What we think as reality is actually an illusion

This article presents proof that the world, as we commonly see it, is not real.

(Note that we won’t delve into the simulation hypothesis, which is yet another way of postulating that reality is an illusion because we do not believe that our world is a computer simulation.)

The mountain of evidence presented herein about the illusionary nature of reality can be challenging to believe, but it can also be liberating. If you accept that what we commonly perceive as reality is actually an illusion, then you can know that you are not limited by the world of appearances. You can choose to experience the world in a way that is fulfilling and meaningful to you.

Scientific Proof that Reality is an Illusion

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement is one of the most mysterious and counterintuitive phenomena in quantum mechanics. When two quantum systems become entangled, measurements on one system seem to instantaneously affect the state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them. This “action at a distance”, as Einstein famously called it, seemed to challenge the very foundations of physics.

Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) published a paper in 1935 suggesting that quantum mechanics is incomplete and that there might exist “hidden variables” that determine the outcomes of quantum measurements, but we just didn’t know about them. According to this view, if we could account for these hidden variables, then the strange behavior of entangled particles would have a more intuitive explanation.

To clarify the debate between the “hidden variables” interpretation and the standard quantum mechanics interpretation, physicist John Bell formulated a set of inequalities in 1964, now known as Bell’s inequalities.

Bell’s Inequality in Simple Terms

Bell proposed a thought experiment involving two entangled particles sent in opposite directions to two different observers, often referred to as Alice and Bob. They measure the particles’ properties (like spin) along different orientations.

According to quantum mechanics, the results of these measurements will be correlated in a specific way because of the entanglement between the particles.

If local hidden variables were responsible for the outcomes of these measurements, then the results would have certain statistical properties (based on the idea that the outcomes are predetermined and not influenced by the measurement settings). Bell was able to derive an inequality — Bell’s inequality — that should be satisfied if local hidden variables are the correct description of reality.

Nobel Prize Winning Tests Results

A series of experiments, starting with those conducted by Alain Aspect, John Clauser, Anton Zeilinger tested Bell’s inequalities – for which each was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. They did this by measuring entangled particles, like photons, under various conditions.

The results of these experiments have consistently violated Bell’s inequalities, supporting the predictions of quantum mechanics and suggesting that local hidden variables cannot explain the behavior of entangled particles.

The data gathered by Aspect, Clauser, and Zeilinger demonstrated that the universe is “non-local”, meaning that entangled particles can affect each other instantaneously regardless of distance – effectively proving quantum physics’ claim and contradicting Einstein’s theory. As such, these experiments demonstrated that since particles (the building blocks of the universe) aren’t real in the traditional sense, the universe itself isn’t real.

The Double Slit Experiment

The Double Slit experiment is one of the most famous experiments in quantum mechanics, showcasing the wave-particle duality of particles and the surprising role of observation in determining their behavior.

The basic experiment:

  1. Setup: Imagine a barrier with two parallel slits. Behind this barrier is a detection screen. If we shoot particles (like electrons) at the barrier, some will pass through the slits and hit the detection screen.
  2. Wave-like behavior (Interference pattern): When both slits are open, and we are not observing which slit the particle goes through, an interference pattern emerges on the detection screen. This pattern is akin to what one would expect if waves were going through both slits, interfering constructively in some places (leading to bright bands) and destructively in others (leading to dark bands). This suggests that particles, in the absence of measurement, behave like waves.
  3. Measurement (Observer) Introduced: If a detector is placed at the slits to determine which slit the particle goes through, the interference pattern vanishes, and two bands appear on the screen. This implies the act of observing or measuring which slit the particle goes through collapses its wave-like nature to behave like a particle.

The double slit experiment has been interpreted by many physicists as evidence that reality is an illusion. This is because the way we experience the world depends on how we observe it. Watch this absolutely brilliant explanation of the double slit experiment by Professor Jim Al-Khalili:

Here are some additional findings of quantum mechanics that have been interpreted as evidence of the illusionary nature of reality:

  • The uncertainty principle: The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with perfect accuracy. This suggests that the world is not made up of point particles, but rather of waves of probability.
  • The Many Worlds Interpretation: The Many Worlds Interpretation is a proposed interpretation of quantum mechanics that states that every possible outcome of a quantum event occurs in a separate universe. This suggests that there is no single, objective reality, but rather a multiverse of possible realities.

These are just a few of the findings of quantum physics that have been interpreted as evidence of the illusionary nature of reality. These findings have forced us to rethink our understanding of the nature of reality.

Excerpt from the “Autobiography of a Yogi” about Maya and the Reason for Suffering

Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of Autobiography of a Yogi, said that the world of appearances is not real, but is instead a projection of our own consciousness.

Yogananda’s views on the nature of reality are based on the Hindu concept of Maya, a Sanskrit word that means “illusion”. In Hindu philosophy, Maya is the power of God to create the world of appearances. The world of appearances is not real in itself, but is a projection of the ultimate reality.

Below is an excerpt about Maya and the reason for suffering from Chapter 30 of the Autobiography of a Yogi:

“The ancient Vedic scriptures declare that the physical world operates under one fundamental law of Maya, the principle of relativity and duality. God, the Sole Life, is an Absolute Unity; He cannot appear as the separate and diverse manifestations of a creation except under a false or unreal veil. That cosmic illusion is Maya. Every great scientific discovery of modern times has served as a confirmation of this simple pronouncement of the rishis.

Just as the motion-picture images appear to be real, but are only combinations of light and shade, so is the universal variety a delusive seeming. The planetary spheres, with their countless forms of life, are naught but figures in a cosmic motion picture, temporarily true to five sense perceptions as the scenes are cast on the screen of man’s consciousness by the infinite creative beam.

A cinema audience can look up and see that all screen images are appearing through the instrumentality of one imageless beam of light. The colorful universal drama is similarly issuing from the single white light of a Cosmic Source. With inconceivable ingenuity God is staging entertainment for His human children, making them actors as well as audiences in His planetary theater.

One day I entered a motion picture house to view a newsreel of the European battlefields. World War I was still being waged in the West; the newsreel recorded the carnage with such realism that I left the theater with a troubled heart.

Lord,” I prayed, “why dost Thou permit such suffering?

To my intense surprise, an instant answer came in the form of a vision of the actual European battlefields. The horror of the struggle, filled with the dead and dying, far surpassed in ferocity any representation of the newsreel.

Look intently!” A gentle voice spoke to my inner consciousness. “You will see that these scenes now being enacted in France are nothing but a play of chiaroscuro [light and dark]. They are the cosmic motion picture, as real and as unreal as the theater newsreel you have just seen—a play within a play.”

My heart was still not comforted. The Godly voice went on: “Creation is light and shadow both, else no picture is possible. The good and evil of Maya should ever alternate in supremacy. If joy were ceaseless here in this world, would man ever seek another? Without suffering he scarcely cares to recall that he has forsaken his eternal home. Pain is a prod to remembrance. The way of escape is through wisdom! The tragedy of death is unreal; those who shudder at it are like an ignorant actor who dies of fright on the stage when nothing more is fired at him than a blank cartridge. My sons are the children of light; they will not sleep forever in delusion.”

Although I had read scriptural accounts of Maya, they had not given me the deep insight that came with the personal visions and their accompanying words of consolation. One’s values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture, and that not in it, but beyond it, lies his own reality.”

Advaita Vedanta Tradition in Hindu Philosophy

Advaita Vedanta is a non-dualistic school of Hindu philosophy that teaches us that the world of appearances is an extension of our own consciousness. In this view, our consciousness serve as both the artists and the canvas, painting the tapestry of existence. Below is a brief overview:

  • Core Concept: “Advaita” means “not two” in Sanskrit. The fundamental premise of Advaita Vedanta is that there is only one ultimate reality, Brahman, and everything else (the world, individual souls) is an illusion. This perspective solves the paradox of quantum physics by suggesting that the observer’s consciousness is not separate from the reality being observed.
  • Brahman: The ultimate reality or universal spirit. Brahman is the eternal, unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality that is the Godly ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this universe.
  • Atman: Refers to the personal self. Advaita posits that Atman is not separate from Brahman.
  • Maya: The concept of Maya is central to the idea that reality is an illusion. Maya is often translated as “illusion”, but it can also mean “unreality” or “magic”. In Advaita Vedanta, the world we perceive through our senses is said to be Maya – an illusion – because it is transient and ever-transforming, while Brahman is eternal and unchanging.
  • Realization: The ultimate goal in Advaita Vedanta is self-realization or enlightenment, where one realizes the oneness of Atman and Brahman. This realization dispels the illusion created by Maya and one perceives the true nature of reality.
  • Historical Perspective: Advaita Vedanta has ancient roots in the Upanishads, but its most famous proponent was Adi Shankaracharya (Adi Shankara) in the early 8th century CE. He traveled across India, engaging in philosophical debates, and established the non-dualistic interpretation of the scriptures.

The Sufi Tradition in Islam

The Sufi tradition is a mystical tradition of Islam that teaches that the goal of life is to achieve fana, or annihilation of the ego, and baqa, or subsistence in God. The Sufi tradition teaches that the world of appearances is an illusion or a veil and that the only reality is God. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Core Concept: Sufism focuses on the inward search, emphasizing personal experience and direct knowledge of God (Allah) through love, purification of the soul, and deep introspection.
  • Love and Devotion: Sufis are known for their intense love and devotion to God. This is often expressed through poetry, music, and dance, like the famous “whirling dervishes” of the Mevlevi order.
  • The World as a Veil: In Sufi teachings, the material world is considered a veil that hides the ultimate reality of God. Sufism suggests that the material world is a temporary and lesser reality compared to the eternal truth of God.
  • Concept of Unity: Sufism teaches the idea of “Tawhid” or the oneness of God. While this concept is fundamental to all of Islam, Sufis emphasize experiential and mystical understanding of this oneness, often described in terms of lover and Beloved, with the lover seeking union with God.
  • Path to God: The Sufi journey involves various stages (Maqamat) and states (Ahwal) that aspirants pass through in their quest for God. These involve rigorous spiritual exercises, meditations, and ethical practices.
  • Historical Perspective: Sufism has been a significant part of Islamic tradition since its early days, with various Sufi orders and brotherhoods emerging over time. Notable Sufis like Rumi, Hafez, and Al-Ghazali have enriched Islamic thought with their writings and teachings.

Dzogchen School of Tibetan Buddhism

Dzogchen, often translated as “Great Perfection,” is a school of Tibetan Buddhism that teaches that the ultimate nature of reality is rigpa, or pure awareness. Rigpa is said to be beyond all concepts and dualities, including the distinction between subject and object. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Core Concept: Dzogchen points to the natural, intrinsic state of all beings. This state is complete and perfect as it is, and Dzogchen teachings aim to directly introduce practitioners to this inherent nature.
  • Nature of Consciousness: In Dzogchen, emphasis is placed on recognizing the “nature of consciousness” or “rigpa,” which is the pure, undeluded awareness that is ever-present but often obscured by dualistic thoughts and emotional turmoil.
  • Dream-Like Reality: Dzogchen teachings often use the term “dream-like” or “illusion-like” to describe the nature of phenomena. While phenomena appear and can be experienced, they lack inherent, independent existence. In this way, they are like illusions or dreams: apparent but devoid of true, solid reality.
  • Historical Perspective: The Dzogchen teachings are believed to originate from primordial Buddha Samantabhadra and have been transmitted through a lineage of realized masters. They are contained within tantras and texts which form the core of Dzogchen teachings.

The Kabbalah in Judaism

The Kabbalah is a mystical tradition of Judaism that teaches that the world of appearances is a reflection of God. Here’s a brief overview and its perspective on the nature of reality:

  • Core Concept: Kabbalah delves into the deeper, esoteric aspects of the Torah (Jewish scriptures). It offers insights into the Godly nature, the process of creation, and the purpose and role of human souls.
  • The Sefirot: Central to Kabbalistic thought is the Tree of Life, a diagram composed of ten “Sefirot” (emanations or attributes) through which God interacts with the world. These Sefirot help bridge the infinite Godly realm and our finite physical reality.
  • Reality and Illusion: Kabbalah teaches that the physical world we perceive is just a tiny fraction of the broader, spiritual reality. Everything in our physical reality has a spiritual root. The material world is a reflection or projection of these higher spiritual truths, and as such, it is not the ultimate reality. While not necessarily “illusion” in the deceptive sense, the material world is seen as a veiled or condensed version of the spiritual realm.
  • Tikkun Olam: A significant concept in Kabbalah is “Tikkun Olam,” often translated as “repairing the world.” Humanity’s purpose, in this view, is to elevate the sparks of Godly light scattered throughout the physical world, rectifying imbalances and drawing the world closer to its spiritual source.
  • Historical Perspective: While Kabbalistic thought can be traced back to early Jewish mystic traditions, its primary text, the Zohar, was written in the 13th century. Over time, Kabbalah has influenced various Jewish movements and has been adopted or adapted by some non-Jewish groups as well.

The Bhagavad Gita in Hinduism

The Bhagavad Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata. It’s a dialogue between the prince Arjuna and the god Krishna. Here’s a brief overview and its perspective on reality:

  • Core Concept: The “Gita” addresses the moral and philosophical dilemmas faced by Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Krishna provides guidance on duty (dharma), righteousness, and the paths to spiritual realization.
  • Maya (Illusion): In the “Gita,” the material world is often described as being under the influence of “maya,” which can be understood as illusion or ignorance. Maya causes souls to become entangled in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, making them forget their true, Godly nature.
  • Reality and Illusion: While the physical world is real in one sense, it’s also transient and ever-changing, which contrasts with the eternal and unchanging nature of the soul (Atman) and the Ultimate Reality (Brahman).
  • Paths to Realization: The “Gita” outlines various paths (yogas) like Bhakti (devotion), Jnana (knowledge), and Karma (selfless action) to transcend the influence of Maya and realize one’s true self and relationship with God.

The Native American concept of the dream world

The understanding of dreams and the dream world varies across Native American tribes, as there are hundreds of distinct tribes with their own beliefs and traditions. However, there are some shared or common ideas among many tribes:

  • Dream World’s Significance: For many Native American cultures, dreams are not just random occurrences during sleep but are deeply meaningful. They can offer guidance, foretell events, or serve as encounters with spirits or ancestors.
  • Reality and Illusion: Many tribes hold that the dream world and the waking world are interconnected realms of experience, neither being more “real” or “illusory” than the other. In this worldview, dreams can be as consequential as waking experiences and are sometimes seen as being more real than the world of waking reality. Some tribes see dreams as an opportunity to travel to other realms, interact with spirits, or receive messages from the Creator or ancestors.
  • Dream Catchers: One well-known symbol associated with dreams in Native American culture is the dream catcher, originally from the Ojibwa (Chippewa) tribe. Hung above the bed, it’s believed to filter dreams, allowing only good dreams to pass through, while trapping harmful dreams or energies.
  • Guidance and Healing: Dreams can be a source of guidance. Tribal leaders or healers might interpret dreams to diagnose illnesses, find lost objects, or predict events. Some tribes believe dreams offer insights into one’s path in life or lessons to be learned.


Solipsism is an ancient philosophical concept that only the self exists. Solipsists believe that the world and other people are simply a creation of the consciousness. Solipsism doesn’t have a single originator or a specific date of origin. Instead, its roots can be found in various philosophical traditions and discussions about the nature of knowledge, reality, and the self. Here are some key points regarding its development:

  1. Ancient Philosophy: While the term “solipsism” itself wasn’t used in ancient times, certain aspects of solipsism can be traced back to ancient philosophical discussions. For instance, some interpretations of certain Pre-Socratic philosophers.
  2. Modern Development: The explicit formulation of solipsism is more of a modern philosophical development. It often emerges in discussions about epistemology (the study of knowledge) in response to challenges of establishing certain knowledge of the external world. René Descartes, with his method of radical doubt, comes close by emphasizing the certainty of the thinking self (“Cogito, ergo sum” – “I think, therefore I am”).

The Tao Te Ching in Taoism

The “Tao Te Ching” is an ancient Chinese text attributed to the sage Laozi and is foundational to Taoism. It teaches that the world of appearances is a manifestation of the Tao or the Way, which is the underlying reality of the universe. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Core Concept: The “Tao Te Ching” is a guide to the philosophy and practice of Taoism, emphasizing living in harmony with the “Tao” (often translated as “the Way”), an underlying principle that is the source of all existence.
  • Reality and Illusion: The “Tao Te Ching” suggests that the names and distinctions we create are not the eternal reality. The true Tao is beyond names and descriptions. Our human perspectives, with their dualities (e.g., right/wrong, beautiful/ugly), are limited and don’t capture the full essence of the Tao. Such distinctions can be seen as a form of illusion because they don’t reflect the undivided whole of the Tao.
  • Mystical Nature: Many verses in the “Tao Te Ching” are paradoxical and encourage readers to look beyond superficial understandings of reality. By emphasizing simplicity, humility, and spontaneity, one can align with the Tao and see beyond the illusions created by human constructs.

Quotes About the Illusionary Nature of Reality

As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force that brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We should assume behind this force the existence of an intelligent consciousness. This consciousness is the matrix of all matter.” – Max Planck, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

There is no place in this new kind of physics for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.” – Albert Einstein, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921

Everything that we call real is made up of aspects that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922

Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.” Werner Heisenberg, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932

It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to the consciousness of the observer. The very study of the external world led to the conclusion that the content of consciousness is the ultimate reality.” – Eugene Wigner, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963

If I say that electrons behave like particles I give the wrong impression; also if I say they behave like waves. They behave in their own inimitable way, which technically could be called a quantum mechanical way. They behave in a way that is like nothing that you have seen before.” – Richard Feynman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965

One of the weirdest theoretical implications of quantum mechanics is that different observers can give different—though equally valid—accounts of the same sequence of events. As highlighted by physicist Carlo Rovelli in his relational quantum mechanics (RQM), this means that there should be no absolute, observer-independent physical quantities. All physical quantities—the whole physical universe—should be relative to the observer. The notion that we all share the same physical environment should, therefore, be an illusion.” – Bernardo Kastrup, author of The Idea of the World: A Multi-disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality

At our most elemental, we are not a chemical reaction, but an energetic charge. Human beings and all living creatures are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other aspect in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and the omega of our existence.” – Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe

The universe is a hologram.” – David Bohm (a prominent theoretical physicist known for his contributions to the fields of quantum mechanics, philosophy, and the nature of consciousness), Wholeness and the Implicate Order, 1980

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Unknown (Note: this quote is often attributed to Einstein, but there is no evidence that he actually ever said this.)

Consciousness is not a spectator of the quantum world, but a participant in bringing it into being.” – John Archibald Wheeler, a theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to the fields of quantum mechanics, general relativity, and nuclear physics

There is no out there, out there.” – John Archibald Wheeler

The world is a dream, and we are the dreamers.” – Carl Jung

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” – Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream Within a Dream

The world is but a shadow, and the life of a man but a dream.” – The Upanishads

The world is Maya, an illusion. It is not real.” – The Bhagavad Gita

The world is an illusion, but it is an illusion that we should take seriously.” – Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare, As You Like It

The world is a mirror, and we see in it what we are.” – Rumi, The Essential

The world is a looking glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face.” – William Shakespeare, Hamlet

You have this strange feeling of being a puppet, of having your strings pulled by the environment, social pressures, etc., or of being driven along a course which is called ‘the causality of nature’ according to laws which human beings can’t resist. And that, too, is Maya.” – Alan Watts

There are vibrations of many different universes right here, right now. We’re just not in tune with them. There are probably other parallel universes in our living room–this is modern physics. This is the modern interpretation of quantum theory, that many worlds represent reality.” – Dr. Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist, professor and best-selling author

Quotes by Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Ramana Maharshi taught that the world of appearances is an illusion and that the only reality is the Self. Here are some key quotes from Maharshi about reality being an illusion:

  • The world is like a dream. It is not real.”
  • Q: Is there no difference between waking and a dream? A: Waking is long and dream is short; other than that there is no difference.” (from the book Who Am I)
  • The world is a projection of the consciousness. It is not outside of you.
  • When you see the Self, you see that the world is an illusion.”
  • The Self is the only reality. Everything else is an illusion.”
  • The world is not what it seems. It is a play of maya.”
  • There is no greater mystery than this: that we keep seeking reality though, in fact, we are reality.”


October 11, 2023


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