Former Reagan administration official warns urgently against war

The Western media is a machine of lies. Western governments live in a false world of their own impunity. Therefore, Western peoples are unaware of the dangerous situation that Washington has created with Russia.

The so-called recent “peace conference” in Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not present, so how could it be a peace conference? It was a propaganda event to gain support for Washington’s puppet Zelensky, whose term has expired and who is illegally ruling as a dictator. Many participants refused to sign the declaration.

This is a truthful description of the situation. The West is acting in the name of continuing and expanding the war. The puppet’s term has expired and Zelensky remains in power despite not being re-elected. The Ukrainian army, trained and equipped by the West, is defeated. Russia can step up the offensive at any time and expel Ukrainian forces from the Russian settlement areas, which have been re-annexed to Russia. The West’s response to its lost war consists of two reckless and irresponsible actions. One is to send NATO troops, with the French leading the way, to replace the decimated Ukrainian troops. The other is to further provoke the Kremlin by launching long-range missiles at Russia.

Putin and key members of the Russian government have indicated that Russian troops would advance beyond Russia’s restored border if necessary, saying that the greater the range of the missiles, the deeper the buffer zone would be in Ukraine.

It is unclear why Washington provoked the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, because it was obvious that Ukraine had no chance of winning and a war would surely unite the Russian people behind Putin and destroy any Western trust in the Kremlin. But most importantly, the West ignored the fact that it was posing an existential threat to Russia. The Kremlin is convinced that the West wants to destroy Russia.

After being deceived by the West with the Minsk agreement, Putin’s only concern was to expel Ukrainian forces from Russian territories that were now reintegrated into Russia. Apparently, Putin did not realize to what extent the West would interfere and escalate the war. Now that Putin is anticipating the outbreak of a larger war, he has clearly formulated the conditions for ending the conflict. He said that Russian military actions would cease if the remaining Ukrainian forces were withdrawn from the Russian-populated territories reunited with Russia and if Ukraine agreed not to become a NATO member and there would be no foreign bases and missiles on its territory. These are reasonable conditions. If they are rejected, Ukraine faces further conquest and aggravation of future conditions for ending the conflict.

When Ukraine was separated from Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian provinces that the Soviet leadership had assigned to Ukraine were to remain with Russia. Whether due to a lack of foresight or malicious intent, it was a mistake that led to a conflict that has the potential to engulf the world.

The difference between the Cold War of the 20th century and the hot war of the 21st century is that in the Cold War, both American and Soviet leaderships, aware of the deadly nature of nuclear weapons, sought to reduce tensions and build trust, whereas in the 21st century, Washington is fomenting conflict and has created an existential threat to Russia by expanding NATO to Russia’s borders and overthrowing the governments of Russia’s former provinces.

To avoid war, Putin has accepted constant provocations and insults. But now, faced with such ill-considered and irresponsible proposals as NATO troops in Ukraine and missiles hitting deep inside Russia, Putin has made a last-ditch attempt to set terms for an end to the conflict. These terms are far better than the outbreak of a conflict that would destroy Europe and the United States.

The danger is much greater today than it was during the Cuban missile crisis. Back then, Washington recognized the danger. Today, Washington does not see it. President John F. Kennedy recognized that the United States had provoked Soviet missiles in Cuba by stationing U.S. missiles in Turkey. Kennedy and Khrushchev concluded a mutual security agreement and withdrew the missiles.

Putin’s diplomatic efforts in December 2021 and February 2022 to reach a mutual security agreement were ignored by Washington, NATO and the EU. With the threat of a major war breaking out, Biden has not met with Putin to date. Instead, Biden provoked hostility by calling Putin the new Hitler. This is an unprecedented level of reckless irresponsibility.

The question that arises is: will Putin continue to tolerate provocations in the hope that regime change in Washington in the November elections will bring the West to its senses, or is Serbian President Vucic right that the global war train has already left the station?

Since there is no truthful media in the West, the population could be indoctrinated with the “Russian threat.” Even if people realize that the threat is Washington’s pressure on Russia, they are unable to influence government policy. For Western governments, public opinion is something to be manipulated, not something to be listened to.

I think the U.S. has convinced Putin that the West wants war. Instead of recognizing the dangerous situation and sitting down with Russia to defuse the situation, the West is lighting the fuse.

Author: Paul Craig Roberts


June 23, 2024


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