Timeline Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, And The Hidden Forces In Life (4)

by Bernhard Guenther

Read the third part of the article

Individuality, Sovereignty, and Being

Individuality in this context is the embodied individualized soul as a conscious transducer for higher energies, being the “instrument” for Divine Will. Individuality DOES NOT mean ego/personality identification (the false “I”), or what the matrix/official culture promotes as “Individuality” which is most often a “cult of personality”.

In the same context, becoming a sovereign emancipated Individual does not imply that one is an “independent” human being, separate from everything else. That illusory idea stems from the over-riding head-centric male aspect of consciousness, the (inner) tyrant who is identified with self-achieved (false) independence. From a spiritual and holistic perspective, being a sovereign embodied Individual is based upon a deep recognition (on an embodied level) of the interrelationship of life, fully tuned into nature and the Divine/Spirit as an individualized (but not separate) expression of it – a fractal aspect of the universal Hologram. It stems from the feminine aspect of consciousness, which is grounded in Being.

A sovereign emancipated Individual is not influenced by external influences/intrusions which the Matrix attempts to inset into their consciousness: any form of rulers/authority (including hyper dimensional interference) or social/cultural programming/spiritual conditioning. But he/she is also not an isolated, “independent” and separate being, but deeply connected to (and in alignment with) nature, spirit and the Divine, as a conscious vessel/transducer for Divine Will.

Being, in the true meaning of the word, does not mean that one is just passive (another common misconception). It is the still point (zero-point consciousness) from which our wholeness can be informed by the world’s wholeness (listening to world through the body, anchored in the pelvic floor/gut, the seat of the feminine aspect of consciousness), and then respond to it from this grounded space.

It is from this state of Being wherein spontaneous, perfect action arises – action that is in alignment with nature and Divine Will. It is receptive to “what is”, contrary to the reactionary “tyrant” of the male aspect of consciousness, who is threatened by the present moment (and, essentially, afraid of the Feminine), addicted to “willful doing” and head-centric analysis, with a desperate need to control the “outside world”, which only results in more and more fragmentation, for the intellect/mind can never ever perceive wholeness.

As Joseph Campbell said “The hero is the man of self-achieved submission”. In his book ‘New Self, New World’, Philip Shepherd clarifies what Campbell meant by that observation:
“Campbell is not talking about submission to a tyrant, or to injustice, or to rule, or to authority or any external idea. The hero’s submission is self-achieved and transformative and offered with a complete peace of consciousness – he chooses to die to what has been, and he finds himself reborn into the newness of the living world around it.

That is, he dies to society’s description of Being and, in opening himself to the vibrant unknown, submits to ‘what is’ – which can never be fully described [via the intellect/mind] and which cannot be accommodated without relinquishing the norms of language, perception and sensibility, allowing them to change fundamentally.

The ground of Being within us is associated with the pelvic floor – the place where the brain in our gut rests. We should be cautious once more, though, not to be seduced by our culture’s idea that the peace of the female element of Being is ‘passive’ – a word that makes it seem inert, phlegmatic, indifferent or sluggish. That popular view reveals more about the self-affirming values of the ‘known self’ (the head-centric male aspect of consciousness) than about Being.

The female aspect of consciousness is not passive, but receptive – the very quality against which our inner tyrant defends itself. And although its receptivity might seem dormant from the sensation-deprived perspective of the ‘known self’, it is anything but. True, there is a sort of passivity to just receiving ‘what is’ – but the nature of female receptivity carries us back to the roots of the word passive: it comes from the Latin ‘passivus’: ‘capable of suffering’, which traces back to the same Indo-European root as our words ‘patient’ and ‘compassion’. You cannot receive all without suffering.

The still peace within which the female Being rests and burns and transforms is heroic – born out of self-achieved submission and sustained by a perfect receptivity that enables us to be present with what is, and with whatever is.

Our culture is so obsessed with the values of male doing that we lose touch with the profound stillness of the present that underlies all things. By disconnecting from it, we deplete the present of the very foundation on which its wholeness rests. To diminish our sense of the present, of course, is to diminish our own ability to be present: it is only in the felt stillness of the present that the self can come fully to rest. And that rest is not just an idea, nor is it some ethereal, rarified state: perfect rest is recognized first and foremost by what is happening in the body.

The grounded still point of your Being is your truest ally, the integrating genius from which spontaneous, perfect action arises. First, being. When your body yields first to the stillness of the present, and then to its currents, you will find that the timelessness of the still point creates timelessness in all your activities, imparting them with felicity and ease.

When the Zen archery master executes the perfect shot and acknowledges that not he, but ‘It’, made the shot, he is referring to the all-informing stillness of ‘Being’ out of which the shot arose. The way of the Tao is the way of supreme spontaneity: it is at once perfect activity, and perfect rest. Perfect activity is ‘doing’ that is nourished by the perfect rest of Being.” ~ Philip Shepherd, New Self, New World

To be in flow and tune with the Tao is to be in alignment with Divine Will. It is based on the alchemical marriage of the inner female and male, the embodied soul tuned into (and informed by) nature and the present moment via its sensory instrument of Source Consciousness (the body), grounded in the Being out of which “conscious doing” arises. It relates to what Michael Topper stated (as quoted earlier): “Only in alignment and integral consonance with the Whole-value of Being may Reality be accurately manifested through the medium of ‘personal expression’ for then there is no discrepancy between ‘personal’ and Universal, the perspectival ‘part’ and the indeterminate Whole.”

“The only free will in the world is the one divine Will of which Nature is the executrix; for she is the master and creator of all other wills. Human free will can be real in a sense, but, like all things that belong to the modes of Nature, it is only relatively real. The mind rides on a swirl of natural forces, balances on a poise between several possibilities, inclines to one side or another, settles and has the sense of choosing: but it does not see, it is not even dimly aware of the Force behind that has determined its choice. It cannot see it, because that Force is something total and to our eyes indeterminate.

Behind this petty instrumental action of the human will there is something vast and powerful and eternal that oversees the trend of the inclination and presses on the turn of the will. There is a total Truth in Nature greater than our individual choice.

This apparently self-acting mechanism of Nature conceals an immanent divine Will that compels and guides it and shapes its purposes. But you cannot feel or know that Will while you are shut up in your narrow cell of personality, blinded and chained to your viewpoint of the ego and its desires. For you can wholly respond to it only when you are impersonalized [embodied] by knowledge and widened to see all things in the self and in God and the self and God in all things. […]

The state of ignorance in which you believe that you are the doer of your acts persists so long as it is necessary for your development; but as soon as you are capable of passing into a higher condition, you begin to see that you are an instrument of the one consciousness; you take a step upward and you rise to a higher conscious level.”
~ Sri Aurobindo

Hidden Forces and Hyperdimensional Interference

In light of the necessity of embodiment (alongside the anchoring to higher frequencies in order to align with our unique soul purpose) as a key for opening the door into consciously-engaging with the evolution of collective consciousness, we can now see even clearer why the Matrix Control System is invested in keeping us dis-embodied and stuck in head-centric mechanical living.

As long as you suffer from a lack of embodiment and thus live mostly in your “head” (as most people do, since our society is designed that way on purpose, keeping people in disembodied, brain-isolated living), you will suffer from a lack of holistic soul integration (this also relates to soul fragmentation), and will become a target vessel for “something else” to occupy that “space”.

Most people are “trojan horses” – carriers of entities which they are not aware of, non-physical beings which affect their thoughts, moods, emotions and behaviors in unconscious ways while also “feeding off of” other humans around them (a topic which ties into psychic vampirism). Obviously, there are varying degrees of possession, and sometimes it’s not that obvious, because most people don’t question their own thoughts and desires. However, the majority of people are influenced by these “hidden forces” to one degree or another, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out.

“Men are being constantly invaded by the hostiles and there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. At the present moment they are very active all over the earth. Of course in the outside world there is no consciousness, such as is developed in yoga, by which they can either become aware of or consciously repel the attacks – the struggle in them between the psychic and the hostile force goes on mostly behind the veil or so far as it is on the surface is not understood by the mind.

The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached, conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, forces which we have made extraneous to your little person. Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, influences in universal Nature. All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces.

But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose – they indulge the play of the forces. Your illnesses, depressions, etc. are the repeated play of such forces. It is only when one can make oneself free of them that one can be the true person and have a true life – but one can be free only by living in the Divine.” ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Hidden Forces of Life

“Because hostile hyperdimensional forces have a vested interest in the Matrix Control System, they go to extraordinary lengths to suppress any destabilizing factors that could disrupt their food supply. Anyone who starts the process of waking up and regaining personal power and freedom is immediately targeted. The targeting aims to put him or her back to sleep, render him powerless, or make him or lose faith in continuing his path.

When a personal impulse toward freedom occurs, an equal and opposite impulse is set into motion, attracting to the target various negatively synchronistic opportunities to engage in vibe-lowering experiences to offset his impulse toward freedom. These include situations that aim to induce fear, distraction, suffering, doubt, depression, indulgence in lower impulses, and self-serving behavior.

Sometimes this phenomenon arises naturally from the law of inertia (occult and karmic laws) while other times there is intentional and active amplification of this counter-impulse by negative hyperdimensional forces to disarm the threat before he gains more power.

Other methods of suppression include sabotaging and distracting a targeted individual via people around him who are open to direct manipulation. Anyone who fails to be fully conscious in the present moment can be a puppet for as long as his or her attention is elsewhere. Lapses of attention are enough for a subconsciously implanted impulses to result in regrettable words or actions.

Most people in this world place no priority on awareness or attentiveness, and instead live life in a semi-conscious dream state that makes them very prone to being pawns of the Matrix Control System. Some are born with insufficient levels of individualized consciousness to ever experience a lucid moment, and it is these who form the primary class of ‘Matrix agents,’ the rest of us functioning as agents only part of the time when we fail to watch ourselves. Due to the plethora of spiritually asleep people in the population, the Matrix Control System has no problem finding chess pieces to maneuver into place around a target.” ~ Tom Montalk

Based on many emails I’ve received – and on feedback from people I work with – incidences of hyperdimensional interferences are also currently increasing at exponential rates. This is to be expected in light of what is happening from a larger-picture perspective in this day and age (as mentioned earlier). 

These are just the usual scare tactics to infuse the frequency of fear within any individual who is making a sincere effort to activate their own powers of Embodiment.

Anyone who has a basic understanding of what the path towards “awakening” entails, knows that we are all being tested individually, and the lessons are different for each of us. As Tom Montalk pointed out: “Anyone who starts the process of waking up and regaining personal power and freedom is immediately targeted. The targeting aims to put him or her back to sleep, render him powerless, or make him or lose faith in continuing his path.”

It’s important to stay vigilant, and not give in to any thoughts of fear, for fear is an illusion anyway. All there is are lessons to be absorbed, and we don’t get to move on until we learn our personal lessons for the sake of our soul evolution, so that we can become the emancipated beautiful sovereign beings whose existence reflects our original birthright.

This hyperdimensional interference agenda is nothing to be afraid of – it’s simply the reality of what is going on beyond the veil of the 3D world. On a basic level, just as we are subjected to physical parasites, germs, yeasts, and viruses which require our immune system to constantly fighting off, we are also being subjected to “hidden forces” and non-physical intruders; hence, it is about building up one’s “spiritual immune system” (which ties into the process of embodiment and anchoring to a higher frequency in order to become “untouchable” by these hidden forces) so there is no frequency match. It’s ALL about frequency and vibration with regard to the cause and the cure.

Read the fifth part of the article


June 27, 2019


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