10 Cancer-Causing Products to Avoid: Air Fresheners, Candles, Toothpaste and More

The well-being of our family is important, and we keep learning about all the good and bad things for our health. We’d do anything to keep them safe. But, do you know that many of items you use on a daily base actually increase your risk of developing cancer? Yes, you may pay attention to the food you eat or the cosmetics you use, but have you ever thought of all the things that surround you?

Many of the products in your home contain or leach carcinogens. They are usually placed in your kitchen, in your toilet… actually they are everywhere.

Here is a list of 10 common items that cause cancer.

1. Air fresheners

A report released by the US Natural Resources Defense Council confirms that many air-fresheners contain cancer-causing compounds, including those labeled as “all-natural” or “unscented.”

Phthalates have detrimental effect on your health and they affect the reproductive system. Some of them even cause asthma and other respiratory conditions. Phthalates end up in the air you are breathing, and enter your body through your nose or skin. The chemicals alter your hormone levels, leading to terrible health issues.

A report released by the Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives notes that phthalates increase the risk of breast cancer. A similar medical report confirms that these chemicals promote prostate cancer cell proliferation.

Make your own air freshener by using distilled water and a few drops of essential oil. Add this to a spray bottle and use it whenever you find it necessary. This works well when used in aromatherapy diffusers.

2. Perfumed Candles

We all love candles, but candles are dangerous and lead poisoning causes severe damage. Not every product made with essential oils is healthy. Some companies use words like “essential oil” or “aromatherapy” in the label to make you buy their products.

The US Consumer Council has banned candles with lead wicks. However, you should always check your candles for any toxins or carcinogens.

How to know if the candle contains lead? Try to draw a line with it on a piece of paper. If you can’t see a line, there’s no lead added. You can also light the candle and hold a piece of paper high above the flame. Any gray soot residue indicates that your candle contains lead.

3. Shower Curtains and Plastics

Do you know what PVC stands for? It’s polyvinyl chloride, the third highest produced type of plastic. It’s harmless when used in the production of sewer pipes or anything similar. However, when used in environment that can stimulate the release of toxic compounds of PVC, it can turn into life-threatening disaster.

Shower curtains are made from PVC and other toxins that are released every time you have a shower. These toxins affect your reproductive and respiratory system. Let’s not forget that they may cause cancer, too. Unfortunately, this plastic is also used in the production of toys, containers and other common items.

How to stop this? Buy cotton curtains or EVA curtains. EVA is a non-toxic alternative to your common plastic. Be careful when buying toys, too.

4. Carpet Cleaners and Fabric Shampoos

Anything that removes tough stains is toxic as it contains perchloroethylene, also known as tetrachlorethylene. It may cause lung cancer, as confirmed by researchers.
Naphthalene is added to mothballs, and increases the risk of throat and lung cancer.

Use baking soda and white vinegar to remove dirt. Ditch your carpet shampoo and clean your carpets with baking soda and vinegar.
Steam cleaning is also safe, and you won’t use any chemicals.

5. Dry Cleaning Products

Experts at the American Cancer Society say that tetrachlorethylene or perchloroethylene found as solvents in dry-cleaning products.
Do you often wear dry-cleaned clothes? If yes, you expose yourself to toxins. Go to cleaners who don’t use perchlorethylene.

6. Insecticides and Pesticides

You saw this coming. Pet friendly products aren’t always human friendly. Tick, flea and lice control products contain so many carcinogenic chemicals.
Organophosphate insecticides, permethrin and carbamates are carcinogenic.

7. Antibacterial Products

Your regular antibacterial products may give you cancer.
Triclosan is a common ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, detergents and toothpastes, and acts as antibacterial and antifungal agent. But, it’s carcinogenic. The EU has banned its use.

Colloidal silver is commonly added to products as it reduces the risk of infections. It’s not dangerous, but you can also use other alternatives.

8. Deodorants

Deodorants can give you cancer.
Dr. Philip Harvey, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Applied Toxicology says chemicals used in deodorants affect tissues on the sides of your chest and breasts.
Parabens and aluminum interact with your body’s hormones in a way that resembles estrogen. Excess estrogen promotes the growth of cancer cells.
But, the FDA says there’s no room for panic as parabens don’t affect health. If you ask Dr. Harvey, he will say that the absence of proof isn’t proof of absence.

9. Triclosan in Toothpastes

Triclosan is a rather controversial ingredient. It’s found in Colgate Total, and the FDA approved it in 1997.
However, the FOIA lawsuit led to the release safety data about the product. It turns out that millions of people used toxins for two decades. Triclosan causes cancer, endocrine distruption, infertility and other health issues.

Triclosan is a pesticide known as 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol. It’s used in surgical hand scrubs and disinfectants. It’s derived from 2,4-D, a type of toxic herbicide. You don’t want it in your toothpaste.
Colgate insists that their product is safe, and support their claim with 80 clinical studies on 19,000 people.

The FDA only looked at research findings provided by Colgate. But they can’t say they were thorough enough.
They dismissed studies suggesting that triclosan causes fatal bone malformations and other endocrine system disruptions.

Many companies don’t use triclosan in their products. They even emphasize the fact that their products are triclosan-free.
But Colgate Total is still sold under the same formula.

10. Cookware Made of Teflon

Teflon is also known as polytetrafluorethylene. It’s a waste byproduct of Freon production (toxic gases or liquids used as refrigerants and aerosol propellants). DuPont, for example, produces Freon and Teflon.
Teflon is made from perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which is related to tumors and developmental problems in lab animals.

PFOA may cause:
– Diabetes (Type 2);
– Cancer;
– Low birth weight;
– Early puberty;
– Infertility and reproductive disorders;
– Autoimmune disorders;
– Liver and kidney disease;
– Thyroid disease;
– High cholesterol.

To reduce the risk of suffering problems related to Teflon:
– Don’t preheat empty pans;
– Stick to medium heat;
– Discard damaged pans;
– Replace cookware every couple of years;
– Stir food with wooden spoons;
– Use heavier-weight cookware (better quality);
– Buy chemical-free cookware like clay or glass cookware, stainless steel and cooper pans, and cast iron pots and pans;
– Protect your health and use glass, cast iron and stainless steel.

However, even more dangerous than all listed above is an ever-expanding hazard, unfortunately embraced by most people as something useful and good: Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi/Cellular Radiation affects health

It’s everywhere: at home, the office and restaurants. Wi-Fi is the best convenience of modern times, but it’s extremely dangerous.
Your body isn’t designed to absorb electromagnetic fields, and thousands of medical experts have raised concerns.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS)

This issue concerns pretty much everyone exposed to electromagnetic fields. A study found that a cordless phone base station that’s about two feet from your head can disrupt your heart rhythm in three minutes. These are the findings of Magda Havas, PhD, of the Environmental & Resources Studies Department at Trent University, Canada.
Swiss Doctor Thomas Rau from the Paracelsus Clinic also found that 40% of people deal with negative side effects from EMFs, and 8% deal with serious issues.

Symptoms of EHS:
– Lightheadedness, dizziness;
– Itchy and burning sensation;
– Spontaneous and stubborn headache;
– Pain, discomfort and soreness in mucles;
– Nausea and sickness;
– Lack of focus and clarity;

Serious dangers caused by EHS:
– ADD and ADHD;
– Chronic migraine;
– Insomnia;
– Parkinson’s disease;
– Chronic back pain;
– Arrhythmia;
– Cancer.

Seven easy steps to reduce danger caused by Wi-Fi:
– Boost immunity (eat organic foods, drink water, get enough vitamins and minerals);
– Use landlines at home, office, etc. (use corded phones);
– Carry your phone in suitcases, bags, purses;
– Don’t put your laptop on your lap;
– Message instead of call (the phone is away from your brain);
– Keep cell phones away from kids;
– Turn “airplane mode” on more often (disables Wi-Fi, saves battery).


June 13, 2019

Also available in: Français

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