A comparative analysis between unrefined sexuality and pure eroticism (6)

by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

This comparative analysis is a first presentation in the sense that it is the first time that such a comparative analysis has been carried out and it is of immense use to attentive, lucid, intelligent, full of common-sense and endowed with spiritual intuition human beings because this comparative analysis helps them to discover the countless benefits and advantages of pure eroticism.

Read the fifth part of the article

No. Sexuality Pure Eros
55. In the case of unrefined sexuality another characteristic that reveals itself upon attentive, hyper lucid, intelligent analysis is that the human beings who embrace the unrefined sexuality are many of them, easily taken over by states of sadness, states of bitterness and grief.

Sadness is designated as a heavy inner state of sorrow, of desolation that is groundless, of illusory regrets. Sadness also reveals itself as an unpleasantness, an annoyance, a trouble that produces this state. Sadness is the quality of that which expresses or causes such an inner state. Sadness often invades the consciousness through suffering, through dissatisfaction, or through a state of anxiety, of anguish, of discomposure, of bad mood.

In the case of the superficial, lethargic human beings, they are unable to discover the cause of such a state, making them realize what is preventing them from enjoying absolutely everything that is wonderful and that clearly exists in their inner universe, in their aura. Bouts of sadness can unleash a state of depression, they can cause boredom, melancholy and restlessness. A state of sick sadness leads the human being in question to neurasthenia. In some human beings, the sadness of final separations manifests itself in an overwhelming manner.

The opposite of sadness is the intense, profound joy, the Godly pleasure and all that generates overwhelming, lasting experiences of euphoria. Euphoriant medicinal plants are an excellent cure that makes sadness diminish and disappear. The evocation and abundant attraction of the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Joy in our inner universe, in our aura, as well as the abundant attraction of the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Pleasure in our inner universe, the exhilarating fun, including making fun of problems, are perfectly natural ways to make sadness diminish and disappear.

Added to all these are the erotic amorous fusions that include the perfect continence based on the prior consecration of the fruits to God, on reciprocated love, on mutual transfiguration, on the outpouring into our inner universe, even in abundance, of the erotic effervescence that we promptly offer, from our plenty, to the beloved being of the opposite sex with whom we choose to interact.

In some human beings who are prone to sadness, the character incites them to experience such a state over and over again. Many human beings foolishly invoke the sadness of their life and they indulge in states of lethargy, in endless whining and especially in victimization. Some human beings choose each time, without exception, to blame only the others in order to justify the monopolizing sadness they experience.

Always, without exception, the human beings who choose to abundantly attract the subtle sublime energies of the Godly Attributes I have mentioned into their inner universe, into their aura, almost never experience sadness. When such states do occur in their existence, they choose to immediately and abundantly attract the subtle sublime energies of the Godly Attributes into the microcosm of their being. Shortly afterwards, these energies make miracles occur and annihilate the states of sadness.

The long-term therapy for 7 or 9 months on end with euphoriant, beneficial medicinal plants is also an effective adjuvant for curing the states of sadness in this way.

Bitterness is a state of grief, of sorrow. Bitterness is caused by various painful or distressing circumstances that we consider as such because of our strange perspective that arises and persists in the sphere of our consciousness unleashing a process of occult resonance with the mysterious world of bitterness.

When considered from an esoteric perspective the state of bitterness causes, unleashes a sui generis bitterness in our inner universe, in our aura. That bitterness reveals a process of occult resonance that occurs then at the level of the subtle force centre anahata chakra.

In some human beings the bitterness appears in the form of an enduring feeling of sadness that is mixed with grief, vexation, which is caused by humiliation, disappointment or injustice that is attributed to fate. The states of bitterness cause discouragement, disgust or even resentment.

The opposite of bitterness is joy, gentleness and the elevated, Godly pleasure. It is important not to lose sight of the fact that gentleness is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by an endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial, sublime subtle energy whose vibration frequency never modifies. So is joy another Godly Attribute. The Godly Attribute of Godly Pleasure is also characterized by a sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial, subtle energy whose vibration frequency never modifies.

When we face “the whole bitterness of existence” it is urgently necessary for us to abundantly attract both the energy of the Godly Attribute of Gentleness, and the energy of the Godly Attribute of Joy and the energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Pleasure into our inner universe, into our aura. In this way it becomes easily possible for us to make any bitterness fade away and disappear.

A treatment with euphoriant medicinal plants taken sublingually at least 3 times per day for 5-7 months can be associated with the abundant attraction into our inner universe, into the microcosm of our being, of the sublime subtle energies of the three Godly Attributes we have mentioned.

Desolation is the act of being desolated. Desolation is a form of distress. The desolated one is, in some way, upset, unwell, depressed, saddened. Desolation is most often manifested in the form of a grief, a trial, an intense torment, a moral distress. For many human beings, desolation manifests itself as a trouble and it generates, through amplification, states of despair.

The opposite of desolation is liveliness, vivacity and joy. Each of these three are Godly Attributes which are each characterized by a sublime, endless, free, eternal, eminently beneficial subtle energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies.

In situations where we are experiencing even the slightest desolation, it is urgently necessary for us to evoke and then abundantly accumulate the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Liveliness, the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Vivacity, the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Joy into our inner universe, into our aura.

It is also urgently necessary for us to resort to an herbal treatment with euphoriant medicinal plants which we will ingest after having previously placed them under the tongue. We will take them for 5-7 months 3 times per day. It is also a good idea for us to perform laya yoga with bija mantra AUM for 30 minutes daily, for 5-7 months. It is also possible for us to successfully resort to an esoteric therapy, which includes attracting into the microcosm of our being the coloured subtle currents that are appropriate when we are experiencing such a state.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic that appears in the inner universe of the human beings who embrace the pure eroticism is the experience of overwhelming states of happiness that trigger an excellent good mood. In this way such human beings are spontaneously overwhelmed with contentment, often manifesting intense states of enchantment. They are euphoric, they are cheerful, they are jovial, they are exemplarily optimistic, they are radiant, they laugh and rejoice in a bracing manner, they experience intense states of elevated satisfaction, they are flourishing.

Good moods are an inner state that is excellent and euphoric.

Contentment refers to the specific action of being content, which also includes the manifestation of a state of gratitude. Contentment is the state of a contented human being. It implies elevated satisfaction, intense joy, refined pleasure.

A contented human being is one who does not ask for nor expects more. He experiences a state of intense, elevated satisfaction. He feels Godly pleasure, he experiences a state of overwhelming satisfaction and joy. The contented human being experiences an intense state of gratitude, feels what is offered as being a recompense and, at the same time, experiences a reward. He feels intense joy and uplifting satisfaction.

Something in particular is satisfying when it is eminently beneficial and corresponds to the beneficial expectations, the constructive requirements and thus produces contentment. What is gratifying is also satisfying in an eminently beneficial way, but also compelling in an elevated way.

To give thanks means to express, to offer thanks, and it implies showing gratitude for some benefaction. To gratify also implies to reward in a certain way, to recompense someone in a certain way. To gratify implies to satisfy someone in an eminently beneficial way. When one thanks one is or considers oneself in an elevated, eminently beneficial way satisfied. In such a situation the human being who thanks does not aspire to be offered more.

It is currently known that saying “thank you” is a spontaneous expression of a state of gratitude. Contentment is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by a subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy whose vibration frequency never modifies.

When a human being spontaneously and genuinely expresses their state of contentment, they trigger a process of occult resonance in their inner universe with the sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial, subtle energy of Godly Contentment. In this way, that human being benefits from that subtle sublime godly energy that he attracts into his aura.

Enchantment denotes an intense feeling of pure, uplifting satisfaction, of Godly pleasure, of exquisite beneficial charm, of pure, uplifting magic. Enchantment denotes that powerful aspect which delights, which produces an intense and obvious state of Godly pleasure. The human being who is enchanted feels full of uplifting satisfaction, contentment, is mesmerized in an elevated way, is spellbound by what he experiences and which is beneficial, is enthusiastic.

We call enchanting something in particular that delights, that pleases greatly, that is nevertheless beneficial, elevated and that is ravishing. A human being who is overwhelmed by an exquisite delight experiences under certain conditions the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the sublime, endless, eternal, free, subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Magic.

Such exhilarating experiences often spontaneously arise when we contemplate, being enthralled by beauty and splendour, the Godly magic of the sunrise or the Godly magic of the sunset, or the Godly magic of the Shiva Ratri moment, that we choose to experience somewhere in nature being alone with God, or when we choose to experience with delight, transfiguration and insatiability the extraordinary moment that is triggered at the culmination of the period that takes place monthly and which is related to the bestowal of the wonderful subtle energies that spring from the enigmatic sphere of force of the Great Macrocosmic Power Tripura Sundari.

There are also the magical moments of equinoxes and solstices, which can be plenarily, profoundly experienced in a transfiguring way somewhere in nature being alone, only with God. The plenary, profound experience of such moments, whether in the clearing of a forest at night, or by the side of a lake or by the sea, facilitates the discovery and the impossible to describe in words deepening of such overwhelming, magical experiences, which generate the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Magic, but also the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Awe.

Under certain conditions such extraordinary experiences facilitate the instant translation of our astral body into certain elevated, heavenly realms that exist in the astral universe. When we are already immersed in beneficial states of trance, including romantic trance after having swallowed a double herbal mixture that facilitates, induces the triggering of a beneficial process of intoxicating trance, we have in this way the opportunity to fully benefit from such privileged moments that we have mentioned in this context.

The state of joyfulness means an intense, excellent state of good mood, cheerfulness, joy, contentment, and through this mixture of sublime subtle energies of some Godly Attributes, such as Joy, Contentment, Humour, such a state is manifested which is also an amalgam of sublime subtle energies of these Godly Attributes.

Such experiences trigger under certain conditions a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Amusement. When the sublime subtle energies of these Godly Attributes are combined and mixed, they constitute, they cause to arise, the reason for extraordinary good mood.

In this way the human being in question experiences an elevated overwhelming state of fun which at the same time deifies him. The reception of the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Amusement in the universe of that human being generates in this way great or small miracles.

Such experiences can also be brought about by the celebration of a traditional event, such as Easter, Christmas, etc. Such a celebration, which is experienced in unison by many human beings, gives rise to intense, elevated, overwhelming spiritual experiences. The combination, the mixture of the sublime subtle energies of those Godly Attributes causes an intoxicating, exhilarating, exciting state that is pleasant in an elevated way to appear and fully manifest itself.

The term jovial means that a human being is cheerful, merry, in good spirits. That being is in a good mood, fully experiencing good humour. Joviality denotes the quality of being jovial, it denotes an intense and exhilarating good mood.

Optimism is a philosophical, esoteric conception according to which in the Godly creation and manifestation the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Good is predominant and prevails over evil. Optimism is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by an eternal, endless, free, eminently beneficial, sublime subtle energy whose vibration frequency never modifies.

The sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Optimism gives rise to a specific attitude in the microcosm of the human being who, under the influence of this sublime subtle Godly energy, looks at and considers life, the fellow human beings, the present, the future with immense confidence and spontaneously manifests the tendency to see and experience the good, favourable aspects of absolutely everything that is eminently beneficial and that was created and manifested by the Good Lord at the beginning of all beginnings.

An optimistic human being is someone who fully manifests a state of optimism. Such a human being in whom the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Optimism is abundantly overflowing radiates in waves a contaminating state of intoxicating optimism.

The term radiant denotes the appearance, the simultaneous manifestation of something mysterious, luminous, brilliant. Figuratively, it expresses an immense serenity, contentment, joy, delight, cheerfulness, and that is the very reason why such a human being is wonderful and kindles an utterly remarkable beauty.

A radiant human being attracts and then manifests outside their inner universe the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Purity, the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Perfection, the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Happiness. Such a human being radiates an intoxicating state of joy and is therefore charming and ravishing.

The opposite of that which is radiant, bright, brilliant is that which appears to us as gloomy, obscure, downcast, dreary, dark. Gloomy human beings are quiet, they are taciturn, they are often low-spirited. That is why they are considered to be dismal. Such human beings are somber, they are dark. Their presence is a nuisance to most people.

Laughter means the action of spontaneous laughing and its result. Laughter is a manifestation of cheerfulness expressed by a characteristic movement of the mouth and face which is accompanied by a series of specific sounds. Laughter highlights a mysterious process of occult resonance with the sublime, endless, free, eternal, eminently beneficial subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Humour. The initiated know this mystery.

The spontaneous, bracing laughter is beneficial. Moreover, it is also healing. There are many illnesses and diseases that can be cured by sessions in which several human beings bracingly laugh together in unison. The beneficial effects, including the healing ones, will not be long in coming. Nowadays, a sui generis yoga of the bracing, beneficial, therapeutic laughter has already been developed. Laughter yoga is not really a branch of the yoga system. Nevertheless, it has recently been named as such: “Laughter yoga”.

The term bracing denotes something beneficial that causes or releases a beneficial vigour, it channels a beneficial power and proves to be strengthening. That which is bracing and perfectly natural highlights the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the sublime, endless, free, eternal, eminently beneficial subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Vigour.

When this sublime, endless, free, subtle energy is abundantly bestowed into the universe of the human being, in his aura it brings forth wonderful specific effects due to the sublime subtle energy of this Godly Attribute.

Flourishing refers to the action of blossoming and its result. Figuratively, flourishing denotes a beneficial development, a proper growth and a specific state of occult prosperity is manifested. Figuratively, the flourishing highlights an intense state of contentment and delight.

Flourishing is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by a sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial subtle energy whose vibration frequency never modifies. The abundant attraction of the sublime subtle energy of this Godly Attribute into the universe of the human being is accompanied by certain beneficial, wonderful effects.

The sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Flourishing bestows the occult Godly power to blossom. The human being who abundantly draws the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Flourishing into his inner universe becomes in an occult manner flourishing and is prosperous inside.

In the following, we shall define the expression eminently beneficial satisfaction. This kind of satisfaction, which is eminently beneficial, means an intense feeling of beneficent contentment, of elevated, Godly pleasure of the human being who has fulfilled or satisfied an eminently beneficial need, a creative aspiration of theirs.

A state of eminently beneficial satisfaction is an uplifting experience that produces an intense state of contentment, a reason, an occasion to be in a beneficial way satisfied. To give an eminently beneficial satisfaction implies to satisfy an uplifting beneficial aspiration, to fulfill an aspiration, a creative request of a human being, inclusively of a human being of the opposite sex with whom we are in an intimate, amorous, erotic relationship based on perfect continence, producing an intense satisfaction, happiness, elevated pleasure for them.

Read the seventh part of the article


December 21, 2023


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