10. The ten errors
1. Weakness of faith combined with strength of intellect are apt to lead to the error of talkativeness.
2. Strength of faith combined with weakness of intellect are apt to lead to the error of narrow- minded dogmatism.
3. Great zeal without adequate religious instruction is apt to lead to the error of going to erroneous extremes [or following misleading paths].
4. Meditation without sufficient preparation through having heard and pondered the Doctrine is apt to lead to the error of losing oneself in the darkness of unconsciousness.(1)
5. Without practical and adequate understanding of the Doctrine, one is apt to fall into the error of religious self- conceit.
6. Unless the mind be trained to selfessness and infinite compassion, one is apt to fall into error of seeking liberation for self alone.
7. Unless the mind be disciplined by knowledge of its own immaterial nature, one is apt to fall into the error of diverting all activities along the path of wordliness.
8. Unless all wordly ambitions be eradicated, one is apt to fall into the error of allowing oneself to be dominated by wordly motives.
9. By permitting credulous and vulgar admirers to congregate about thee, there is liability of falling into the error of becoming puffed up with wordly pride.
10. By boasting of one’s occult learning and powers, one is liable to fall into the error of proudly exhibiting proficiency in wordly rites. (1)
These are The Ten Errors.
(1) No true master of the occult sciences ever allows himself to boast or make public exhibition of his yogic powers. It is only in secret initiations of disciples, as was the case with Milarepa, that they are shown, if at all.
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