The good wolf and the bad wolf that exist in our being, in the inner universe of each of us (II)

by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Read the first part of the article

The yellow elephant and the pink monkey

By carefully analyzing the contents of this cautionary tale, it becomes possible to realize that this evil wolf cannot be killed in any old way, in a clumsy way, just like when we go hunting with a rifle and put five or ten bullets through its head or body. It would be excellent if we could kill the bad wolf in such a way forever and then let the good wolf grow and become big and strong.

As for the existence and manifestation in our inner universe of the bad wolf, we could say that it is just like when someone mentions seeing a yellow elephant and then tells us that we should not think about the image of this yellow elephant at all.

In such a situation, some of you will find that if you try to resist and not think about the image of the yellow elephant at all, it will spontaneously arise in your consciousness and then tend to persist the more you resist. But you will find that it will be much easier to make the image of the yellow elephant disappear if you spontaneously replace it with the image of a pink monkey. This will make it much easier to refocus your attention.

This example allows us to understand how we can make certain harmful, distressing emotions disappear, replacing them with a pleasant, beneficial emotion, which we will then need to maintain (in order to trigger a corresponding process of beneficial occult resonance in our inner universe) until, at some point, it will become dominant.

In a metaphorical sense, we can say that it is necessary to act in such a way that our pink monkey acquires more and more space in our inner universe, until it will expel, it will make the previous image of the yellow elephant disappear.

In other words, referring to this little story, we can realize that each of us who follow the courses of this spiritual school of integral esoteric yoga has at our disposal some simple, accessible and effective ways to raise our level of consciousness, to increase the predominant vibrational frequency of our inner universe.

Through the gram of practice it becomes possible to feed the good wolf day by day and in abundance, and in this way he will grow, become more and more mature and then become big, vigorous and strong.

When our good wolf will become very strong and properly prepared, adequately trained, he will easily win, one by one, all the internal battles when our daily life will test us.

In this way, the good wolf will help us to get through the spiritual trials we face and will facilitate the victories we will win over the bad wolf.

As the good wolf will achieve victory after victory in his battles with the evil wolf, the evil wolf will become increasingly hungry. Because the bad wolf will no longer be able to obtain his daily food through the processes of evil occult resonance, he will become more and more anemic, more and more starved.

If we go on in this way, at some point our bad wolf will go into agony, and even if he does not die immediately afterwards, he will be weak and will no longer be able to start new fierce fights with the good wolf that exists in each one of us.

Let’s use the so-called “idle” time wisely

Regarding these matters, some of you may have already read in some books on the practice of yoga the following aphorism: “A consciousness that is hardly occupied and interested in any particular aspect has precisely for this reason a tendency to become spontaneously preoccupied with all sorts of absurd, phantasmagorical or aberrant thoughts”.

When we notice that the evil, harmful aspects tend to weigh much more heavily in the so-called scale of our predominant thoughts, even becoming stronger and more persistent than the good, beneficial thoughts, it becomes possible to understand why many human beings who have not yet transformed themselves sufficiently through the practice of yoga tend to remember even a trivial insult much longer than a sincere compliment.

Such human beings tend to remember for days on end a particular state of dissatisfaction they have experienced in the presence of a human being rather than a delightful and valuable gift that has been given to them; in the case of obsessive people, such a memory comes back again and again, day after day, for years on end.

If we discover that we belong to this category, it also becomes easily possible to realize that in our inner universe the evil wolf has already managed to become surprisingly powerful.

By carefully analyzing all of this, when we wisely relate to this little story, it becomes possible to realize that each one of us already has at our disposal within this spiritual school of integral esoteric yoga certain simple methods or ways, powerful and effective, which, if put into practice, will help us to annihilate, to make disappear the effects of the evil avalanche that can appear in our consciousness and in our inner universe, especially when we are confronted with the absence of profoundly beneficial, powerful and appropriate stimuli.

It is therefore necessary to remember that a human being who never performs beneficial actions that are capable of radically transforming the predominant frequency of vibration of his aura and his inner universe is condemned to be a victim who will be tempted day after day by the evil wolf. In this way, the human being in question allows evil to arise and manifest in him. We need not be surprised afterward that evil will appear in him day after day by the power of habit, and thus he will feed more and more and more often the evil wolf, who will then torment, strain, weaken, and in some cases destroy him.

That is why it is worthwhile to take heed and to make the good wolf in us grow and become great and strong, otherwise the evil wolf will make us suffer and eventually destroy us if he becomes victorious, because he will become great and very strong in its wickedness.

When we make that which is good increase even greatly, we also diminish and even annihilate that which is evil.

This is why it is important to remember that the millenary system of yoga offers us certain powerful, intelligent ways to deliberately and consciously nurture, grow and mature the good wolf that exists in our inner universe.

This will easily become possible if we train our being, if we train our consciousness, if we awaken and energize more and more the supramental sheath – vijnanamaya kosha.

In this way, as we make the good wolf grow and become stronger and stronger, we will also take sure and rapid steps towards lasting states of happiness, towards success, towards definitive spiritual transformations.

We should not forget that we have at our disposal in this spiritual school of integral esoteric yoga a lot of simple, powerful methods and techniques, accessible to each one of you, in order to enable you to make deep, lasting and, why not, even definitive inner spiritual transformations.

Among these are spiritual invocations, which we can do at any time, several times a day, even for a minute or two when we have so-called “dead” (idle) time. If we carefully analyze what we do for hours on end, day after day, we will discover that each one of us has at least an hour and a half, in other words, 90 minutes that can be lived wisely, by making short spiritual invocations at least 15-20 times a day, which will bring forth in our inner universe powerful, pure, elevated, deeply beneficial, Godly spiritual experiences that will help us to accelerate the pace of our spiritual growth and transformation.

Feeding the altruistic brain

In recent times, rigorous laboratory research in the field of neuroscience has been able to show conclusive evidence that the vast majority of human beings harbor a sui generis pack of neurological wolves in their brains.

This research has shown that evil wolves dwell mostly in the limbic system, are full of aggression and malice, and often cause us to experience agonizing states of fear, anxiety, doubt or dread. They are harsh, cruel, spiteful, ruthless and devour those human beings who allow them to grow and become very strong. That is why they can be said to be ultimately deadly.

Good wolves can be thought of as young wolves. Many of them reside in our frontal lobes, and some in the anterior cingulate area of the brain. They operate where empathic processes are triggered, reasoning, processes that are correlated with intelligence, logic, benevolence, kindness, compassion, friendship, kindness, love.

(It should be noted that the cingulum is a bundle of nerve fibers that is located on the inner side of the cerebral hemispheres and plays an important role in the emergence of the emotions that are beneficial, pleasant, invigorating.)

Recent neurological research that has been carried out in the laboratory has revealed that these good wolves are spontaneous, playful, creative, cheerful and are in a constructive way imaginative. But they have also been found to be, neurologically speaking, somewhat vulnerable and even sluggish in comparison to the activity going on in the other emotional areas of the brain.

Therefore, when it is time to make more complex moral decisions or to make profoundly beneficial, wise choices, the question naturally arises: which one will win?

Will the selfish brain win, or the selfless, loving, kind, intuitive, altruistic brain that cooperates in a natural and constructive way?

Again, just as we have discovered in the cautionary tale of the two wolves, it depends on which of the two brains we have fed more and more often with certain subtle energies that are drawn into our inner universe by triggering corresponding occult resonance processes.

Connecting all these aspects with the yoga practice, it easily becomes possible to realize that when our higher subtle force centers (including the essential subtle center of being sahasrara padma, the subtle force center ajna chakra, the subtle force center manas chakra, the subtle force center soma chakra, the subtle force center lalana chakra, the subtle force center vishuddha chakra) are fully and harmoniously functioning, they will facilitate the emergence and maintenance of deeply beneficial, powerful, long-lasting occult resonance processes.

When our invisible sheaths (such as the pranamaya kosha subtle sheath, manomaya kosha subtle sheath, vijnanamaya kosha supramental sheath and even the essential beatific Godly essential sheath anandamaya kosha) have been awakened and fully energized, they will trigger in our inner universe harmonious, creative, profoundly beneficial, deeply beneficial, Godly, fruitful energizations and dynamizations (even at the level of the altruistic brain where the good wolves dwell).

This is why it is so important that in the case of the two wolves we nourish and make the good wolf become big and strong, or, in the neurological view, the good wolves that dwell in certain already identified areas of the cerebral cortex.

At the other extreme, if we allow anger, hatred, malice, resentment, selfishness and fear to dominate us, we will soon lose the neurological ability to think logically, intelligently, in a benevolent way and to behave compassionately, with kindness towards others and, more generally, towards the human beings with whom we come into contact.

In fact, even recent research in the field of neuroscience has already come to realize that it is almost impossible to find deep peace, serenity, to discover happiness, to be able to enjoy life, to feel love, kindness, to marvel at all that is beautiful around you if your conscience is always preoccupied by bad thoughts, anxiety, resentment, jealousy, spite, gossip, enmity or hatred.

(to be continued)


October 24, 2024


Also available in: Română

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