Attention! “Each of these beneficial moments, which are also enigmatic gifts that are offered to us by God, help us to understand and savour, spiritually speaking, the mysteries of the occult astral resonances. By focusing our attention firmly and continuously upon them, these ineffable moments also give us the opportunity to live plenarily and profoundly the mystery of the present moment.”
Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Motto: “Sometimes people stumble over the truth, but only the fools get up immediately and go on indifferently.”

All spiritual communions and exemplifications (except the astrological moments) will be broadcast live on MISA Senzational TV

All times are Central European Time (CET)


Wednesday, May 1/ Thursday, May 2, between 22:40-00:10 – Spiritual exemplification: profound, ample communion with Shiva-Bhairava on the occasion of the sacred moment of Bhairava Ashtami. 

In the spiritual tradition of India, Bhairava is both a fundamental and formidable hypostasis of Shiva, a hypostasis that personifies the transcendent Godly reality. Terrifying or even frightening to the exacerbated and hoarding ego (ahamkara in Sanskrit), Bhairava is pure and ecstatic liberating Godly grace for the God-thirsty soul, and is considered one of the most graceful, protective and loving hypostases of God, as he is constantly blessing all humanity.

Friday, May 3, between 10:50-11:35 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Mars in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Pluto. Effects: This aspect awakens the transmuting power of substantial procreative potential and makes possible the spontaneous sublimation of the resulting energies into harmonious and elevated passion. It energizes courage in beneficial actions involving self-exceeding, impels spiritual transformation through conscious orientation of personal will towards an ineffable state of surrender to the will of God the Father. It facilitates the overcoming of selfishness and at the same time is an excellent opportunity for improving self-control.

Saturday, May 4/ Sunday, May 5 – Christian celebration of Easter. Between 21:45 – 00:35: Deep spiritual communion through evocation in akasha of the moment of Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, May 5, between 12:00-13:45 – Communion with the Christic state of consciousness of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, May 6/ Tuesday, May 7 – Shivaratri. Between 22:30-00:00: Intense, plenary, deep communion with Shiva on the occasion of the sacred moment of Shivaratri.

Tuesday, May 7, between 07:30-08:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of the Sun in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Saturn. Effects: brings about a state of spiritual maturity. It facilitates awareness of the essential priorities of life that are revealed to us from a spiritual point of view, while giving us a chance to detach ourselves from various worthless preoccupations and bad habits. It also enhances our sense of worth, self-respect, nobility, spiritual aspiration. It helps to overcome pride and to achieve new and profound spiritual experiences. It awakens and enhances tenacity, moderation, practical wisdom, organisational skills, precision and skill in all practical aspects of life.

Tuesday, May 7, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Hope, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, May 8, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Essence, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, May 9, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Greatness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, May 10, between 17:00-17:45 – Spiritual communion with the Spring of Healing.

Friday, May 10, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Health, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 11, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Eternity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 11, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Infinity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 11, between 22:10-22:40Third consecration and collective invocation for performing the tapas of fasting only with water, which will be performed for 49 consecutive Sundays.

Saturday, May 11/ Sunday, May 12, between 23:30-00:00 – Deep spiritual communion with the archetype of the zodiac sign of Taurus constellation.

Sunday, May 12, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: The state of plenary and deep communion with the members of the Supreme Galactic Council.

Sunday, May 12, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Enthusiasm, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Monday, May 13, between 11:00-11:45 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of the Sun in conjunction with the subtle sphere of force of Uranus. Effects: The moment is clearly favourable for the awakening and energisation of the Christic state of consciousness in the being. This also facilitates the understanding of the mysterious aspects of life, makes it possible to overcome conditionings and prejudices of all kinds. This aspect awakens and amplifies creative intelligence, energizes the power of understanding the great Godly Truths, facilitates telepathic communication, brings forth artistic inspiration, energizes creativity, enthusiasm and beneficial dynamism. It facilitates harmonious integration into spiritual groups and brings forth the state of fraternal and elevated communion. It helps to bring to fruition Godly inspirations and makes it possible to firmly direct the will towards experiencing the ineffable, mysterious state of Godly relay.

Monday, May 13, between 17:00-17:45 – Spiritual communion with the Easter of the Gentiles.

Monday, May 13, between 21:30-22:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Venus in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Saturn. Effects: This aspect awakens a state of spiritual maturity in the emotional sphere, energizes the impulse to manifest feelings. It leads to overcoming superficiality and facilitates control over lower passions. It awakens self-respect and fidelity in loving relationships. It helps to awaken and increase selflessness. The silent energy of this aspect awakens the power to spontaneously perceive inner beauty and facilitates the attainment of emotional maturity, awakens emotional responsibility. It brings about an ineffable state of balance between the need for exteriorisation and the need for interiorisation, it generates a state of harmony between the material and spiritual spheres.

Tuesday, May 14, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Love, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, May 15, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Mystery, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, May 16, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Healthy Humour, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday, May 17 – The Regenerative Yoga and Art Therapy Camp begins, which will take place on May 17, 18, 19 in Șirnea (at the “Rising Sun” yogic holiday house).

Friday, May 17, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Wisdom, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 18, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Sacrifice, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 18, between 13:25-14:10 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Venus in conjunction with the subtle sphere of force of Uranus. Effects: It awakens in the being a strong desire for spiritual freedom, facilitates the cultivation of a state of detachment and makes it easy to let go of the prejudices that usually exist in a couple relationship. It stimulates originality and creativity and fosters the deepening of spiritual friendships. It awakens and amplifies the state of abandonment through love, leads to overcoming possessiveness and attachments that limit us in our spiritual evolution. It facilitates the emergence and experience of the state of Godly relay in affectionate relationships. This aspect makes it possible to enter into ineffable communion with the universal affective sphere, at the same time it awakens in the being the state of Christic consciousness, awakens and amplifies the capacity for dedication to the great spiritual ideals of humanity.

Saturday, May 18, between 17:00-18:01 – Intense, full, deep communion with the soul of the Romanian people and the soul of the Hungarian people.

Saturday, May 18, between 20:30-21:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of the Sun in conjunction with the subtle sphere of force of the planet Jupiter. Effects: This astrological aspect awakens in the being a state of generosity, kindness and compassion. It amplifies dignity, enterprising and justice spirit. It awakens and amplifies optimism and confidence in one’s own strengths, energizes the ability to act in an integrated and harmonious way.

Saturday, May 18, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Triumph, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 18, from 22:30Ceremony of adoration of Ganesha and his beloved Siddhi Shakti and Riddhi Shakti, performed in unison in Bucharest (at Pipera 1 Hall) and in several cities in Romania.

Sunday, May 19, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Altruism, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Monday, May 20, between 00:30-01:15 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of the Sun in sextile with the subtle sphere of force of the planet Neptune. Effects: awakens and amplifies spiritual intuition, brings the creative force into a state of effervescence, awakens artistic refinement and refined sensuality, facilitates the awakening of the capacity for intuitive communication with the angelic worlds. Amplifies purity and awakens healing capacities through healing magnetism. It awakens the ineffable state of unconditional dedication to God, it increases the aspiration towards spiritual ideals.

Tuesday, May 21 – Tripura Sundari. The favourable period for engaging in couple with love, continence and transfiguration is between 01:00-19:00. The special communion with the Great Macrocosmic Power Tripura Sundari takes place on Tuesday, May 21 between 10:02-11:02. The time of maximum beneficial influence is Tuesday, May 21 at 10:32.

Tuesday, May 21, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Goodness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, May 22, between 17:00-17:45 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of the Sun in trine with the subtle force sphere of Pluto. Effects: awakens and amplifies the force of regeneration in the whole being, increases and refines the penetrating power of consciousness, facilitates inner transformation, harmoniously awakens refined and frenzied eros, energizes masculinity and makes it manifest fully and harmoniously. It enhances creative strength, determination, courage, vitality and virility. The complex, beneficial astral energy of this aspect awakens and amplifies the affective force, the state of aspiration and favours the revelation of the unsuspected depths of the being, while making possible the ineffable inner fusion with God the Father. This aspect awakens and facilitates profound transformations in the subconscious sphere and brings about a sacred relationship with eros, while favouring the transmutation of substantial procreative potential and the harmonious sublimation of effervescent erotic energy.

Wednesday, May 22, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Salvation (Redemption), which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, May 23, between 10:15-11:00 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Venus in conjunction with the subtle force sphere of Jupiter. Effects: Awakens and amplifies the state of expansion on an emotional level, awakens optimism and compassion. It facilitates the attainment and maintenance of a state of balance between the material and spiritual spheres, between what is pleasant and what is useful, leads to the awakening in the being of mystical, ineffable respect for the whole of God’s creation. It fosters the cultivation of harmonious inter-human relationships, awakens the power of empathy and learning through the exceptional examples set by beings of high spiritual level, facilitates the accelerated transmutation of substantial procreative potential and makes it possible to alchemise lower pleasures into compassionate love.

Thursday, May 23, between 12:35-13:20 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Venus in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Neptune. Effects: it allows a wide and deep understanding, through empathy, of the feelings and inner experiences of other people, makes possible the euphoric expansion of the being in the macrocosmic affective sphere, allows the awakening of wide states of compassion, humility and facilitates the emergence of states of detached love and unconditional dedication to God. It also awakens and amplifies the state of detachment and the power of transfiguration of the beings we love. It awakens inspiration, artistic creativity, sensitivity and aesthetic refinement, intuition, fosters the emergence of romantic love, makes possible subtle, telepathic communion with the higher astral realms and allows us to consciously enter into contact with angelic entities. It creates the possibility of eliminating our attachments and transfiguring the loved one in an exemplary way.

Thursday, May 23 – Full Moon. The period of the Full Moon’s inauspicious influence begins at 21:53 on Wednesday, May 22 and ends at 09:53 on Friday, May 24. The time of the Full Moon’s maximum inauspicious influence is Thursday, May 23 at 15:53.

Thursday, May 23, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Eternity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Friday 24 May, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Authority, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 25, between 10:00-10:45 – Intense, plenary, deep communion with the Soul of the Romanian people.

Saturday, May 25 – Kali’s Day. Between 11:00-12:30: Ample, deep and overwhelming Communion with the Great Macrocosmic Power Kali.

Saturday, May 25, between 13:00-13:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Transfiguration, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Saturday, May 25, between 13:00-13:45 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Venus in trine with the subtle force sphere of Pluto. Effects: awakens and amplifies passionate and emotional feelings, facilitates the transmutation of the substantial procreative potential and the sublimation of the lower energies through the mystical power of transfiguration, elevates erotic feelings. It allows spontaneous attunement to the Godly Will through the state of total surrender and dedication through love. It makes possible the awakening of artistic qualities and allows the emergence of spontaneous states of beneficial trance.

Saturday, May 25, between 17:00-17:45 – Spiritual communion with the great Christian mystic Padre Pio.

Saturday, May 25, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Absolute, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Sunday, May 26, between 21:30-22:00 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Clarity, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Tuesday, May 28, between 05:05-05:50 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle force sphere of Mercury in sextile with the subtle force sphere of Saturn. Effects: Facilitates the attainment of a state of peace and calm in consciousness, awakens and sustains the balance between inner and outer, essence and appearance, as well as being an opportunity to understand the priorities of our lives in both the spiritual and material spheres. It helps to quickly overcome states of scattering and defocusing of consciousness, amplifies the power of concentration of consciousness, promotes practical thinking, awakens objectivity and punctuality.

Tuesday, May 28, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Enigmatic Godly Smile, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Wednesday, May 29, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Happiness, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, May 30, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Word (Logos), which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.

Thursday, May 30/ Friday, May 31, between 22:40-00:10 – Spiritual exemplification: profound, ample communion with Shiva-Bhairava on the occasion of the sacred moment of Bhairava Ashtami. 

In the spiritual tradition of India, Bhairava is both a fundamental and formidable hypostasis of Shiva, a hypostasis that personifies the transcendent Godly reality. Terrifying or even frightening to the exacerbated and hoarding ego (ahamkara in Sanskrit), Bhairava is pure and ecstatic liberating Godly grace for the God-thirsty soul, and is considered one of the most graceful, protective and loving hypostases of God, as he is constantly blessing all humanity.

Friday, May 31, between 07:40-08:25 – Communion and entry into a process of occult resonance with a beneficial astrological aspect: the subtle sphere of force of Mercury in conjunction with the subtle sphere of force of Uranus. Effects: This aspect awakens and energizes creative imagination, artistic and spiritual inspiration, beneficial intelligence, at the same time it awakens telepathic abilities, facilitates communion with the parallel higher worlds, awakens and energizes the power of introspection, increases the state of aspiration, allows spontaneous transcendence of the mental sphere, brings forth in the being a much increased penetrating force of consciousness. It helps to easily overcome prejudices, rigid and sterile conceptions. It awakens originality, intensifies the power of concentration of consciousness, facilitates the emergence of deeply beneficial states of identification, favours the emergence and manifestation of beneficial trance states. It facilitates the refinement of consciousness and makes it possible to achieve a state of inner harmony.

Friday, May 31, between 22:00-22:30 – Spiritual exemplification: intense, plenary, profound, continual communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Courage, which we then abundantly attract in our inner universe.



May 1, 2024


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