Who are Kamala Harris’s obvious puppeteers?

Alex Soros, son and heir of longtime Democratic Party donor George Soros, endorsed Harris as a presidential candidate after Joe Biden withdrew. (As a side note, some say he actually firmly refused to give up the presidential race, afraid that, once out of the office, he would no longer be able to protect his son Hunter from going to prison for a long, long time. Sources say he is very sick with covid and actually Jill signed in his place the resignation from the race, after deep state threatened to show to the public the proofs of his incest and paedophilia if he remains in the race and thus gives Trump an easy win).

After Alex Soros endorsed Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted: “I want to thank Alexander Soros for not leaving us all in the dark about who the next puppet will be.”

Harris has been repeatedly described as part of a “cabal”, a “creature of the deep state” who advanced her career through nepotism. Influence Watch, a project of the Washington think tank Capital Research Center, refers to media criticism of Harris’ affair with the then Speaker of the California House of Representatives, Willie Brown, who allegedly promoted her to top positions in the 1990s.

The watchdog specifically cited the San Francisco Chronicle, which claimed that Harris had long been dependent on Brown, who was one of California’s most powerful politicians for nearly three decades:

“Los Angeles Times noted in December 2019: [Harris] is part of a Democratic cabal in her home state, an inside machine.”

Despite her rapid rise to power, Kamala’s ambitions often exceeded her abilities, the newspaper said. She failed to excel in her role as attorney general, failed to establish herself as a U.S. senator and ran a botched 2020 presidential campaign that ended quickly due to a lack of money and popularity.

This time, however, a number of liberal donors and political heavyweights have signaled their support. In addition to Alex Soros, Wall Street manager Marc Lasry and venture capitalist Reid Hoffman have also spoken out in favor of Harris for president. Hoffman could donate more than $10 million to her campaign, according to CNBC. Harris has already raised over $60 million and is set to gain access to Biden’s “war chest” of over $95 million.

Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also rushed to throw their weight behind Harris. In February 2023, Hillary was quoted as saying that Harris “lacks the political instinct” to win a Democratic primary. Still, those close to Clinton claim that Hillary and Kamala have a strong connection. The New York Times reported in December 2021 that Harris regularly asked Clinton for advice after she became Biden’s vice president.

Former President Barack Obama and his wife also expressed their strong support for Harris.

It looks like the Clintons, the Obamas and the Soroses are trying to become ‘queen makers’ by pushing Kamala’s candidacy. Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently accused Harris of being a “handmaiden to the queen of warmongers” Hillary Clinton and a “new poster child for the deep state.”

Meanwhile, some leading Democrats and wealthy liberal donors, including Stewart Bainum Jr., remain sceptical about Harris’ chances of winning the 2024 presidential election.


July 26, 2024


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