Agenda 21 Requires Martial Law


In order to force people to accept Agenda 21 and not fight back, military presence is mandatory. The United States government is wholly pushing the agenda forward for the elitists and we just keep falling for it and hate those who are trying to warn us.

The governments of the world are already busy crafting the next crisis. Once the rioting and looting dies down, another manufactured disaster will strike. It’ll be one event after another until “Pandemic 2” hits in the fall. Maybe something even bigger will surface before then even and they won’t need “a second wave.”

RitchiefromBoston touches some nerves in his recent videos uploaded on Youtube. His goal isn’t to appease those who listen, it’s to wake them up.

“Everything I am saying, you can still look up for yourself right now. And if you don’t, and what’s coming comes, you helped it happen,” says Richie. Is it difficult to bust through cognitive dissonance? Yep. Is it hard to read things that go against the indoctrination? Yes. But is necessary for us to open our eyes and stop giving people power over us.

“Get rid of your ego. Get rid of your pride. Get rid of your… everything because we need to move past that. Because the riots are the second stage. They thought COVID would be enough to set Agenda 21 takeover off. They NEED martial law in the United States in order to take away all the weapons etc. They’re gonna use contact tracing in the New World Order to monitor you every single millisecond of every single day,” says Richie.

“It’s time to wake up. The riots? There are thousands of documents showing there are professional rioters and who they’re paid by. They want troops on the ground and once troops are on the ground, the same paid agitators, agent provocateurs, that have been destroying these peaceful protests, will also be the ones taking shots at the National Guard, etc. And once that happens, your guns are gone! Have you ever stopped to ponder WHY some of us are saying stop asking more material law and military interference? This country is gone. You need to wake up and you need to wake up NOW!”

“There’s a lot going on here, people. But I’ll tell you a little secret, you can talk all your conspiracy ideas all you want… that was taught to you through television, movies, music, mainstream. But we’re living in the middle of one of the biggest conspiracies that’s ever been perpetrated on humanity EVER… The end game is to get troops on the ground. WE’RE HERE. You can hate me all you want. I didn’t do this to be popular… this world is getting completely ridiculous right now. But you ain’t gonna be able to hate me much longer if you don’t heed my advice.”

“It’s become apparent that the elitists are on a timeline and must achieve certain goals to make sure they maintain power forever. When is that timeline? I don’t know. All I know is we have to realize this is all a war for our consciousness, emotions, and perception. We also need to realize that we have only a finite amount of time before no amount of awareness will matter because they’ve already won.”

“Take responsibility for your own life or you will get to see exactly what a New World Order of enslavement will look like.”


June 25, 2020


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