CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System (2)


The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name: COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome.

Read the first part of the article


While COVID-19 is the primary pathogenic micro-organism of Coronavirus Syndrome, it’s imperative to understand that it’s only one component of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome. It’s also quite important to comprehend that COVID-19 is just one of the many coronaviruses some of which are the cause of the common cold and other influenzas. But the real secret behind this weaponized virus can be found in its name. CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON MYSTERY SOLVED: It’s all in the name!

As the “CORONAvirus” name implies, once the crucial link is made between the coronavirus and 5G, it becomes clear that the whole human race is about to suffer a biblical scourge because of the countless 5G rolls-out presently taking place around the globe. Any advanced bioweapon that has undergone so many decades of exceedingly sophisticated bioengineering and is now turbo-charged via the 5G energy weapon system is bound to have awesome effect.

Not only that, many folks have been suffering terribly from various types of EMF illness and EMR disease and Microwave poisoning and Non-ionizing Radiation sickness and electrohypersensitivity syndrome for many decades… totally oblivious to the real causes. Therefore, it could even be stated that, were there no electrical paradigm on planet Earth today, there would be no Coronavirus Syndrome in 2020.

Nevertheless, to properly understand the “who, what, where, why and how” narrative regarding the now notorious coronavirus, every reader is encouraged to consider the links in this extensive compilation of detailed exposés about COVID-19: BIOENGINEERED and 5Ged CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: What Everyone Needs to Know 

It must be made clear that, to date, there has been no conclusive scientific evidence that proves the existence of COVID-19. Similarly, there has been no assurance whatsoever given by medical authorities or government officials, that a reliable diagnostic test is being administered to patients that have somehow tested positive for COVID-19.

As always, governments everywhere have withheld the most basic information and essential data regarding this supposedly burgeoning pandemic. That does not mean there’s not a very real bioweapon at the root of this ongoing bioterrorism and global psyop; however, they clearly do not want the people to know what it really is. But the “real bioweapon” may just be the 5G weapon system.

Many folks are having a problem reconciling how the COVID-19 panic is a HUGE hoax, yet at the very same time a very real pandemic. Even though there is no scientific proof of COVID-19 or high-integrity lab tests to confirm infection, there is a new and deadly and virulent pathogenic micro-organism that was meticulously bioengineered to cause COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome.

In other words, this is not just a single viral bioweapon, it a complex bioweapon system that has been surreptitiously put into place over several decades. So, while the various GLADIOblack ops and New World Order psyops may appear to working at cross purposes, or even mutually exclusive, they are not. This particular false flag operation and mass casualty event was concocted to be exceptionally confusing, just as the accompanying psychological operation was contrived to be awfully confounding. And so it is!


There is a modern-day malady that is not well known called Hypertoxicity Syndrome. It’s caused by the extraordinary and continuous bio-accumulation of every kind of toxin that humanity is now exposed to. It is also the gateway disease for many other types of much more debilitating and deadly diseases such as Morgellons disease.

Clearly, those who suffer from Hypertoxicity Syndrome will be much more susceptible to the Coronavirus Syndrome than those with a clean, non-toxic health profile. There are many and diverse contributing factors to that extraordinary state of hypertoxicity that very few are aware of. For obvious reasons, the elderly will always suffer from this condition much more than children, which is exactly why older patients are dying so quickly from COVID-19, and in much greater numbers.

Young people are simply far less toxic because they have had fewer years of environmental exposures. The extremely high toxic load of the elderly is due to the fact that they have experienced several more decades of bio-accumulation of countless chemicals, heavy metals, insecticides, toxicants, poisons, contaminants, pollutants, etc. Hence, there is a direct relationship between the total body burden and the susceptibility to COVID-19, just as there is to any other acute illness or chronic disease. Except that a hypertoxic internal disorder will encourage Coronavirus Syndrome to run rampant just as we have seen because of how opportunistic it was bioengineered to be.

Industrial pollution also provides many vectors of toxin dissemination, which has always contributed majorly to the ongoing worldwide epidemic of Hypertoxicity Syndrome. Just like Beijing, Wuhan is also infamous for its oppressive and unceasing pollution. Likewise, Milan is the economic powerhouse of Italy and hub of various industries to include “textile and garment manufacturing, automobile, chemicals, industrial, machinery, and publishing”.

Super-Vaccination Agenda

The preceding graphic says it all where it concerns the accelerated vaccine being produced in Israel. Because annual flu shots are already highly suspect in the causation of increasingly worse flu seasons, the special vaccine being formulated for COVID-19 will, in all likelihood, serve as a major trigger for the full-blown coronavirus disease process. There are other critical aspects to a coronavirus vaccine that are beyond the scope of this exposé such as remote-controlled nano-sized components which work in tandem with 5G 60 GHz millimeter waves. Irrespective of the multiple dangers and obvious risks associated with the Super-Vaccination Agenda, who would ever trust a vaccine manufactured in Tel Aviv?!

Perhaps the single greatest and most dangerous threat where it concerns hypertoxicity are the ever-expanding childhood vaccination schedules and annual flu vaccine programs. Particularly for the elderly, the yearly flu shot injects a panoply of biological and chemical toxins that are exceedingly harmful to their fragile and compromised bodies. This is exactly why so many older folks have disproportionately died from COVID-19. Their total body burden, after years of highly toxic flu vaccinations, is so high that the coronavirus disease simply overwhelms the entire bio-organism.

Most significantly, there are now strong indications that each successive flu vaccination will make any individual, no matter what their unique set of risk factors, MUCH more vulnerable to a COVID-19 infection. Some have even speculated that a variant of COVID-19 has been inserted into every flu vaccine. This is why 2019 saw so many state legislatures approve or attempt to pass so many draconian measures toward making all prescribed childhood vaccinations mandatory and without exemptions. These repugnant and treacherous legislative initiatives were obviously taken in preparation for the bioengineered coronavirus outbreaks in the United States especially.

The Super-Vaccination Agenda is a major piece of the overall plan to, first, toxify and sicken, then, control and enslave humanity. The highly detrimental vaccine programs being administered worldwide are quite possibly the main driver of Coronavirus Syndrome. Given the many adverse effects of vaccines, to include weakening of the immune system and triggering of various influenzas due to injection of viruses, the Super-Vaccination Agenda is certainly one of the main pillars of the scheme to bioengineer a full-blown coronavirus pandemic. A scientific research study, not funded by Big Pharma, on the direct correlation between COVID-19 outbreaks and local flu vaccination compliance will certainly reveal the truth of the matter.

Psychogenic Disease

It’s entirely true that there are many diseases and illnesses that plague humanity which are psychogenic to varying degrees.

Psychogenic disease (or psychogenic illness) is a name given to physical illnesses that are believed to arise from emotional or mental stressors, or from psychological or psychiatric disorders.

There is no better representative of a psychogenic disease than Coronavirus Syndrome. This Third Millennium plague is surely the ultimate example of how mainstream media-generated hype can literally create a fake pandemic followed by more network hyperventilation necessary to manufacture a panic.

There are many prongs to the multi-pronged pandemic/panic strategy that were implemented by the hidden directors, producers and screenwriters of Operation COVID Pandemic & Panic. Most of them are well beyond the scope of this exposé. However, there is one prong of this global psychological operation that cannot be ignored.

Fear of death and fear of terminal disease are probably two of the greatest fears experienced by most people. The perpetrators of Operation COVID Pandemic & Panic know this full well and have intentionally played on those primordial fears like never before. The ensuing collective stress – emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual – that has been artificially induced is unparalleled in post-modern history.

Every staged panic has a Fearmonger-in-Chief. Today, that carefully chosen individual is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – Anthony Stephen Fauci. The MO of every Fearmonger-in-Chief is to use utterly fake science, misleading data and false narratives to scare their audience as follows: Dr. Fauci is promoting totally fake science (Video)

Any psyop of this breadth and depth will only serve to amplify the negative vibrations that are being engendered worldwide both individually and collectively. Whole nations have been plunged into despair. Cities have been devastated. Large companies have been shut down as major corporations have suspended all operations. Small businesses have already been bankrupted as families have been paralyzed with fear and anxiety about the future.


Therefore, it’s now apparent that there is a HUGE experiment being undertaken to propagate the Coronavirus Syndromeas a fundamentally psychogenic disease in advance of it actually showing up wherever the perps have planned acts of bioterrorism. There are several reasons for this New World Order ploy to effectively imprison humanity, most of which are explained in this video: 

MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW: Is this how they plan to lock down planet Earth?

Because every psychogenic disease relies on a critical mass of people buying into the CON, the best way to terminate this utterly staged panic is to share the truth. The most radioactive truths and incriminating facts always concern the WHO and WHY. As follows:

Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19

Perhaps the most powerful piece of this fastidiously choreographed and orchestrated psyop is the inexorable push toward social distancing. Not only does this ploy separate each and every human being from the rest of the human race, it is a subtle form of “divide and conquer”. Everyone is now looked at as coronavirus-carrier and therefore to be avoided. Moreover, this type of abiding fear of both coronavirus and humanity breeds more fear and anxiety which will only further weaken the immune system.


What we are all witnessing is an ongoing series of bioterrorist attacks against nations large and small. Genocide, depopulation and threats of an ELE are all being methodically carried out by the New World Order globalist cabal. Hard-to-prove and extremely efficacious bioterrorism, in particular, is perhaps the easiest way for the globalists to kill so may birds with one stone.

While each of those naked crimes against humanity constitute mass murder, the ultimate NWO goals are many and diverse. In fact, the globalists have several reasons for perpetrating this crime wave of bioterrorism currently washing over the planet; hence, it ought to be quite obvious even to the uninitiated.

As for who’s conducting this international crime spree operationally, it’s now clear that COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July 2019, because of outbreaks). However, just because COVID-19 was bioengineered by the U.S. Military doesn’t mean this was an American-only black operation and C.I.A. psyop. In point of fact, China’s 9/11 in Wuhan was actually carried out by OPERATION GLADIO under the rubric of NATO (sometimes known as the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization”).

What’s the salient point?

When anyone or nation is under withering attack, it’s imperative to react accordingly. However, very few are cognizant of the biowarfare that has been waged against humanity since the Spanish Flu of 1918.

“As a matter of historical fact, there have been numerous bioweapons released against certain nations and populations over the past century such as Asian Flu of 1957, Hong Kong Flu of 1968, Epstein-Barr virus, Human papillomavirus, Herpes simplex virus, Lyme disease, AIDS/HIV, Swine flu, Bird flu, Ebola virus disease, West Nile virus, as well as many of the Measles and Smallpox outbreaks. (Remember the Native American tribes that were deliberately wiped out via the Smallpox bioweapon during the 19th century.)”

Hence, the time has finally come for people everywhere to come together to terminate – FOREVER – this never-ending Biowar, the perilous 5G roll-out and the climate-changing Chemtrails.


COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome is precisely what the name says it is.
The intensity of its manifestation is also a function of several other risk factors, each of which can be nailed down in any particular case by an experienced clinician and/or skilled diagnostician.

And, “YES!”, Coronavirus Syndrome is most definitely an ever-changing syndrome that can defy diagnosis and treatment alike. This’s why so many were dropping like flies before they dropped dead in Wuhan and Milan. The symptoms either intensify so fast, or unusual symptoms emerge so quickly, that the attending physicians are caught flat-footed. The patients, themselves, are then overwhelmed by the severity and intractability of the symptoms. In many cases, the combination of debilitating and often unfamiliar symptoms simply demoralizes them.

In light of these stark realities, the more aware that each person is about the key takeaways in this critical Coronavirus Syndrome analysis, the more effective their response can be. The health and well-being of our families and friends, co-workers and other acquaintances greatly depend on this vital knowledge. Truly, we are at defining moment of human history, and everyone is called upon to play their vital role. Those who have been blessed with the truth need to share it more than ever.

There is another enlightening and edifying perspective on this transparently staged pandemic/panic that’s well worth considering. See: Pulmonologist Wolfgang Wodarg, M.D. explains the how, who and why the coronavirus panic was created (Video) 

Lastly, here’s how “every dark cloud has a silver lining“, even the gathering coronavirus storm clouds:

Will the staged coronavirus pandemic backfire and shut down the 5G roll-out?! 


May 18, 2020


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