A comparative analysis between unrefined sexuality and pure eroticism (5)

by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

This comparative analysis is a first presentation in the sense that it is the first time that such a comparative analysis has been carried out and it is of immense use to attentive, lucid, intelligent, full of common-sense and endowed with spiritual intuition human beings because this comparative analysis helps them to discover the countless benefits and advantages of pure eroticism.

Read the fourth part of the article

No. Sexuality Pure Eros
49. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic that emerges, and is revealed, is that the human beings who prefer the unrefined sexuality are thus conditioned in an unfavourable, detrimental way, they are equivocal, they are evasive, they are slippery in their relations with the other people, and such human beings are often sugary in a theatrical manner.

The term conditioning designates the action of conditioning and the result of that action.

The conditioning causes and establishes a relationship of dependence. We have concluded the definition of this term.

The term equivocation designates something that implies two meanings: smth. that includes the possibility of interpreting something in two ways. In certain situations, that which is expressed in an equivocal manner is doubtful, questionable, suspect. That which is equivocal does not make a reliable interpretation possible, because it is unclear, it is confusing.

The term evasive denotes something that is imprecise, vague.

The term slippery figuratively denotes a fickle human being. Such a person easily drifts away on the slippery slope of sin.

The term sugary generally denotes a pleasant, amiable attitude, but figuratively denotes a false, hypocritical person.

The term theatrical designates an affected, studied, feigned, insincere, artificial behaviour. A theatrical human being, then, easily slips into theatricality, shows a tendency to draw the attention to himself and to try to impress the others in various ways by his behaviour. The theatrical attitude refers to the theatrical nature of certain gestures and attitudes.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic that appears and manifests itself in the human beings that embrace and deepen the pure eroticism is that such human beings are resolute, they are categorical, in beneficial directions, they are clear.

The term resolute designates a human being who is unwavering, firm, determined in eminently beneficial directions.

The term categorical designates a human being who is precise, resolute in beneficial directions, unconditioned in a detrimental way.

The term clear designates that which is precisely outlined, which is exemplarily specified. That which is clear is easily understood, it is made explained. In the case of a human being who is said to have a clear spirit, that human being easily understands absolutely everything when they are clearly expressed.

50. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that the human beings who embrace this kind of sexuality tend to think only afterwards of the consequences, the various effects, the results that occur, but also of certain repercussion.

The term consequence designates the result, the follow-up that appears at the end of an action. To bear or support the consequences means to suffer that which results from doing a certain action or from the results that appear in a certain situation. The expression ‘down to the last consequences’ refers to that what occurs until the end, or in other words, eventually.

The term effect designates a phenomenon that is produced by another phenomenon. It is what results from a particular cause. The effect is a sequel, it is a consequence, it is a result. The effect is an impression or a state that is produced in one’s inner universe.

The term result means that what occurs, or results from a certain action, from a fact. The result is a consequence, it is a sequel, it is also an effect.

The term consequence designates the fact of following, it highlights a continuation, of something in particular. The outcome is also a consequence, a result.

In the case of the pure eroticism, another characteristic is that the human beings who embrace and deepen the pure eroticism are spontaneously interested in the essential causes, in the reasons, in those fundamental explanations that are full of Godly wisdom.

The term cause refers to that which determines, that which causes the appearance of a certain phenomenon, of a situation, of something which then generates another phenomenon. The cause is an origin, it is, so to speak, a ground, a determining reason. The wise human beings always choose to act in full knowledge of the cause, or in other words, they do so knowing very well absolutely everything that is involved. To be concerned means that a human being is interested in a particular matter.

The term reason designates a subjective basis of an action, of a fact. The reason reveals a stimulus that pushes the human being to do an action. This reveals what the motive is. Oftentimes the motive reveals an occasion, an opportunity.

The term explanation means the action of explaining. The explanation brings forth an elucidation, a clarification that is meant to help, to facilitate the understanding of something in particular.

51. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic that emerges is that some human beings who embrace the unrefined sexuality tend to be caustic and manifest sarcasm.

The term caustic figuratively denotes an excessive, biting, satirical attitude. A caustic human being attacks and hurts inclusively by mocking. Causticity is the opposite of goodwill.

The term sarcasm designates a biting, insulting irony, which is even contemptuous, mocking.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic that emerges is that the human beings who embrace the pure eroticism, which they then deepen, spontaneously manifest great goodwill, they are cordial, they are gentle, they are indulgent.

The term goodwill denotes an obvious attitude, a clearly favourable behaviour towards someone. Goodwill is often accompanied by indulgence. Goodwill is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by a sublime, subtle, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy, whose frequency of vibration never modifies.

The term cordial designates an attitude, a manifestation that is spontaneous, that springs from the heart, that is intensely affectionate. Cordiality includes a manifest goodwill, kindness, and affection.

The term gentleness designates the quality of being gentle. It refers to the behaviour of a gentle person. Gentleness is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by a subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies. A gentle person exudes an intense, pleasant sensation of calmness and is for this very reason agreeable because of the subtle, sublime, mysterious, Godly energy that he manifests and exudes. A gentle person is friendly and does no harm. Such a being is peaceful, without malice, and mild. Such a person has a tranquil behaviour. About the gentle person, Jesus Christ states that “The gentle one will influence the others for the better and will rule the earth in beneficial directions.”

The term indulgent denotes a merciful, forgiving attitude. Indulgence is a forgiving, tolerant, lenient attitude.

52. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic that appears in the human beings who embrace the unrefined sexuality is that such beings are, many of them chimeric, they are doubtful, they prefer error, they are hesitant, they are easily deluded, they are problematic, they are skeptical.

The term chimeric designates a human being who indulges in a vain imagination, who nurtures illusions, mirages, phantasmagorical dreams, utopias. That which is chimeric is unattainable, unreal, utopian. Such human beings indulge in chimeras. They are lazy, cold and rather lacking creative intelligence.

The term doubtful means something that causes doubt, that is uncertain. A doubtful human being is said to be untrustworthy, suspicious, dubious. Such a human being is hesitant and undecided especially in eminently beneficial directions.

The term error means that one is mistaken – it is something that arises in the sphere of the consciousness and that takes as true that which is false, and takes as false that which is obviously true. The error refers to various bizarre judgments, but also to psychic facts that result in this way. Through errors, the human beings go astray and slide in mistakes. In this way, shocking, serious errors, done out of ignorance, arise and persist in some human beings. The stupidity some human beings indulge in causes them to commit serious errors. It is through error that confusions and contempt arise, and it is due to the errors of judgment that aberrations and absurdities arise and errors of assessment, of estimation appear. The human being who has not attained the state of Godly wisdom is prone to errors of all kinds, and therefore such a human being can be mistaken. Numerous errors are actually false, erroneous knowledge. Every error is also a mistake, it implies a false value. Figuratively, the error denotes a straying of the consciousness or even madness.

The term wavering refers to a human being who is irresolute, hesitating, doubting, vacillating.

The term deluding refers to the inner action of a human being to delude himself. This is how all kinds of fantasies and phantasmagorical dreams appear and persist. An illusion is a distorted, misleading perception of something in particular. Figuratively, the illusion means a delusion, a groundless, far-fetched hope, a chimera. The expression to delude oneself refers to the action of hoping without reason. The human being who deludes himself, chases illusions and deceives himself.

The term problematic refers to something that has the nature of a problem and that actually is a problem. We call problematic that which requires clarifications, explanations and discussions, which raises or brings up certain problems. It is problematic that which causes doubts, including devilish doubts, and refers to something that cannot be taken for granted, that is considered as unlikely, doubtful, hypothetical, equivocal. A problematic conduct is bizarre, strange, suspicious, and it sometimes points out that that human being is possessed by devils.

The term skeptic refers to those human beings who do not trust anything, who doubt absolutely everything, who are always distrustful. A skeptical human being is gripped by an excessive state of skepticism. They are always distrustful. They believe, however, without ceasing, only in their exacerbated skepticism. Skepticism is a doctrine of the ancient Greek philosophers which vehemently denies any possibility of man’s knowledge of the world and of the existing reality, of the objective truth, of any certain knowledge. It insists to the point of obsession on the so-called relative, incomplete and inexact nature of knowledge. The skeptical human beings are seized by an acute state of doubt, of distrust both of anyone and of anything at all. Such human beings constantly show distrust in any beneficial achievement.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic that appears in the human beings who embrace and deepen the pure eroticism is their strong conviction, manifested in eminently beneficial directions, which makes them nurture afterwards, with great ease, beneficial certainties.

The term conviction means that one is convinced and thus determined. The conviction is both a point of view and an opinion. The conviction highlights upon attentive, hyper-lucid examination a firm opinion about something in particular. The expression “with conviction” denotes that something in particular is resolute and firm. Such a human being acts with great conviction. The strong, beneficial convictions generate occult resonance processes in the universe of the human being, in his aura. A human being without conviction is undecided, lacks enthusiasm, does not act wholeheartedly. A human being who is firmly convinced in an eminently beneficial direction, who is firmly convinced in a fundamental way that God exists, has acquired a strong, unshakeable conviction.

Beyond appearances, all the convictions of a human being, both the beneficial and the detrimental convictions, generate afterwards corresponding occult resonance processes in the inner universe of that human being. Those resonances persist as long as that conviction is present in the microcosm of that human being.

The term certainty denotes great, perfect confidence. The beneficial certainty brings about a wonderful state of security in the universe of the human being. Certainty is the characteristic of that which is certain, sure. There is the Godly Attribute of Godly Certainty, which is characterized by a sublime, subtle, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy whose vibration frequency never modifies. This Godly Attribute has a clear connection with the Godly Truth, with the Godly Reality.

53. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic that appears in the human beings who embrace and deepen the unrefined sexuality is that such human beings then cease to make constructive beneficial efforts and, consciously or unconsciously, they more often than not stop pursuing the fruitful discovery and deepening of virtues.

The term effort means the carrying out of some systematic, sustained activity that is done in order to achieve something. An occult effort means a sui-generis directing, focusing of either the physical powers, the psychic energies, the mysterious supra-mental energy or the mysterious mental energy in order to achieve something in particular. All the appropriate, beneficial efforts lead to wonderful, constructive achievements. There is no exception to this.

The term deepening means the action of deepening. Among other things, the deepening implies an attentive, systematic, adequate, thorough research. Through the grams of practice, the deepening becomes fruitful and brings forth the beneficial experience that we need and leads us to the productive fruition of the state of mastery that characterizes a master in a particular direction, which is specific to a particular branch of the yoga system, such as hatha yoga, karma yoga, kundalini yoga, tantra yoga, laya yoga, etc.

The term virtue denotes a certain active Godly principle, such as, for example, a certain Godly attribute like love, kindness, gentleness, humour, the pure eros, detachment, etc., which makes something that is Godly in essence capable of producing a certain eminently beneficial effect. All the Godly Attributes, which are in reality sublime, subtle, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energies, are characterized by a manifest efficacy, efficiency. The subtle, sublime energy of each Godly Attribute that is evoked and then its subtle, sublime, Godly energy is abundantly accumulated in our inner universe causes a certain distinct quality to appear and manifest. That quality is related to the subtle, sublime energy of that Godly Attribute. Beyond appearances, the vast majority of virtues are in fact Godly Attributes, being characterized by a subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies. A certain virtue, embraced and then fully deepened, leads to a deifying conduct and results in the plenary living of a life that is characteristic to a virtuous human being. Christianity often speaks of certain fundamental virtues which, upon attentive, hyper-lucid analysis, reveal themselves to be each of them a certain Godly Attribute which is characterized by a subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that human beings who embrace the pure eroticism and then choose to deepen it each time, are persevering, they persist in their eminently beneficial efforts, they continue the process of inner, beneficial transformation, they focus upon the Godly ideals through a constant, very powerful aspiration and, when necessary, they enthusiastically resume their constructive efforts.

Perseverance refers to the action of carrying on. It is the characteristic of the persevering human being. Perseverance implies exemplary steadfastness, it requires unwavering persistence in convictions, in beneficial attitudes, in actions that are eminently good.

The term persistence refers to the fact of continuing. It emphasizes the beneficial tenacity, the creative resolution, the marvelous character, the appropriation of that which is persistent. The human being who persists in eminently beneficial directions remains for a long time without vacillating, he sticks to the beneficial direction he has started on, continues to live according to what he has set his mind to and which is Godly integrated. Such a human being is diligent.

The expression beneficial transformation refers to the action of transforming that a human being performs in beneficial directions and it also designates its result.

We will define the term ideal. This term is connected to the mysterious, eternal sphere of Godly ideas. A certain Godly ideal is something perfect from the Godly perspective, something flawless from the Godly perspective. Here are some examples of godly ideals: The ideal of the plenary, total deification of the human being. The ideal of the complete, profound activation of the glorious androgynous state, which is followed by an excellent fruition of that state. The ideal of the plenary, profound perception and discovery of God. The ideal of our total, complete identification with the eternal, mysterious Being of God. The Godly ideal of our complete, ultimate spiritual liberation. The Godly ideal of our definitive translation into the causal universe.

Each Godly ideal distinctly reveals the highest degree of Godly perfection. A particular Godly ideal reveals the mysterious, supreme purpose of a Godly activity, of an ardent aspiration. There are also other Godly ideals. Our intense, ardent, full of unceasing aspiration relation to a certain Godly ideal generates in our inner universe, in our aura, a process of occult resonance which is likely to transform our being in an accelerated way, thus contributing to the speeding up of the process of deification. Such a fundamental yearning helps us to collect, gather and then bring to fruition wonderful Godly treasures that accumulate as Jesus Christ said in heaven. The firm, intense focus of our consciousness upon a certain Godly ideal enriches our inner universe in an elevated, heavenly manner, and, moreover, it triggers processes of Edenic occult resonance in the microcosm of our being. Nothing and no one stops us from focusing our consciousness in an ardent, uplifting manner upon a certain Godly ideal except for the ego, the state of lethargy, inertia, ignorance, and stupidity in which we find ourselves and indulge in. These esoteric aspects that I have revealed to you concerning the Godly Attributes are a great esoteric secret that is reserved to the great initiates. This formidable mystery can be validated and appreciated as such only through the necessary, appropriate grams of practice.

54. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic that appears and even amplifies later on is that many human beings who embrace and then deepen the unrefined sexuality end up being unwittingly taken in by pretense and are hypocritical.

Pretense denotes a blatant behaviour, a dishonest attitude that is typical of the fake, hypocritical person, who skillfully makes-believe, displaying again and again a blatant deceitfulness. The human beings who embrace the dissimulation more often than not never tire of subterfuges. The pretending human beings seek in every way to mislead through their behaviour, but also through their insincere, hypocritical manifestations. Such human beings are false and simulate.

Hypocrisy means a lack of sincerity, but also a feigned, theatrical behaviour. In some human beings, hypocrisy has become a habit, and that is why such beings unconsciously manifest it incessantly.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is revealed in the human beings who embrace and then deepen the pure eroticism so that such beings are characterized by exemplary frankness and are full of candor.

Frankness is the ability to openly convey one’s thoughts at all times, and this implies being honest. The human being in question is characterized by total sincerity and loyalty.

The state of candor denotes an exemplary inner, moral cleanliness and also a manifest state of innocence. The human beings full of candor are innocent, they are characterized by ingenuity, simplicity, sincerity, they are free from suspicions and doubts. Candor is the opposite of dissimulation, pretense and cunning. Candor is a Godly Attribute which is characterized by a subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies.

Read the sixth part of the article


December 7, 2023


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