantly into our inner universe.

Sunday, June 30, between 04:05-04:50 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mercury in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of Uranus. Effects: awakens and energizes spiritual intuition, the power of penetrating consciousness, the capacity for telepathic communication, awakens benevolent inventiveness, promotes freedom from silly prejudices. Enables healing through prayer and faith in God; facilitates communion with angelic entities. It is also a beneficial conjuncture that offers the opportunity for a spontaneous translation of consciousness into the mystical dimension of the supramental. It awakens and amplifies the power of concentration of the consciousness, makes possible the intuitive understanding of abstract values, gradually awakens the latent availabilities of the consciousness. It is also an excellent time to start the processes of purifying the consciousness and awakening the intuitive availabilities of the consciousness which, among others, improve memory.

Sunday, June 30, from 17:00Meeting of the Group for Deepening the Spiritual Guide-Aspirant Relationship, held in unison.

Sunday, June 30, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Absolute, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.


June 1, 2024


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