“This is the plague of our time: madmen leading the blind” (2)

Read the first part of the article

The externally controlled and blind

The fundamental problem for the establishment of a genuine popular government is that most people in the masses are politically incompetent, as they have little interest in politics or lack the necessary knowledge and, in some cases, the skills. Many citizens are characterized by prejudice and ignorance and are primarily concerned with establishing a comfortable life for themselves, which the elites deliberately lure them with in order to distract them from their misanthropic agenda.

The “sheep” are often guided by stereotypical thinking, feelings and habits and believe the image of reality presented to them by the media owned by the elites. Even if the mass media were to report objectively and neutrally in accordance with their mandate – which they do not – most people would still not be able to recognize public grievances, anticipate the consequences of political action and learn lessons from past mistakes and crises. Complex problems in complex societies require political problems to be understood quickly and appropriately and solved intellectually. Popular government in the sense of this word is made difficult by the described ways of thinking and behaving of the “immature” citizens.

The elites and their political henchmen are generally more politically educated and know what makes the citizens tick. Over time, they have built up experts in all areas of knowledge. In particular, the insiders of political matters – among whom I do not include “politicians” such as Karl Lauterbach or Annalena Baerbock – are familiar with the relevant aspects of political problems and are also organized among themselves. They know which diversionary tactics – “bread and circus” – they can use to direct the masses, as the European Football Championship recently showed once again.

Only a few citizens are concerned with political content and are able to examine and question the decisions of the elite-instructed politicians or to see through the motives and machinations of the elite pulling the strings. The disorganization of the people makes it difficult for them to establish a counterweight to the elite manipulating the herd in the form of a real democracy. Due to their lack of political insight, the masses continue to live in a pseudo-democracy.

The biggest slave is usually the one who believes he is not one. In the world we live in, freedom is not a given and happiness is not a right. But in my experience, many people believe that this is the case. The post-war generations in particular, especially many of today’s younger people, were born into a time when “electricity comes from the socket”. They hardly lacked anything. However, when happiness fails to come to them or they become aware of their own lack of freedom, others have to serve as scapegoats, such as the society or their parents, who have “cheated” them out of their “true self”, which they cannot realize, or out of their happiness.

The attempt to at least partially take responsibility ourselves or to strive for one’s freedom or happiness is usually not made. Other “saviours” are supposed to do this, such as the state or society, which is supposed to restore the status quo ante.

One reason for the obvious blindness and lack of freedom of many people who thought they were free during the corona period may have been that they could not admit that they were on the wrong track. The unvaccinated were internally free because they resisted and acted independently despite enormous external pressure. Modern heroes, in fact. Many of those controlled by others during the corona period would rather follow senseless rules for the rest of their lives than realize and admit that they have been ripped off by the “elitist” decision-makers and influencers. In my opinion, many people will get vaccinated again during the next plandemic – bird flu is currently being hyped up – for exactly this reason. What a consequential self-deception!

Another reason for the conscious or unconscious lack of freedom of those controlled by others is probably the alleged protection within the herd, which believes it possesses the truth but is mostly mistaken, and which they do not want to give up. Their solidarity unites the unfree people, no matter how absurd the narrative of the “shepherds” may be and no matter where these shepherds lead them. Possibly to the slaughterhouse, to which the herd trots voluntarily – in reality manipulated by others – due to its lack of freedom and partial naivety.

People who spoke of solidarity during the “corona crisis” used this term semantically in the sense of submission. They saw unfree fellow citizens who did not question the narrative of the decision-makers and who unconditionally submitted to the measures as showing solidarity. They described people who campaigned to uphold the Basic Law as lacking in solidarity because they did not submit to the government’s dubious agenda, which has now become evident. The greater the nonsense that elite-instructed politicians and media spread during the corona period, the more the sheep fell for it.

The further a society moves from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it” (George Orwell).

The unfree “hate” the free people because of their ability to take their lives into their own hands, because of their courage to question narratives, because of their civil courage, which they cannot muster.

Dystopians like George Orwell and Aldous Huxley had the gift of foreseeing future developments. The more absurd the lies of the manipulators were and are, the more they were and are believed by the unfree herd.

Hans-Joachim Maaz, Dietmar Czycholl and Aaron B. Czycholl described the interaction between the “rescue seekers” and the “rescuers” very aptly in their book Corona – Angst. Hans-Joachim Maaz wrote:

The fact that the majority of the political and media elites could be so severely psychically disturbed that they act so irrationally out of their own fear, as is apparently the case at the moment, exceeds even the emotional capacity of a psychiatrist with special knowledge of narcissistic psychopathology. In order to be able to grasp the unimaginable, the only aspect that helps me is a psychodynamic overall interpretation of the interaction of a severely narcissistically disturbed elite addicted to power and money with a mass-psychologically effective collective fear psychosis of the majority of the population. In a social crisis, the collective-collusive interaction between an imagined rescue competence of the power elites and an illusory rescue fantasy of the addicts helps to cover up the real causes of the social problem.”

People with an unrealistic, escapist “entitlement conviction” that arises more from their own weakness are easy prey for pied pipers of all stripes, regardless of whether they are right-wing or left-wing radical populists, seducers of the “Islamic State” and the like. The “reality refugees”, the refugees from themselves, want to feel supported and for this purpose they want to find shelter in some collective. The slogans of this collective that takes them in are then supported and, if necessary, shouted out. Whether these collective “truths” refer to their supposed “innate rights” or whether they are directed at an enemy image such as unvaccinated people, is secondary. Being there is everything! And such people believe they are free!

Finally, I would like to present to you, dear readers, an article sent to me by “George Earache”, which inspired me to write this article.

“Invasion of the Teflonauts”

“They have been mingling with humans for decades, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Where did they come from? From a distant brainwashing facility in the depths of an evil extraterrestrial civilization.

They studied the human psyche very closely, especially how to make people afraid. This led to the psychological warfare we are currently experiencing.

They despise the miracle that is mankind because people have a soul and empathy. They look at this with immense hatred. The sight of these people, who they consider to be imperfect, motivates them to make people like themselves: cold, calculating, unfeeling, unscrupulous, technocratic, drunk with power, greedy for money. They lie out of passion. So that they no longer have to be disgusted by people, they do everything they can to make people like themselves. They call this transhumanism.

They have found willing helpers among people who have not yet developed their full intellectual potential and who have joined the Teflonauts.

We find them in all areas of human coexistence. They are recognizable by the fact that everything that seems absurd, questionable and illogical to common sense rolls off them like drops of oil in a Teflon pan.

They have been rhetorically trained to answer clearly posed questions in such a way that they do not answer the question at all and put forward arguments that initially leave you speechless because of their emptiness and blatant lies. They have been trained to give answers that are guaranteed to make the person asking the question shake their head.

In order to create the greatest possible confusion, with the aim of making people powerless, they have hijacked the areas of people’s basic needs.

Food linked to the climate: You shouldn’t eat this or that because it harms the climate. You should only move in this or that way because doing something else harms the climate.

You should do this and that to stay healthy. If you don’t do that, you’re harming others, and you don’t want that, do you?

We abuse the time you spend trying to find your identity by making you as uncertain as possible about your gender so that afterwards you no longer know whether you are male or female.

You should believe this and that because we know better than you.

In order for this to be believed, the devil, evil, has put on the garb of a philanthropist.

By spreading fear everywhere, we shake your existence. We gnaw at your core as much as we can. We leave no stone unturned to take the ground from under your feet. We want you to float around freely so that we can push you where we want you to go.

We find these misanthropists everywhere: in politics, in the health care system, in journalism, in the media, in science, in the military. Many of their supporters are now also among “normal” people like you and I.

You don’t need to come to them with arguments, logic and new scientific findings. Many of them, if they talk to you at all, argue according to the same ideology that they have internalized through the brainwashing of the media.

After decades of lulling their consciousnesses to sleep, thinking for themselves has become tedious and uncomfortable. They consume not only goods, but also pre-chewed information. They allow themselves to be fed this creamy mush spoonful by spoonful.

In contrast to them, we have always remained open to an exchange. But they usually do not accept this offer and remain silent. Here, too, the Teflon effect comes into play, which protects them from having to put forward arguments that they do not have. They know that they would lose in a controversy, so they prefer to say nothing at all.

For those who have remained human, this situation is often unbearable because humans are social beings who seek exchange and many want to learn from one another.

This is how the split came about. The door that would allow us to approach each other again can only be opened from one side. The side behind which the Teflonauts stand, asking us for forgiveness. We can only forgive when we are asked to. Forgiving without the other side asking is completely impossible. And as long as the Teflonauts and their followers do not detoxify their thoughts and turn back to the light, it is our almost sacred duty to stay grounded and sane and to persevere on the path of searching for the truth.

It is helpful to spend a lot of time in nature. If you walk through nature with your senses open, you become aware of the wonder, the wisdom that surrounds us all. This makes you modest and humble and teaches us to be amazed again and again. And that gives you strength.

You can also find support in the family unit – provided that it hasn’t also become divided – and in good conversations with friends over a good glass of natural juice and food prepared with love. We’ve had plenty of opportunity in recent years to find out who our friends really are.

We have already come a long, long way and it has cost us a lot of strength. There is no turning back, only looking forward. Personally, I did not want to go back to a time when the lies and deception would still be ahead of me.

So let’s recharge our batteries so that we can carry on. And we carry on. And in the end, the truth always wins, no matter how long it takes.

George Earache”


The task of politicians should be to make people live together efficiently and at the same time in a socially acceptable way. The actual purpose of politics – which is of course not admitted – is to secure the existing power structures. Therefore, politics is constantly creating internal and external enemies in order to prove its right to exist. That is “evil”. A clear example of this is provided by the politicians of the USA with their elite-centered machinations at home and their hegemonic, unipolar and geostrategic efforts abroad. They stage wars like in Ukraine and create commercial external enemies like China.

Current politicians are not problem solvers, although that is exactly what they should be and they proclaim this loudly before elections. What problems have they been able to solve in recent years? Certainly not problems that are important to the community. Instead of doing their job, they are primarily interested in maintaining power. And that only works if they do not get in the way of the elites. Hence the “carry on as before” – carry on as before in the interests of the elites, the desire to have more, the real root of evil in this world.

Good begets good and evil begets evil. So let us do good.

Author: Uwe Froschauer


September 11, 2024


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