Yoga – The Art of Happiness
What humans instinctively seek is happiness. Some find it or think that they find it in the little pleasures of life, others look for it in the joy of the spirit, while those that are ”enlightened” look for happiness in God.
Yoga is one of the paths by which man can reach SUPREME HAPPINESS. Many perhaps are not even aware of this and cannot even imagine what this Supreme Happiness actually is. Only by fully experiencing Happiness, or even partially, can one realize how extraordinary this is. We find it in history under different labels such as salvation, self-realization, liberation, enlightenment, eternal peace, holiness, completion of the deep spiritual ideal, etc.
We are all here in the same fervent search for Supreme Happiness, and Yoga offers the methods which can enable one to reach this noble and deeply spiritual goal.
Join us in the search for Absolute Happiness!