A comparative analysis between unrefined sexuality and pure eroticism (7)
by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
This comparative analysis is a first presentation in the sense that it is the first time that such a comparative analysis has been carried out and it is of immense use to attentive, lucid, intelligent, full of common-sense and endowed with spiritual intuition human beings because this comparative analysis helps them to discover the countless benefits and advantages of pure eroticism.
Read the sixth part of the article
No. | Sexuality | Pure Eros |
56. | In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic that reveals itself on a close, hyper-lucid analysis is that human beings who approach this kind of sexuality easily become apathetic, are prone to a state of obvious hardness, manifest coldness, are fatally indifferent, and some of them are lukewarm.
In this context, apathy designates a lack of eminently wonderful, beneficial interest, but also a lack of vigour, which gives rise to insensitivity/callousness, indolence. Exhaustion arises and persists when such human beings indulge in sexual excesses with ejaculation (in case of men), or with discharge (in case of women). The hardness referred to in this context denotes a state of harshness and brutality that can be amalgamated with a dose of violence. The coldness, referred to in this context, denotes an obvious lack of affection, unfavourable indifference, alienation, carelessness. Indifference, in this context, denotes a lack of constructive, beneficial interest in someone or something, but also impassibility. |
In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that human beings who relentlessly approach, who embrace the pure eroticism, are spontaneously full of emotional warmth, manifest ardour, are characterised by exaltation, are impetuous, are almost always enthusiastic, are cordial. The warmth referred to in this context figuratively designates beneficial ardour.
In this context, the term ardour denotes a state of beneficial ardour, of creative enthusiasm/fervour. In this context, exaltation designates a state of inner ardour, brought to beneficial paroxysm. In this way, the human being in question easily discovers the importance – but also the value – of that which is of quality. In this context, impetuosity designates the manifestation of a wonderful, eminently beneficial, impetuous force. In this context, enthusiasm denotes a state of beneficial, powerful eagerness/vividness accompanied by drive. It is important to point out that enthusiasm is a Godly Attribute characterised by a subtle, sublime, endless, free, eternal, eminently beneficial energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies. In this context, the term cordial means an obvious manifestation, that springs from the heart. The cordial human being is clearly affectionate. |
57. | In the case of unrefined sexuality, other characteristics are that this kind of sexuality causes human beings to face adversity of all kinds. Such human beings experience adverse circumstances in life, tend to be fatalistic, and are inclined to consider themselves unlucky. In this context, adversity designates a hostile circumstance, or an obvious difficulty.
In this context, adversity designates something unfavourable, detrimental, or even opposite. In this context, the term fatalism designates that which is fatal, that which appears as implacable to ignorant human beings; but also, in the case of stupid, lethargic human beings, fatalism appears to them as something inevitable. Many human beings in this way refer to a conjuncture of unfortunate circumstances. The initiates and the great sages, however, rightly consider that by using certain effective esoteric methods, the human being can modify and even transform, his destiny in eminently beneficial directions. In folklore there is the proverb: “it is possible for man to make his destiny beneficial and happy by means of certain, sustained and suitable efforts.” Also in folklore, there is the proverb: “to a large degree, a man makes his own destiny“. In this context, circumstance designates a situation in which one finds oneself, but also an occasion. The expression “according to circumstances” refers to what is appropriate to the situation and designates something that is different from case to case. In this context, luck designates a sometimes providential combination of favourable circumstances, but also to the occurrence of Godly synchronicities which ensure the success of a beneficial action. For many human beings, luck is a chance or even a blessing. The expression to have good luck means to be successful, or to be favoured by constructive circumstances. At the same time, luck is an expression of a state of the soul in which the human being feels plenarily happy. It feels good. The triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Happiness, as well as the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Good, obviously facilitate good luck/fortune. |
In the case of pure eroticism, human beings who unceasingly embrace the pure eroticism are often surprisingly lucky, they are almost effortlessly given Godly opportunities – some of which are even amazing – they experience wonderful adventures, they optimistically explore the beneficial possibilities, are characterised by eminently beneficial prospects, they promptly and boldly explore favourable chances, they often experience joyous states without reason, they are easily happy, the destiny appears favourable to them and confers them chances of success. Such human beings rightly consider that luck often comes their way and, so to speak, smiles on them. It should be noted that in this context, the term chance refers to a beneficial, favourable circumstance that confers the probability of success. For many human beings, chance is a wonderful possibility or luck.
In this context, the term amazement designates a state that makes a human being feel a sense of wonder and awe. She then remains very surprised, in a delightful way, and is beneficially impressed. In this context, the term adventure refers to a daring, beneficial action that seems unusual, especially at first, but which in time proves to be creative, transforming in beneficial directions. Within the millenary Tantra Yoga system, beneficial adventures are pursued with an immense prior delight. We refer here to those eminently beneficial adventures in which the Godly good and the practical wisdom prevail. In this context, the term wonderful also refers to the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle, sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Awe. It is wonderful that which is beneficial and which inspires good admiration. That which is wonderful, amazes, is out of the ordinary in beneficial directions, is special, is peculiar, is admirable, is euphoric, is delightful. In certain situations, what is wonderful is also extraordinary in beneficial directions, or exceptional. In this context, to explore means to investigate with great attention and delight something unknown, which is beneficial. At the same time, in this way, it is designated the deepening of something wonderful, beneficial. A spiritual exploration requires an attentive, hyper-lucid, systematic examination of something that is eminently beneficial. In this context, the term optimism refers to the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle, sublime, endless, free, eminently beneficial energy of Godly Optimism. Human beings who attract the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Optimism into their inner universe, plenary and deeply feel in their being that in this earthly world, but also in the world beyond, the Godly good prevails over evil. The optimistic human beings, who have abundantly accumulated in their aura the subtle, sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Optimism, tend to feel, to see, to contemplate the beneficial, favourable aspects of all and everything. Human beings overflowing in their aura with the subtle sublime energy of Godly Optimism almost effortlessly exude/radiate this mysterious Godly energy and impel other people to be optimistic. In this context, the term possibility, refers to that which is possible, that which is viable/feasible, but which nevertheless is beneficial and can become a wonderful reality. Every human being has at his or her disposal hundreds of billions of beneficial means which, when triggered and put into practice, with God’s help cause the accomplishment of that which is possible and nevertheless eminently beneficial. In the microcosm of every human being, there are – so to speak, as seed, which needs to be cultivated – magnificent traits, including wonderful qualities, such as the manifestation of the various Godly attributes with which the human being in question has obvious affinities and which are in a potential state. The analogy of a functional radio which can be tuned in advance to the wavelength of certain wonderful, heavenly, Godly emitting radio stations – thus enabling the respective human being to become the channel through which the subtle sublime energies of a particular Godly attribute manifest – is of real use to us when we refer to the occult analogic example of the working radio set, which can be tuned to the wavelength of a particular heavenly emitting radio station, which we choose beforehand, and then, by picking it up again and again, we thus benefit from this possibility that is put into action. Within the millenary Tantra yoga system, it is said that a man who has plenarily and deeply dynamized his state of vira, and also a woman who has plenarily and deeply dynamized her state of shakti, such rare human beings are always extraordinarily rich bearers of some exceptional possibilities which are put into action and which work. Such possibilities are the subtle sublime, endless, eternal, free, energies of certain Godly attributes that we abundantly capture in our inner universe, in our aura, and we fully benefit from them, and even more, by manifesting them in waves, in our immediate ambience, or even by directing them, and orienting them through appropriate focus, to a great distance, to other human beings who deserve such gifts, we help them to benefit from these immense subtle sublime energies of certain Godly Attributes, such as: Kindness, Enthusiasm, Courage, Gentleness, Compassion, Pure Eros, Hope etc. Initiated human beings rightly consider that they are and remain the extraordinarily rich bearers of some exceptional dynamized possibilities, involving the evocation, capturing and abundant accumulation in the inner universe, in the aura, of certain subtle sublime energies of certain Godly Attributes such as Love, Goodness, Health, Gentleness, Goodwill, etc. etc. In this context, the term perspective, including figuratively, designates the particular way of seeing, of feeling, of contemplating all and everything with which we come into contact, including the human beings whom we choose to look at in a transfiguring way, attentively observing at them, in a beneficial empathic way, the qualities or latent potentialities that they have. Perspective designates that aspect in which all and everything we observe presents itself, both in the microcosm of our being and in the microcosm of the human beings with whom we come into contact. When we succeed in abundantly attracting the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perspective into our inner universe, into our aura, a Godly way of seeing, feeling and experiencing all and everything we come into contact with, is revealed to us. In this way, we discover with amazement, but also with delight, Godly aspects that reveal themselves to us spontaneously. All of this occurs when we have succeeded in dynamizing a mysterious Godly point of view in the microcosm of our being. A certain eminently beneficial perspective also includes the possibility of easily realizing or carrying out in the future an eminently beneficial plan or a wonderful action that is integrated into the Godly harmony of nature. A Godly perspective that we have succeeded in dynamizing in our inner universe, in our aura, gives us, as if by magic, immense possibilities of realising that which is beneficial. This facilitates our future fruitful transformation, or of a human being in whom we direct and accumulate the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perspective. That man is deified in that direction, he who has dynamized a powerful and profound Godly perspective, in his inner microcosm. But it is essential to remember that it is of immense value to awaken and dynamize a Godly perspective in our inner universe. In this way, we also remain in the memory of human beings, through our living, admirable example, and even if we definitively leave the material earthly world, we also benefit – in the world beyond, in the Astral Universe – from this mysterious Godly perspective that we have managed to plenarily and profoundly dynamize in the microcosm of our being. When, in our inner universe, we are already enjoying an extraordinary Godly perspective that becomes accessible to us through a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of the Godly Perspective, we have immense opportunities to accomplish even great or small miracles in the future, with God’s help. The initiates, as well as the great sages, rightly affirm that everything we live, feel and experience is always, almost without exception, unceasingly and visibly linked to the perspective that characterizes us. Just as a pair of glasses that are endowed with lenses of a marvellous pink colour then allows us to look at and to contemplate all and everything that surrounds us as pink, and when we remove those pink glasses from our eyes, we find that the surrounding reality reveals other colours, and the pink colour immediately disappears, so the specific perspective that characterises us filters the reality for us, in a certain way. This is why the great sages of India said: “almost all and everything has an obvious connection with the prevailing perspective that already characterizes us“. Constantly aiming to awaken, to dynamize the Godly perspective in the microcosm of our being is of gigantic benefit to us and reserves for us plenty of paradisiacal surprises. In this context the term joy designates a certain Godly Attribute which is characterized by a subtle, sublime, endless, free, eternal, eminently beneficial energy whose frequency of vibration never modifies. The subtle sublime energy of this Godly Attribute has the effect of triggering an exhilarating feeling of contentment, of intense soul satisfaction. When a human being experiences an overwhelming state of joy, even if he knows nothing about this Godly Attribute, he spontaneously feels that he is jumping for joy – he is extraordinarily happy. When a human being abundantly accumulates the subtle, sublime energy of Godly Joy in his aura, he feels very joyful and affirms that he is living joyfully, wholeheartedly. In this context, the term success/victory means a beneficial victory, but also a well-deserved, constructive success or an excellent achievement. The human being who successfully completes a tapas – that is integrated in a Godly manner – is successful, victorious, succeeds in the action he started when he decided to carry out the tapas he started, being victorious. The successful human being carries out something that is integrated in a Godly way. In this context, the term motive refers to a cause, to a subjective or objective basis for an eminently beneficial action that is Godly integrated. The motive is the cause of a beneficial fact. Everything that is beneficially motivated is justified by a beneficial reason that is in a Godly way integrated, is motivated in eminently beneficial directions; it is that which is takes place in view of a wonderful, constructive goal. A beneficial motivation is the totality of beneficial motives or of the beneficial purposes which bring about a beneficial action and cause a beneficial fact to occur. That concludes the definition of this term. It is something essential and wise to seek to be animated again and again, in our daily existence, only by fundamental motives that are eminently beneficial. Only by doing so, we have many spiritual advantages, in the end. Jesus Christ is a Godly example of this kind for us. If we again and again relate to his bright example and to the motivations full of Godly wisdom that animated him, we have a wonderful Godly model. In this context, the term fate/lot means the act of determining the purpose, the destination of a human being. In the form, “fate” means something that is decided in a providential manner, by drawing lots, after having previously consecrated the fruits of that drawing to God. In the case of drawing lots, which is both an initiatory and esoteric act, it is necessary to prepare in advance 49 notes on which the word YES will be written and 49 notes on which the word NO will be written, and then, after consecrating the fruits to God three times in a row, the lots drawing is carried out and thus it can be ascertained what the fate reserves for us in a mysterious, providential manner. In the case of such an action involving a lottery, the result that emerges in the end is never by chance, is not a hazard and, beyond appearances, reveals a mysterious and Godly necessity. The ancient esoteric divinatory game known as the I Ching, in its systematic, gradual unfolding, allows the discovery of some possibilities or of some availabilities that are revealed to us in this way. In this context the term smile designates the act of smiling. Smiling implies a spontaneous and natural slight movement of the lips accompanied by a specific facial expression expressing joy, delight or admiration. At the same time, it expresses gladness and cheerfulness. |
58. | In the case of unrefined sexuality, human beings who approach, who embrace unrefined sexuality are often changeable, they are versatile, they are unstable, they are inconstant.
In this context, the term changeable refers to a human being who changes easily, who changes quickly in harmful, unfavourable directions, and who is fickle, unstable. About such a human being, half-jokingly, half seriously is said to be variable like the weather. Such human beings are fickle, and such behaviour shows that in their case, the consciousness is predominantly fixed at the level of the subtle force centre Svadhisthana Chakra, which is not harmoniously dynamized. In this context, the term versatile refers to a human being who – with an obvious ease – changes his opinions, convictions and attitudes in unfavourable, disastrous directions. Such a human being is unwavering only in his fickleness. Such human beings are very capricious. The predominance of the subtle force centre Svadhisthana Chakra in their inner universe, so that their consciousness is fixed at that level, causes such human beings to be versatile. In this context, the term unstable refers to a human being whose inner balance is unstable. Such human beings have a tendency to drift, with great ease, into their old disastrous habits such as alcoholism, smoking, coffee drinking or use of narcotics. In such human beings, the subtle force centre Svadhisthana chakra is predominant and disharmoniously dynamized. In this context, the term inconstant/unsteady refers to a human being who is changeable in unfavourable, harmful directions, who is fluctuating and fickle. Such human beings function predominantly at the level of the subtle force centre Svadisthana chakra which is, however, disharmoniously activated. |
In this context, the term constant refers to a human being who is stable in eminently beneficial directions, who does not change in disastrous directions and who is characterised by an unchanging character. Constant human beings are capable of triggering a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perseverance, in their inner universe. Such human beings are characterized by beneficial steadfastness. They have a harmonious dynamization of the subtle force centre Anahata chakra.
In this context, the term invariable refers to a human being inwardly harmonious, who is unchanging in harmful directions. Human beings who have harmoniously dynamized their subtle force centre Anahata chakra are rightly considered to be invariable. In this context, the term stable refers to a human being who is harmonious, who is steadfast. Such human beings do not fluctuate in harmful directions, they are constant, and they are firm. The harmonious dynamization of the subtle force centre anahata chakra makes that human being to be stable in beneficial directions. Such human beings are characterized by a wonderful unshakableness, they manifest firmness and determination. In this context, the term clean figuratively refers to an honest, pure, taintless human being who is also characterized by a pure conscience, a pure thought. Human beings who have succeeded in considerably dynamizing their mysterious supramental layer – vijnanamaya kosha, in Sanskrit language – are characterised by such a state of inner cleanliness. Such rare human beings are said to be blameless. The well-known expression ‘poor and honest’ is a precept of the human being who does not want, does not seek to be seized by money, by the desire to have a lot of material possessions and who does not seek to become rich. Such a human being is said to be pure inwardly, and this aspect highlights the triggering of a process of occult resonance with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Purity in his inner universe. A pure human being is said to be genuine, to be irreproachable, to be authentic. Such a human being always behaves without fault, and is therefore considered to be blameless. Such a human being appears to us as being, in a certain way, euphoric, clear inwardly and transparent. The opposite of the clean is the dirty. The human being that triggers a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime, eternal, endless energy of Godly Purity in his inner universe is characterized by a clear consciousness that triggers an obvious state of admiration in human beings who are able to feel, to discover that indescribable state of inner cleanliness. Inwardly clean human beings do not have any inner dirt and do not indulge in any dirty actions. Such human beings always, without exception, have a clean manner of speaking. When the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal energy of Godly Purity is abundantly captured in the microcosm of the human being, it makes impurities disappear, annihilates traumas, triggers an overwhelming state of catharsis, and then that human being feels purified, relieved, cleansed within. When we attract the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Purity into our inner universe, into our aura, rapid, massive purification occurs in our being. The spontaneous triggering of an overwhelming state of catharsis highlights the spontaneous capturing and accumulation, in our aura, of the subtle, sublime energy of Godly purity, as well. An intense, overwhelming state of catharsis reveals the accumulation of the subtle, sublime energy of Godly Purity as well, in the aura of the human being in question. In the case of human beings who have accumulated painful tensions in their inner universe during some intimate relationships, the abundant capturing and accumulation of the subtle, sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Purity in the inner universe of that human being spontaneously triggers a cathartic effect. In this way, an obvious phenomenon of purification appears and persists. |
January 11, 2024
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