Study. Over 10% of vaccinated people lose antibodies just 3-4 months after vaccination

A study by Romanian researchers shows that in 11% of people vaccinated without being previously infected, covid antibodies fall below the sensitivity limit of the tests after 3-4 months.

The research was started on January 6th, with the first vaccination phase, by the Pro-Vitam Sfântu Gheorghe Research Centre and Promedical Center Cluj, in partnership with the Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Cluj-Napoca, in order to evaluate and monitor the immune response to the covid-19 vaccination, reports Mediafax.

The results showed that after 3-4 months, in 11% of people vaccinated without being previously infected, covid antibodies fall below the sensitivity limit of the tests.

The research was done on a sample of 150-200 participants and, according to specialists, confirmed that the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine against covid-19 induces a strong immune response.

97% of vaccinated people produced an adequate amount of antibodies 7-10 days after booster. 10% had a slower immune response, while all other 90% produced antibodies above 2.5 AU/ml.

The researchers also determined that the overall amount of antibodies was significantly higher in the post-infection group of vaccinated people 28-30 days after vaccination. The amount of antibodies in the uninfected group increases more significantly following the second vaccination (steeper change between 21 and 28 days). Between 1-4 months after vaccination, the amount of antibodies starts to decrease, but the difference between the two groups (previously infected and uninfected) remains significant even 3-4 months after vaccination.

In vaccinated participants who have experienced the covid infection, the amount of good quality antibodies increases sharply 7-10 days after vaccination and does not change significantly in the first 30 days post-vaccination, nor after receiving the booster dose. Between 71-125 days after vaccination, in 11% of previously uninfected people (8 participants) the amount of antibodies falls below the sensitivity limit of the method. Most of these individuals (7 participants) are 53-68 years old. All previously infected and vaccinated people still have amounts well above the method’s sensitivity limit.

The Proel test, which detects only antibodies that bind strongly to the antigen (with high affinity), shows an increase in the amount of antibodies in previously uninfected people from the first week after the first dose, even though only 44% have antibody levels in the positive range on the day of booster administration.

The body needs time to produce the right amount and especially the right quality of effective antibodies, and this may be related to the gradual acquiring of protection. It would be advisable to give the second dose, in the case of the immunization with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, at a longer period than recommended by the manufacturer, so that the immune response would be stronger, and thus the effect of the vaccine would be extended. Of course, clinical trials should be carried out in this respect“, concluded Fejér Szilárd, coordinator of the team at the Research Centre in Sfântu Gheorghe.


June 19, 2021


Also available in: Română

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