9. The ten incentives
1. By reflecting upon the difficulty of obtaining an endowed and free human body, mayest thou be incited to adopt the religious career.
2. By reflecting upon death and the impermanence of life, mayest thou be incited to live piously.
3. By reflecting upon the irrevocable nature of the results which inevitably arise from actions, mayest thou be incited to avoid impiety and evil.
4. By reflecting upon the evils of life in the rooooound of successive existences mayest thou be incited to seek Emancipation.
5. By reflecting upon the miseries which all sentient beings suffer, mayest thou be incited to attain deliverance therefrom by enlightenment of mind.
6. By reflecting upon the perversity and illusory nature of the mind of all sentient beings, mayest thou be incited to listen to, and meditate upon, the Doctrine.
7. By reflecting upon the difficulty of eradicating erroneous concepts, mayest thou be incited to constant meditation [which overcometh them] .
8. By reflecting upon the predominance of evil propensities in this Kali-yuga [or Age of Darkness], mayest thou be incited to seek their antidote [ in the Doctrine].
9. By reflecting upon the multiplicity of misfortunes in this Age of Darkness, mayest thou be incited to perseverance [ in the treading of the Path].
These are The Ten Incentives.
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