The good wolf and the bad wolf that exist in our being, in the inner universe of each of us (I)

by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

In the following, I am going to present you with an interesting cautionary tale from the ancient Amerindian tradition. We emphasize from the very beginning that this story illustrates the existence in the microcosm of the human being of two distinct levels of consciousness. At the same time, it is essential to note that this short story implicitly integrates, in a cryptic manner, the existence and incessant manifestation of the Law of Occult Resonance, and that it is at the same time deeply symbolic. Its teaching can be successfully applied both in spirituality and in strategies aimed at awakening and harmoniously energizing emotional intelligence. In recent times, this kind of intelligence has aroused the interest of psychologists, and its value has gradually come to be increasingly emphasized.

The content of this story is as follows:

One day, a teenage boy went to visit his grandfather, who was also the leader of a Native American tribe. For him and the other members of the tribe, he was a model of serenity, kindness, compassion, goodwill and wisdom.

Once in the grandfather’s presence, the teenager began to confide in him and spoke frankly about his frustrations, his unhappiness and even confessed that he is often tormented, that he feels devoured, torn by rages of anger; he told him that some days the intensity of these adverse emotions that he experiences frightens him.

He then emphasized that in many cases these states overwhelm him, make him suffer for days on end, and these painful feelings come up again and again.

At the end of this confession, the teenager told his grandfather that he already feels like a victim of these emotional outbursts that are draining him, torturing him and making him feel that his life is hell.

To his astonishment, his grandfather confessed the following:

My dear, you should know that when I was a teenager like you, I too was confronted from time to time with such distressing, overwhelming states, which in the end filled me with bitterness, anger both against myself, and also against the people around me, for whom I even came to feel feelings of hatred (especially when I discovered that these people who were mean to me, cunning and hardened, did not, for the most part, feel any regret either when they hurt me or afterwards).”

Learning that his grandfather had gone through similar experiences in his youth, the young man was at first stunned. He could not believe that his grandfather, who was now for him a model of kindness, serenity and wisdom, had been confronted with such painful experiences and the whole range of agonizing emotions that he was going through, which caused him increasing inner anguish and distress.

Suddenly, he became very attentive and listened with great attention to what his grandfather said next:

My dear, it is necessary for you to know that always, without exception, the hatred you manifest exhausts you, makes you suffer, even affects your health. Most often, however great your hatred, it cannot physically harm your enemy. Remember that when you hate, it’s as if you yourself were swallowing poison, foolishly hoping that in this way your deadly enemy will be killed.

I confess to you that when I was like you, I had to struggle with such terrible feelings that arose for various reasons in my being. I discovered then that in my inner nature there were two wolves howling, sometimes several times a day, and fighting each other in various ways.

Eventually I was able to realize quite quickly that the evil wolf was full of rage, reacted immediately with fear, was greedy, vengeful, spiteful, selfish; within him there were resentments and extraordinarily strong and stubborn desires for revenge. The second wolf was kind, loving, trusting, showing benevolence, kindness, a tendency to forgive, understanding, compassion, creative intuition and even wisdom.

I confess to you that it was really very hard for me to live with the two wolves that were fighting in my conscience. They never shied away and unleashed daily fights within me. I was able to realize that sometimes the good wolf won, but I found to my horror that at other times the bad wolf won.

At a certain point I had reached exasperation because of these struggles that the two wolves were waging in my being. These fights made me very anxious, for they also affected me in equal measure.

One day, just like you, I almost didn’t know what to do, because these fights continued to torment me, sometimes several times in the same day.”

Clearly uneasy and at the same time fascinated by his grandfather’s story, noticing that after telling him all this, his grandfather remained silent and thoughtful, our young man gathered his courage and asked him:

Well, well, Grandpa, I understand all this. But I would like to ask you, in my case could you already tell me which of the two wolves will win the battle in the end?

As soon as the teenager formulated this essential question, the grandfather smiled enigmatically and, after remaining silent for a while, answered the young man gently and humorously:

Know, my dear, that exactly that wolf that you and you alone will feed the most, and often, will always win in the end.”

Then the old chief of the tribe tapped the adolescent on the shoulder and added:

Go in peace, and never forget that it is up to you and you alone which of the two wolves will win the final victory.”

The teenager went away thoughtful and, after a few days of pondering on the wise advice his grandfather had given him, he came to the conclusion that his grandfather was absolutely right.

The struggle between what is beneficial and what is malefic

When we look carefully, lucidly and penetratingly at this remarkable little story, we discover that it illustrates in metaphorical form both the fundamental definition of Good and Evil in the planetary wisdom tradition.

Specifically, in this millennia-old tradition it is said that “Good is the absence of Evil” and “Evil is the absence of Good”.

Considering this, it becomes possible to observe that when we awaken and energize more and more in our inner universe the Godly Good, we thereby fade and, even more than that, we annihilate Evil.

As soon as we constantly do more and more good, we notice that in our being evil diminishes, fades away and, at some point, disappears almost completely. When a human being reaches very high states of deification, in his inner universe good predominates and evil has been totally annihilated.

At the other pole, when a human being awakens and energizes evil more and more and more often in his inner universe, he thereby causes good to diminish, to fade away; and at some point, if he will act in this way again and again, he will bring about the complete annihilation of good.

We need to never lose sight of the fact that when the Godly Good predominates in the microcosm of our being, this predominance causes occult resonance processes to prevail in us which are implicitly beneficial, harmonious, Godly, pure, sublime.

If evil predominates in our inner universe, this implicitly causes evil, malefic, occult resonance processes to prevail in us, which trigger sickness, disharmony, disorder, suffering, anguish, tensions of all kinds that make our life appear hellish.

Human beings in whom good prevails will live a happy, heavenly existence.

So in the case of this story, the two wolves of which we are told are nothing other than the good and evil that are present in the inner universe of the human being. As long as good has not definitively conquered goodness or evil has not definitively conquered evil, this silent struggle continues to go on within the human being.

It is necessary to realize that woe betide the human being when, at the end of the struggle between the two wolves, the evil wolf wins. In such a dreadful situation, that human being will then fall into the dreadful demonic condition.

But afterwards, if this process of regression, of falling into the abyss, into the hell that is opening up in his inner universe, continues, then the poor human being will fall even further and will reach the dreadful satanic state.

Every human being gets what he deserves

When we carefully analyze this little story of the two wolves that are present in the inner universe of the vast majority of human beings, we notice that victory is said to be ultimately on the side of the wolf that we feed the most, and often.

It is worth asking the question: How can the good wolf be fed in our inner universe and how can the bad wolf be fed in our inner universe?

The answer is simple. This cautionary tale cryptically evokes the existence and incessant manifestation of the Law of Occult Resonance. The nourishment that we bring into our inner universe for the good wolf are the subtle, Godly, beneficial energies that we attract into the microcosm of our being when we trigger certain processes of occult resonance that persist.

The nourishment that we bring into our inner universe for the evil wolf are the subtle evil energies that we attract into the microcosm of our being, into our aura, which cause the ill effects, the tormenting experiences, the disturbances, the illnesses that we will be forced to suffer.

That is why it is said that every human being has what he deserves. If we always attract the good and feed the good wolf with subtle Godly energies, then we will have much good in our inner universe and much good we will find even outside ourselves when we interact with others.

At the other pole, when we nourish the evil wolf in our inner universe by means of evil subtle energies, we will then attract into the microcosm of our being evil energies and in this way we will have much evil and we will find much evil in our surroundings.

Thus, in close connection with our choices, whether good or bad, we will begin to feed more and more often either the good wolf or the bad wolf.

Therefore, when we choose to feed the good wolf in our inner universe more and more, and very often, so that it triumphs over the evil wolf forever, states and experiences such as deep peace, compassion, selflessness, kindness, goodness, love, wisdom, depth, virtues, Godly qualities, righteous hope, progress will arise and grow in our inner universe. All of these will make us feel in our inner universe a pregnant state of ascension.

If we choose to feed the evil wolf more and more, and very often, so that at some point it will triumph in an evil and definitive way over the good wolf, then in our inner universe will appear stronger and stronger states of anger, hatred, selfishness, meanness, indifference, stupidity, superficiality.

Instead of the truth, errors and illusions will be accepted and even embraced; vices, defects of all kinds, despair and regression will be regarded as normal; instead of the ascent towards God, we will be faced with a terrible state of falling, of regression.

When we examine ourselves with sufficient attention, with great lucidity and detachment, it becomes possible to realize that both in the vast majority of human beings around us and in ourselves the evil wolf is present and powerfully active, and even when it does not manifest itself for months on end, is still latent in our inner universe.

Such an evil wolf powerfully influences us in direct proportion to the period of time of its action, and its evil influence lowers the predominant frequency of vibration of our aura.

At the same time, the malevolent influence of the bad wolf is also felt by the fact that it affects our level of consciousness in a disharmonious way, it influences our performance in a malevolent way and implicitly lowers the quality of our life and the fullness of our relationships with our loved ones.

In close connection with our own evil schemes, ideas or beliefs, the bad wolf can manifest itself in us in the form of anxiety, anger, disinterest, greed, selfishness, the false impression of powerlessness, or it can make its poisonous presence felt through states of depression, pessimism, which are always, without exception, the result of evil, tormenting, harmful occult resonance processes.

(to be continued)


October 10, 2024


Also available in: Română

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