‘The Spike Goes to Every Organ System’ – Dr. Paul Marik on mRNA in the Covid-19 Vaccine Vs. Natural Infection; Cheap and Effective Treatments and Interventions (1)

We make up about 4 percent of the global population in America, yet we consume 55 percent of prescription drugs. How is that possible? 80 percent of prescription opiates are [prescribed] in this country. So this tells you the stranglehold that Big Pharma has.”

At the FLCCC Conference in April 2023, journalist Jan Jekielek sat down with critical care physician and FLCCC co-founder Dr. Paul Marik to get an update on what we currently know about spike protein-induced diseases in people who’ve contracted covid-19, versus those who’ve gotten the vaccine.

When you get the jab, the amount of spike protein is exponentially higher than with natural infection. And that’s why we see all these complications from the vaccine,” explains Dr. Marik.

He discussed the best treatments for ridding the body of spike protein, and how patients can embrace and enhance their ability to heal themselves.

We have enormous potential [for] self-repair, self-healing, and so many of the drugs patients take are toxic,” says Dr. Marik.

He also spoke about the battle he has been fighting to legitimize the use of vitamins, lifestyle transformations and cheap and effective repurposed drugs in healthcare.

The amount of data supporting the concept that vitamin D deficiency causes cancer, and that supplementing with vitamin D reduces your risk of cancer, is overwhelming. And yet, nobody knows about it, and nobody cares,” says Dr. Marik.

Full Transcript

Jan Jekielek: Dr. Paul Marik, such a pleasure to have you back on American Thought Leaders show.

Dr. Paul Marik: Thank you, Jan. It’s a pleasure and wonderful to be here today.

Mr. Jekielek: You have been doing some fascinating research on a range of aspects beyond covid. I want to start with covid, and I want to understand what is the current state of spike-related disease. What do we understand about it now? How does it work, and what are the best treatments?

Dr. Marik: Yes, that’s a good question. Our understanding is evolving and continues to evolve. The truth of the matter is that spike protein is probably one of the most toxic compounds that human beings can be exposed to. Its toxicity is through multiple different pathways that we’re just beginning to understand.

Spike protein causes profound inflammation. It activates clotting. It activates a clotting cascade. It activates platelets. It causes auto-antibodies. It causes damage to the endothelium of blood vessels. It causes auto-antibodies. Then, it has some really bad effects on genes and many of the genes involved in cancer suppression.

We now know that spike protein, although people want to ignore and deny it, actually activates many genetic pathways which lead to cancer. It’s a form of cancer called turbocancer. This is related to the spike protein. It does all kinds of really weird stuff. We know the spike protein itself gets into the nucleus, and whether or not it affects DNA is a contentious issue.

But it appears that it goes into the nucleus and does stuff in the nucleus. We know it affects fertility. Probably the best study is done by this really brave pathologist in Germany. In the U.S., if someone dies unexpectedly, you can’t look for spike protein. It’s not allowed.

Dr. Arne Burkhadt in Germany has done over 75 autopsies on patients who have died post-vaccination. The findings are astonishing, and to be truthful, they are scary because the body is packed with spike protein in a way that’s completely unbelievable. There’s spike protein in the brain, spike protein in the heart, and spike protein in the vasculature.

It actually causes a disease in the blood vessels, which you see with syphilis. It causes necrosis, which is death of the wall of the blood vessel. It’s called medial necrosis, and the blood vessel ruptures. There are not many diseases that do that. Syphilis is one of them. Cyanide kills you quickly. Spike protein kills you slowly. It’s as toxic as cyanide, but this is a slow progressive organ dysfunction leading to death.

It’s really interesting how if you were to design a drug for the treatment of covid, it could be called ivermectin. That’s not a joke, just because it has all the properties that you would want in a drug to treat covid. This was a gift of nature. It was not manufactured in a lab. This was found in a golf course in Japan made by bacteria.

If you kill someone quickly, they die. But if they suffer and have chronic disease and then die, the health implications and the effect on the population are enormous. If you were to design a toxic protein which would disable people, it would look like spike protein. It has 1700 amino acids, it’s not a very long protein, but it is an astonishingly toxic protein.

Mr. Jekielek: The question is being able to distinguish between the spike that comes from covid and the spike that comes from the vaccine. This would be the variant of spike which creates these diseases. Is that primarily in the vaccine or does that also occur with natural covid?

Dr. Marik: That’s a good question and it took me a while to figure this out. When you get natural infection with SARS-CoV-2—and we know this, there’s really good data—the active replicating virus lasts for about five days. After five days, the messenger RNA, which the virus makes to make all these proteins, is destroyed by the body.

If you’re immunocompetent, within five days the messenger RNA is gone, and you continue to make new spike protein. However, the messenger RNA that is in these jabs, they’re not really vaccines. It’s a misnomer to call it a vaccine. This is synthetic, artificially-manufactured mRNA. When you inject the mRNA, it doesn’t stay in the arm.

It actually circulates and goes to the lymph nodes and organs. We don’t know for how long, because the longest study was for 60 days. After 60 days there is still messenger RNA in the lymph nodes. What that means is that this messenger RNA is making spike protein. The bottom line of all of that is with this load of spike protein, it’s like it’s a toxin. It’s like cyanide.

A little bit of cyanide may not kill you, but a lot of cyanide is going to do some really bad damage. When you get the jab, the amount of spike protein is exponentially higher than with natural infection. That’s why we’re seeing all these complications from the vaccine.

For example, with long covid, and you don’t want to minimize it, but it is a self-limiting disease. Because of the amount of spike protein that’s produced with most people who get long covid, the average is four months, and then they get better. We know with the vaccine injured, these people have such a load of spike protein that two to three years after the jab they’re still highly symptomatic. It’s related to the load of spike protein.

Mr. Jekielek: We saw some presentations from React19 showing the most common types of symptoms that come with the vaccine injury. The most common ones seem to be more neurological, then followed by the heart-related ones. Can you speak to that, and why would that be?

Dr. Marik: These patients have multiple systems which involve multiple organ systems. The average number of symptoms of a vaccine injury is about 20 to 23. They run a spectrum. When these patients present to the physician, the physicians use pattern recognition to make a diagnosis.

Because these patients have such diverse symptoms that really don’t fit in with a pattern that the physicians have been taught, almost always they say, “This is stress, this is anxiety, this is a functional disorder, this is in your head, this isn’t real.” But it is real. It’s because the spike goes to every organ system, and every organ system is involved.

Unlike the natural infection, the mRNA is placed in a lipid nanoparticle and the lipid nanoparticle is actually designed to deliver chemotherapy to the brain. It crosses the blood brain barrier. You’re absolutely right, more than 80 per cent of patients post-vaccine have neurological symptoms, and it’s a very characteristic finding.

While you find it with long covid, it’s much more extreme and the symptoms are much more severe within the vaccine injured. The neurological symptoms are brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, and memory dysfunction, which is very disabling to most people.

If you can’t think, you would lose your ability to remember. Then, there are some other disabling elements. It sounds absurd, but tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears, is quite common and quite distinct with the spike protein. We are not sure why it occurs, but it’s common and exceedingly disabling because these people have ringing in their ears 24/7.

They can’t sleep. In fact, many actually consider suicide because it’s such a troubling symptom. That’s a neurological symptom. Then, the one which is probably the most disabling is neuropathy. That’s the involvement of the small nerve fibers.

It seems to be a classic feature of spike protein-induced disease, particularly with the vaccine. They get this small fiber neuropathy, which is profoundly disabling because it interferes with the small fibers involved in pain sensation. They have burning sensations. They complain that their limbs are on fire, so they have a severe, burning itching.

If you ask the vaccine injured patient, if there’s one symptom that they want to get rid of, what is the most troubling? What is the most disabling? Without question, it’s the small fiber neuropathy, which is profoundly disabling.

Mr. Jekielek: I don’t know if this is the same, but do they call it paresthesia?

Dr. Marik: Yes.

Mr. Jekielek: Is that right? Some weirdness or numbness.

Dr. Marik: Exactly, it’s on a spectrum of paresthesia, which means numbness and tingling. Then, it can progress to burning and a sensation of fire. Basically, it’s a progressive disease related to damage to the nerve fibers.

Mr. Jekielek: Where are we at now in terms of treatment? You’ve had multiple iterations of a general protocol, but then, there’s specific treatments for different people. Bri Dressen was on the show and said she was actually treated at NIH with something that would calm the immune system. It helped her profoundly, although it’s not something that’s offered to most people.

Dr. Marik: The problem with the vaccine is the people who invented and developed the vaccine didn’t develop an antidote for the product that they made. They made this toxin, but they left it for us to try and figure out how to deal with this toxin. Most medicines that we know have toxicity, and we have a good idea how to deal with the toxicity.

This was a black box. We had to really start from scratch figuring out how spike protein damages the patient. As we’ve learned about spike, we’ve learned about ways to deal with spike.

The more spike protein you have, the worse the disease. That’s really important. You can look at how many times they’ve had covid, and how many shots they’ve had. It gives you an index of how much spike they have.

Mr. Jekielek: Let’s go to treatment. You’re saying the less spike you have in you, the better. That’s number one. Then, somehow the lipid nanoparticles play into this as well. What is the state of the knowledge on the treatment?

Dr. Marik: The first aspect is to avoid being spiked. If you’ve been vaccinated, don’t get boosters. You want to further limit exposure to spike, no more jabs. Secondly, if you get covid, you want to be treated early, because the longer you allow it to linger, the more spike protein. That’s just a basic common sense principle.

Then, what you need to do is get rid of the spike. One has to be careful of these so-called detoxification protocols, potions, and devices. I call it the Barbie detox device, where you put Barbie into a container with water with electrodes, and somehow it detoxes Barbie.

You have to be careful, because there are unscrupulous people who will take advantage of people who are suffering and desperate. There is no such cure as detoxification potions or devices. What you need to do is help the body get rid of the spike protein. The body has an evolutionary process which was discovered in yeast called autophagy. It’s a truly astonishing process.

What the body does is when it detects foreign protein, misfolded protein, or dysfunctional protein, it destroys it, because it figures out that this is not good and wants to get rid of it. It goes through this autophagy process. It’s like the garbage collection system of the cell.

Mr. Jekielek: It’s the phagocytes, if I recall correctly.

Dr. Marik: Yes. It causes these phagosomes. It invaginates the foreign protein into a vesicle, which then fuses with a lysosome which has enzymes which break down the contents. It’s the garbage disposal system. It collects the garbage and then puts the garbage through this garbage slicing machine and trashes the garbage.

It’s an ingenious system and it has evolved over millions of years. It’s how the cell deals with these toxic proteins. What you really want to do is embrace it and enhance the ability of the cell to break down these proteins. So much of what I’ve learned and we’ve learned is that we have the enormous potential of self-repair and self-healing.

Many of the drugs patients take are toxic. What we really want to do is embrace the ability of the host to heal itself. We want to enhance that ability. You want to activate autophagy, the most potent method of activating autophagy is called intermittent fasting, or time-related feeding.

Because there is this biological switch called the mTOR switch. Whenever you eat, you switch off autophagy. It just switches it off through the mTOR pathway. Glucose and insulin and protein switch off this process. However, when you deprive the cell of glucose and protein, it switches on autophagy and it breaks down protein.

This is the way we were designed. The Neanderthal man, our cousin, didn’t eat all the time. This is a reasonably new phenomenon with our processed foods and supermarkets and 7-Elevens down the road. People eat all the time, and they snack. Snacking is a Western phenomenon. What’s even worse, they will sit in front of the TV after dinner.

They’ve had dinner, and then, they’ll sit in front of the TV and snack on processed food and carbohydrates, which is terrible. Because first of all, it never allows autophagy to switch on. More importantly, autophagy is really important for brain recovery when you sleep. You have to consider, why do we sleep?

It’s not an accident. For brain regeneration, it’s really important to clear out all the metabolic products and allow the synapses to regenerate. We know that sleep is vital. During sleep, you undergo autophagy. If you eat before you go to sleep, it switches off autophagy, so you don’t do it.

Then secondly, there’s a remarkable system in the brain called the glymphatic system. This is the lymphatic system of the brain, and it does the same. It washes out the metabolic byproducts from metabolism to get rid of them. Impaired glymphatic flow is linked to many neurodegenerative diseases as is deficient autophagy. If you eat before you go to sleep, you limit autophagy and you limit this glymphatic flow.

The other element that’s really good for lymphatics and autophagy is exercise. Imagine — exercise. There are very simple maneuvers that people can do to improve autophagy and improve glymphatic flow.

This is really important for getting rid of spike protein, but the implications go much further, because we now know that it prevents aging, and it prevents Alzheimer’s disease. It likely reduces the risk of cancer. It reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. We started this journey looking at intermittent fasting to get rid of spike protein.

But as you know, the implications are now far, far reaching and that’s why we’ve gone on this new journey. Getting back to spike, it’s essential that people transform their diet. You don’t have to do strict intermittent fasting like I do, where you eat within a six to eight hour window, and then the rest of the time you only drink water.

It’s different from starvation. It’s important to distinguish, this is not starving human beings. Metabolically, they act very differently. If you starve someone, the body adapts by decreasing the basal metabolic rate and decreasing growth hormone to switch everything off.

Paradoxically, with time-restricted eating, you actually maintain or increase basal metabolic rate and you increase growth hormone. It’s a fascinating phenomenon. People pay tens of thousands of dollars to get growth hormone. You don’t need to do that. You need to just do periodic feeding and your body naturally makes growth hormone. It has truly astonishing benefits.

Mr. Jekielek: It sounds like there’s a simple recipe here. How do you activate the time-restricted eating versus starvation?

Dr. Marik: The first step is to start eating food. It sounds absurd, but concentrate on eating real food and not processed food. That’s step one. What you need to do in your pantry at home is get rid of all the bad food, so you don’t have an opportunity to snack on bad food.

Then, what you want to do is miss one meal, and breakfast is probably the best meal to miss. You still have lunch and you still have an early dinner, but it must be early. You can see how that differs from starving, where you’re not eating food. Then, what you gradually do is increase the window of time-restricted eating.

Maybe you start off where you eat within a window of 12 hours, then 10 hours, then eight hours, and then six hours. But it’s really important that when you eat, you actually have real food that is good food. Then, during the periods where you’re fasting, you can have water, and it’s really important not to get dehydrated. Drink only water, no juices.

There is an important difference between someone who’s starved and someone who’s doing intermittent feeding, or time-restricted eating. With time-restricted eating, you should not lose lean body mass, you should lose fat mass. That’s really important.

Whereas, with starvation, you break down muscle as a source of fuel, and that you don’t want to occur. With time-restricted feeding, you utilize the excess fat stores. You break down the fat, but you prevent breaking down muscle. That’s really important. You actually release ketone bodies from your fat store. You’re breaking down the fat stores.

You have to not eat for a number of hours. First, what will occur is you’ll use glucose which is stored in the liver as glycogen. Once that is depleted, you’ll start breaking down and converting the visceral fat, your belly fat, into ketone bodies, so you will be breaking down fatty tissue.

Mr. Jekielek: My impression had been that to be in ketosis, you can only eat a very small amount of carbohydrate over time.

Dr. Marik: Yes.

Mr. Jekielek: Here you’re saying that if you’re not eating for 12 hours or longer, you can actually eat anything that’s wholesome and you’ll still achieve that same state.

Dr. Marik: There are various phases of this. In fact, there’s no human requirement to eat carbohydrates. Unlike proteins and fats which you need, humans can survive without carbohydrates. If you have a diet which is low in carbohydrates or has no carbohydrates, you’re going to start making ketone bodies.

Both the brain and the body use ketone bodies as a source of energy. Instead of using glucose, you use ketones. In fact, the heart functions much better using ketones, as opposed to using glucose or fatty acids. You can get into ketosis without doing time-restricted feeding.

The two are related. Time-restricted eating basically means you don’t eat for a period of time, but ketosis means you just have a low carbohydrate intake. You can be in ketosis eating three meals a day. All you’re doing is restricting carbohydrate intake, so you can be in ketosis without doing time-restricted feeding.

There are some really interesting tricks that they play. When you go to a restaurant, they offer free bread before the food arrives. Why do they do that? It’s nice, it’s tasty, and it’s warm. You have the bread, which is high in starch and processed.

It causes a big spike in glucose, which then causes a big spike in insulin. What does insulin do? It activates your hunger center, so it makes you hungry. Then, you’re going to order more food and you’re going to eat more. They do it on purpose.

What you want to do is actually have the salad first, have greens first, and have the bread at the end of the meal. What the greens do is slow down the absorption of glucose. It forms this mucus lining in the small intestine to slow absorption of glucose. You can have the same meal, and it’s fascinating. Studies have done this. There’s this very nice Swedish woman called the Glucose Goddess.

Basically, what she says is the order in which you eat food makes an enormous difference. She looks at the glucose profile. If you eat pasta or starch at the beginning of the meal, you get this big spike. But if you leave it towards the end of the meal, you get a flat curve. These are really basic facts about how to prepare food and how to eat food.

Don’t start a meal with starch. It’s the worst. Also, if you’re going to eat birthday cake, take some apple cider vinegar before, because it flattens the curve. Somehow the apple cider vinegar acts on the GI [gastrointestinal] tract. It releases hormones that flatten the curve. Have some apple cider vinegar before you have a bad meal.

The bottom line is that you are linking two elements. One is time-restricted eating, which means you eat during a particular window. Then, you want to eat real food. You couple the two. Starvation is basically when you restrict all nutrients to the human body.

This is not occurring, because basically you have a period of time-restricted eating. You eat during a particular window, but you eat nutrient-dense foods. You eat foods that are high in nutritional value. These are not processed foods, these are real foods. We know that for Americans, 80 percent of what they eat is processed food.

You may ask, what’s the difference? If it looks like food, it likely is food. If it comes in a box, has a package and a label, it’s probably not food. We know that food can have all kinds of preservatives, chemicals, and additives that are already toxic. I read a fascinating paper recently. It actually got the Banting award from the American Diabetes Association. That’s one of their highest honors, which was bestowed upon this researcher.

She has shown that it’s these chemicals and additives and flavorants and preservatives in food that actually act on the pancreas to cause oxidative injury and insulin release. The insulin release then causes obesity. Rather than obesity causing insulin resistance, she’s postulating that it’s this toxic diet that’s causing insulin release and causing obesity. The truth of the matter is that probably both are operative, but we don’t realize the profound toxicity of the food we eat.

It’s nutritionally devoid. It’s essentially processed as high glucose and most importantly, fructose. Fructose is different from glucose, and most of these have high levels of corn fructose. Fructose is metabolized into fat in the liver. It causes the fatty liver, which causes this process of insulin resistance.

Fructose is really toxic. Obviously, there’s a lot of fructose in fruit. One has to be careful about how much fruit you eat. Fruit is fine, but you really want to limit the amount of fruit. The best fruits are berries; blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries, because they have the lowest glycemic index. They have fructose, but they also have fiber.

Fruit juices are probably as toxic as it comes, because it’s fructose without the fiber, it causes a rapid spike in blood glucose. Basically, what I’m saying is that by very simple transformation in the way we eat, we can have a profound metabolic effect. This has another implication, because it is estimated that 40 percent of cancers are caused by insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance causes high insulin, which causes insulin growth factor, which activates cancer. There’s a direct correlation between metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and cancer. Coronary disease is not due to cholesterol. That’s a myth. That was a myth perpetuated by the food industry going back to the 1960s. Coronary disease is caused by insulin resistance. It’s as simple as that.

Mr. Jekielek: Paul, you say this with such conviction. How is everything that we know about the role of cholesterol wrong?

Dr. Marik: It’s called a hoax, much like covid is a hoax. This is called the saturated fat-cholesterol hoax. This was started in the 1960s by a physician, Ancel Keys, who postulated that saturated fats were bad. They actually did studies, and they had a group that had saturated fat. Then, they changed the diet to vegetable oils; corn oil, soy oil, canola oil, and flaxseed oil.

What you may want to know is that Proctor & Gamble actually bought the American Heart Association who promoted this diet. There have been five randomized studies and all have shown exactly the same result. What such a diet does is cause the cholesterol to stay the same. Cardiac disease stays the same or goes up, but your risk of cancer goes up exponentially. This obsession with cholesterol and saturated fat is a hoax. It was a hoax perpetuated by the food industry.

The USDA is part of this hoax, and they continue to advise a diet low in saturated fat and high in vegetable oils. They are captured. We think the NIH and CDC are captured. We know that probably all the agencies are captured. The USDA is captured because the food pyramid is completely upside down.

There’s nothing wrong with saturated fat. In fact, there was a really good paper in the Lancet, this ivory tower journal. They’ve looked epidemiologically and found that the more fat you eat, the lower your risk of cardiac disease. It’s not saturated fat that’s the enemy.

It is these polyunsaturated, synthetic, manufactured vegetable oils. The use of soy vegetable oil in this country has gone up exponentially, in terms of tons. Tons are used. There is this low-fat hoax. You go to the supermarket, everything is low-fat. That’s actually what you don’t want.

Because if it’s low in fat, it’s high in carbohydrates and glucose. When you shop, you actually want to look for high-fat, not low-fat. That’s how completely upside down this hoax is. There was this campaign that said eggs were bad and said, “Don’t eat eggs.”

Eggs are wonderful. They are one of the most nutritious sources of nutrient-dense food, and eggs do not increase your cholesterol. Maybe it does if you have 30 or 40 eggs a day, but one or two eggs a day is perfectly fine. It’s a highly dense, nutritional food. You can see how deep this hoax and corruption and this fraud goes.

Read the second part of the article


March 9, 2024


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