What are they doing to our sky?

Weather manipulation programs and other geoengineering experiments to reverse “climate change” can no longer be dismissed as the fodder for “chemtrail” conspiracy theorists. In recent weeks, the fears sparked by excessive rainfall in UK and in Dubai have finally been confirmed.

A report by the Telegraph on the unprecedented floods in Dubai detailed how Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates systematically seed the skies to deliver rain to the desert, and Ahmed Habib, a meteorologist at the UAE National Meteorological Center, confirmed that “several aircraft were used for cloud seeding in the days leading up to the unprecedented weather.” The report described the processes and chemicals used to create “artificial” rain. Cloud seeding has also been blamed for the devastating floods in California in February.

British scientists, the Telegraph revealed in another article, have been involved in the project in the Middle East since 2017 and are experimenting in the UK, near Castle Cary in Somerset, where “over a verdant landscape rarely hit by drought, unmanned aircraft carrying specially designed charge transmitters that can release positive or negative ions on demand have been launched into another misty sky“.

You may be wondering why I, a former Army officer, feel the need to speak out on this issue. Well, first, I have known about weather modification and solar radiation control (geoengineering activities) for some time and believe it is a matter of security – the security of our livelihoods, food supplies, health and, at worst, survival. Second, I spent three years studying landforms and the forces that shape them, particularly climate and weather, so I have not only an interest but also some knowledge. Nor am I the only one who has observed the changes in the sky over the past few years, from the ground or from passenger planes flying over the spraying areas. And finally, when the same sources that have hyped up covid and censored dissenting opinions as misinformation are vilifying and discrediting the people reporting on it and its potential impacts, then it is time to start worrying. Once again, the government is either not being open with us or they have no control over what is going on.

The concern is not limited to this kind of attempted weather control. Alarming research and experiments into altering solar radiation have been going on for more than a decade. Roman Balmakov of the Epoch Times recently reported on one such secret project currently underway near San Francisco. Many scientists and modelers in the powerful man-made global warming lobby are pushing for more of the same.

In February this year, more than 60 researchers from “prominent institutions” recommended more research “on possible approaches to increase the reflection of sunlight (or the release of longwave radiation) from the atmosphere,” i.e. “solar radiation modification” (SRM) of the kind funded by Bill Gates and pursued by Stanford and Harvard universities. They also called for more “small-scale field trials.” An alarming UN report from last year also suggests that it is time to investigate whether SRM can contribute to tackling the “climate crisis”: Temporary emergency measures such as SRM are being discussed in the scientific and public debate, as global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are not on track to meet the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement. Climate change continues to worsen and some of its impacts are already irreversible. That is their “excuse” or justification.

Bill Gates (along with a dozen other donors and 14 foundations) has been supporting a high-altitude experiment at Harvard for a “radical solution to climate change” for several years. The Stratospheric Perturbation Control Experiment is designed to create a massive chemical cloud that could cool the Earth by mimicking a volcanic effect. It is considered the first stratospheric experiment of its kind in the field of solar geoengineering. Although the project’s leaders claim that it has only been tested with climate models so far, the project’s leading figure, Professor David Keith, a true Dr. Strangelove, reveals in this interview what he plans to do and what he and his colleagues have already done, which he admits was stopped by the Swedish government. He openly admits that, like vaccines, climate geoengineering cannot be controlled responsibly.

The White House also seems interested in man’s ultimate hubris. Last October, it announced it would push forward with a five-year research plan to study how to alter the amount of sunlight that reaches Earth (although the techniques involved, such as spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, are known to have harmful effects on the environment and human health).

Several US states are alarmed by what is already occurring and what could occur. And rightly so. Tennessee is close to passing a law that would prohibit “the intentional release, injection, or dispersion into the atmosphere within the boundaries of this state of any chemical, chemical compound, substance, or device for the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of sunlight.” Minnesota and Pennsylvania have introduced similar bills.

Although there is a debate in geoengineering science about the risks of such interventions – whether they lead to cooling or warming (whether they cause more or less CO₂ emissions) – the entire debate is based on a false premise.

We should be clear that this is a fallacy. Climate change is not man-made. As the recently released film Climate the Movie shows, the climate has been changing in cycles – small and large – for as long as there has been life on Earth. The current “shock” is just the result of data collected since the establishment of the Hadley Centre of the British Met Office in 1880, the longest instrumental temperature record in the world. And it shows that since the low point of the Little Ice Age in 1650, the temperature has risen by just over 1 degree Celsius, and this has been the case over the entire industrial era. This is neither unprecedented nor dangerously high, and it is not attributable to CO₂ emissions.

Yet the myth of man-made climate change is firmly embedded in government policy, and with it the pursuit of so-called “carbon net zero”; the littering of the landscape with useless wind turbines, solar panels (it remains to be seen how they will fare against SRM geoengineering) and electricity pylons; the pursuit of electric-powered vehicles that actually use more energy than diesel or petrol; the manufacture of batteries that contain harmful metals and cannot be recycled, and so on and so forth. Now it is driving even more destructive and uncontrollable interventions in weather and climate, often secret and unregulated, over which the public neither knows nor votes.


Rain without end. It has hardly stopped raining this year and the consequences for our farming and food production are devastating. Farmers’ Weekly warned in March that further wet weather would herald agricultural disaster and the wet weather continued throughout the spring and summer. The £50 million provided by the Department for the Environment (Defra) for rain-damaged farmers will not be enough to prevent crop failure, food shortages and a potential food security crisis.

It’s possible that this rainfall, which has also caused severe flooding across Europe, is part of the natural cycle. But it should remind us that it’s dangerous to play with the skies. There’s evidence that rainmakers caused the 1952 storm that almost wiped out the village of Lynmouth in Devon and killed 35 people.

SRM has been considered both in UK and in the US for more than a decade, on the grounds that such interventions may become necessary “to minimise or reverse anthropogenic [human-caused] climate change”. The 2010 Commons Science and Technology Committee report on the regulation of geoengineering under the heading “Weather modification techniques” (page 15, paragraph 24) offers some insight: “Weather modifications such as cloud seeding that affect the weather for no longer than one season” do not fall within the definition of geoengineering and therefore do not require further regulation beyond the 1977 “hostile use convention” mentioned in the report. A policy paper published ten years later, in 2020, entitled UK government’s view on greenhouse gas removal technologies and solar radiation management, looks at the injection of pollutants into the atmosphere. It stresses the absolute need to eliminate greenhouse gases despite there being no plans to deploy SRM, and points to government-commissioned research into the climate impacts of SRM – a “Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project”.

Most people are unaware of such research or plans, are unaware of what could be or is being done to them, or simply do not care. But they should.

What is clear is that such targeted interventions in the climate system are becoming less and less taboo with each passing year of emissions control failure. More than a decade ago, the U.S. government and some of its science agencies sought advice from the National Academy of Sciences. Its 2015 report, Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth, concluded that this was the last resort to address climate change, but that “the likelihood that we will have to resort to these measures increases with each year of inaction on emissions control.”

The dire risks of SRM, as developed at Stanford and Harvard, are highlighted in this paper and underscore the importance of understanding what is already happening in our skies and how it could affect us.

The global application and spread of cloud seeding is undisputed. Since its origins in the 1940s, it has evolved from a potential solution to occasional droughts or as a firefighting tool to other, more routine geoengineering catalysts for weather modification, run by governments and companies. It uses a variety of technologies (and chemicals) – from the ground and from aircraft, as described in a Daily Mail article, typically spraying salt or silver iodide particles around which ice forms in the upper atmosphere to produce rain. Cloud seeding technology in its various forms has offered business opportunities since the 1990s, as demonstrated by US patent applications. For example, the patent for coating a salt crystal with titanium dioxide to improve the condensation process was approved for the Gulf in 2017. The market size in the five major regions of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Rest of the World, forecast to 2032, is presented by Fortune Business Insights. The figures include both government and military as well as commercial use.

An April report from earth.org puts it succinctly: “We simply don’t know how cloud seeding will play out, whether increased rainfall in one area will inadvertently trigger a drought in another, or whether excessive rainfall will cause flooding.” The report also warns that the most commonly used chemical – silver iodide – raises serious ecological concerns because of its toxicity to terrestrial and aquatic life. Yet countries as diverse as the Russian Federation, Thailand, the United States, China, and Australia routinely use these agents to combat heat waves or wildfires, alleviate droughts, disperse fog, minimize hail, or create snow at ski resorts.

More countries than ever before, reportedly including France and Spain, are either already using such methods or are “exploring” them, convinced that “accelerating climate change is increasing concerns about water security.”

A request for written answer (E-007937-15) addressed to the European Commission by Ramon Tremosa, a Catalan MEP and economics professor at the University of Barcelona, suggests that such programmes were already in operation in Spain in 2015. He claims that four employees of the Spanish Meteorological Service “confessed” that Spain “was sprayed throughout the country with aircraft spraying lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomaceous earth into the atmosphere to deter rain and raise temperatures, creating a summer climate for tourism while favouring companies in the agricultural sector“.

She also claimed that it was causing severe cases of “gota fría“, as the weather phenomenon is called in Spanish, that the local population was suffering from respiratory diseases from inhaling lead dioxide and other toxic compounds, and that the planes were taking off from the San Javier military airport in Murcia. Tremosa asked: “How does the Commission assess this situation? Does the Commission consider that there are commercial reasons for these measures by governments, particularly in the context of the interests of the food companies, the energy companies and the pharmaceutical and medical industries?” The Commission’s terse answer to all questions was: no.

Do we accept such denials and do not investigate further? A 2017 peer-reviewed paper in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International claimed that fly ash from coal combustion has been sprayed into the troposphere since the late 1990s and claimed that the public has been deliberately misled.

Last year, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommended much more extensive advance research and stricter monitoring of weather modification programs in a report on weather modification, suggesting that no such regulation yet exists.

Laura Kuhl, assistant professor of public policy, urban development and international affairs at Northeastern University in Boston, USA, also expressed concern. She says there is a lack of policy discussions about the use (and misuse) of cloud seeding, despite the technology being widely used. Others warn that weather modification and geoengineering exacerbate environmental problems rather than reduce them; that the reductionist science behind it is driven by “hasty considerations of selling carbon credits on dubious grounds rather than achieving real environmental benefits“.

On a larger scale, such efforts pose a serious threat to international relations and the environment, as is already the case in China, where weather changes are planned on a large scale without considering the impact on neighboring countries.

Author: Lt Gen Riley, former commander of British Forces in Sierra Leone and Iraq and Deputy Commander of all NATO forces in Afghanistan.


June 17, 2024


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