The EVARS program has come into effect. France has legalized paedophilia!

The EVARS program (Espaces vie affective, relationnelle et sexuelle) came into effect. France legalized paedophilia! The sex education program targets both kindergarten and primary school children.

En maternelle, avant l’âge de 4 ans, les élèves apprennent à connaître leur corps et à comprendre ce qu’est l’intimité.” (In kindergarten, before the age of 4, students will learn to know their bodies and understand what intimacy is.) This is how it starts, because between the ages of 4 and 6, they will learn about masturbation! In the first and second grades, girls and boys will be put in special rooms, where they will be undressed and taught by pedo…pedagogues to know their bodies! This is the EVARS program – European Commission directive! Several tens of thousands of French parents refused, during the first paedophile lesson, to send their children to school. 135 euros fine for each! If they reoffend again, another 135 euros fine! If they hold their ground and do not give in, 30,000 euros fine and 2 years in prison.

When they find out about EVARS, the ignorant will put up the old placard: “Sex education is beneficial because girls don’t get pregnant anymore in adolescence! They learn what and how from school”. But why do 2- and 3-year-olds have to learn to know their bodies? Why do 4- and 5-year-olds have to learn to masturbate? Why do 7- and 8-year-olds have to touch each other naked? Why do 9- and 10-year-olds have to learn about anal and oral sex? I don’t know! Ask the paedophiles from Brussels and Paris!

Nadiusa Serg, a Romanian from France, said on Tik Tok: “Sex education in France. At 9 years old they will know what we didn’t know at 30!” That’s right! For this, let’s thank the European Union! Parents from EU countries need to know what awaits them. It’s an EU directive and they won’t escape unless they resist.

Elisabeth Borne, the French Minister of Education, has threatened parents of students who protest against the new sex education program introduced in kindergartens and schools. She said: “All parents who refuse to send their child to school in protest against the sex education program, will be severely punished. A fine of 135 euros will be applied for each voluntary absence.”

It is an unprecedented decision, but that is not all. Family allowances may be suspended for several months, thus depriving thousands of families with modest incomes of financial support.

This law was voted discreetly, without public debate, in the French parliament, although the consequences will be enormous for children and adolescents.

We post below the message of a Romanian from France. It is similar to the messages posted on Tik Tok by Romanians established in other EU countries. Desperate mothers as their children will be sexually abused in kindergartens and schools. Legally!

Hello! Let me tell you what was adopted in France for primary education, starting this year. In grades 1 and 2, in which little children should learn to write, to read, as is normal. They also published a textbook. They had published another one, a few years ago, in which everyone was naked: the teacher naked, the mother naked, the father naked, the grandparents naked, the policeman naked, the judge naked…….everyone naked! That was for kindergarten, where, with toys, with teddy bears, with kittens, they showed them how to have sex.

Now, at school, since they’re older, they understand better than the ones in kindergarten, they’ve put out a textbook where they teach them all the possible positions we can do in bed, as adults, when we make love, and of course sexual perversions! The textbook presents the intimate parts of girls, of boys, what occurs when you play with the clitoris, what occurs when you rub your penis to make it hard, what pleasure it causes, what comes out of it, what you can do with what comes out of it, where you can put it, everywhere, in all the holes of the human body. It’s outrageous!

It’s hard for me, as an adult, to explain this to you. Last year, this program was in certain pilot schools, now it will be pretty much everywhere. Yes, of course, this kind of disastrous education is a directive from Brussels. They put them in a room, a little girl and a boy, if they don’t want to undress willingly, they undress them anyway, and let them do what they want, let them touch themselves! They give them homework: little girls to play with… and little boys to play with… Parents, if they object, are penalized. There were, last year, parents who were called to the police, locked in a cell, because they didn’t agree to send their child to school to sex education class. They picked up the parent, locked him up, and the child still went to school at that time.

Now it’s approved, period! It’s just a matter of time before this manual reaches the other EU countries. Because it’s everywhere, right?

Another law that was passed here: from a justice point of view, incest is legal as long as the child agrees! Do you realize, that child is already traumatized by what occurred to him! What can he say: I don’t agree? Out of fear he says yes! And the depraved parent is no longer punished! Not at all! It’s legal!

Macron went to schools, to talk to children! To explain to them that it’s nothing serious! That, if you’re homosexual, it’s fine! They were homo sapiens, why shouldn’t they be homosexuals too?! Which children looked at in horror! They sent transgenders to schools! CAFU is an institution here, the Family Help House, which helps needy families. With taxpayers’ money. Last year, CAFU subsidized a Drag Queen program teaching children how to become trans! Small children, up to 10 years old.

It’s hard for me, it’s hard for me to think about the poor little ones, how they learn these atrocities, instead of learning to write and read. There were children who said: ‘Come on, you’re not a woman, it’s obvious that you’re a man, don’t fool us!’ It’s crazy!” Source: SELENARIANA – Tik Tok


March 21, 2025


Also available in: Română

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