10 natural home remedies for dry eyes

This article presents 10 remedies for dry eyes, that are not only effective, but also easy to integrate into everyday life. These tips are aimed at anyone interested in health and nutrition and looking for natural alternatives to improve the well-being of their eyes.

  1. Chamomile macerate compresses

Chamomile is known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Make a macerate using natural tea bags, then place them over your closed eyes for about 15 minutes.

The compresses help stimulate the eyelids’ oil glands, while the chamomile reduces redness and puffiness. This application can be repeated daily to relieve dry eye symptoms.

  1. Cucumber slices

Cucumbers contain antioxidants and flavonoids that can reduce inflammation and moisturize. Cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices and place it on your closed eyes for about 10 minutes.

The cooling effect of cucumber soothes the eyes and can help reduce puffiness. This application can be repeated several times a day, especially if the eyes are tired or irritated.

  1. Omega-3 rich diet

Omega-3 fatty acids can support eye health and improve dry eye symptoms. Incorporate foods like flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts into your daily diet.

One to two tablespoons of flax or chia seeds daily can help improve tear gland function and reduce inflammation.

  1. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Use pure aloe vera gel and gently apply it to the eyelids without getting it in the eyes.

A small drop on each lid, massaged gently, can soothe and moisturize the eyes. This application can be done twice a day, morning and evening.

  1. Warm compresses

Warm compresses can help improve the glandular function of the eyelids. Dip a clean cloth in warm water, wring it out, and then place it over your closed eyes for about 10 minutes.

The heat helps open clogged meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oily layer of the tear film. This procedure should be performed daily for optimal results.

  1. Blinking exercises

Blinking exercises are particularly important for people who spend a lot of time in front of screens. Consciously blinking for a few seconds every 20 minutes can help distribute tears evenly across the surface of the eye.

In addition, special exercises such as slowly closing and opening the eyes can stimulate tear production.

  1. Humidifier

Dry indoor air can make dry eyes worse. A humidifier increases indoor humidity, which can prevent eyes from drying out. Place the humidifier in rooms where you spend a lot of time, especially the bedroom.

Make sure to clean the device regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria and mold.

  1. Green tea

Green tea contains natural antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects. For a soothing compress, dip a clean cloth in green tea macerate and place it over closed eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.

The antioxidants in tea can help reduce irritation and redness. This application can be repeated several times a day.

  1. Rose water

Rose water has calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Put a few drops of rose water on a clean cotton pad and gently pat your closed eyelids.

Let the rose water sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. This application can be done twice daily to soothe and refresh the eyes.

  1. Sleep hygiene

Good sleep is crucial for eye health. Make sure you get enough sleep each night, ideally 7-8 hours.

Avoid screen work and bright light sources before bed to improve the quality of your sleep. A dark and quiet sleeping environment helps the eyes recover overnight.

These methods should be seen as a supplement, and if the problems persist you should discuss with a specialist.


May 17, 2024


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