All About Flower Essence Therapy
Flower essences are the blossoms of plants prepared from a sun infusion in a bowl of water, then further diluted, potentized, and then preserved with brandy. These preparations embody the distinct imprint or energetic pattern of each flower species. In holistic healing, flower essence therapy is categorized under vibrational medicine. Vibrational medicine incorporates the use of energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat.
A Common Misconception: Aromatherapy VS Flower Essence Therapy
Please don’t confuse aromatherapy with flower essences. Flower essence therapy is a not form of aromatherapy. Although they might be distant cousins in the herbal family, that are not the same thing. Aromatherapy utilizes plant aromatics, it is the smell or scent that is used as a form of aromatherapy. Whereas, flower essence remedies have virtually no scent.
Flower essences are a liquid remedy made through a simple process of solarizing freshly picked blossoms in distilled water. Afterward the flower petals are removed from the treated water. These can be returned to the earth (buried or composted) or tossed into a natural stream (creek or river). The essence-infused liquid is further processed and bottled as a stock remedy. Bottled essences are then dispensed through tincture eye droppers or mist sprayers.
Flower Essence Therapy Origins
The founder of flower essence therapy was an English surgeon named Dr. Edward Bach. Dr Bach was a pioneer in understanding the connection of our emotional bodies to our physical health. The 38 original flower remedies, known as Bach Healing Herbs were used to treat the underlying emotional causes of diseases.
Ill health (physical imbalances and diseases) results when we are in imbalance or when we lose our awareness, are disassociated from others, or disconnected from our life purpose. The living forces of nature collected from the blooms of our flowering plants, prepared, and placed in liquid stock and dosage bottles are used in healing our physical, etheric, astral, and spiritual bodies.
How Flower Essences Are Applied
Flower essences enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use. Flower essences, or flower drops, can be taken directly from the stock bottle. A few drops are typically applied under the tongue. Alternately, three to four drops of stock essences are mixed into a litter of purified water that is sipped throughout the day.
Specialized combinations of essences are commonly prepared in one-ounce dosage bottles. A dosage bottle will normally last ten to fourteen days.
The medical community is not convinced that there is enough evidence to support the effectiveness of flower essences. This is fair, admittedly, vibrational energy is very difficult to measure by scientific means. Yet, in the holistic community, flower essences are favoured by practitioners to address emotional and spiritual imbalances. People suffering from clinical depression or other mental health issues should contact a licensed mental health professional for treatment.
Intuitively Selecting Flower Essences
Selecting essences can in itself be a process of inner growth and awareness. Through quiet reflection, meditation, self-observation, and consulting and conversation with others, it is possible to become aware of issues in our lives that demand our attention. These may be related to any area of our lives, our work, our relationships, or our personal selves. Kinesiology testing is another way that people can use to select the appropriate essences for themselves.
Helpful Tips
• Standard dosage for flower essences is four to ten drops under the tongue, four times per day.
• Potency is increased not by taking more drops at one time, but by increasing the frequency.
• You can benefit greatly by consulting an experienced flower essence practitioner.
Although people occasionally notice immediate shifts when taking flower essences, others may experience difficulty perceiving any changes due to the gradual effects flower essences normally take. Taking flower drops over time will build a stronger and stabilizing influence in our relationships, in our attitudes, in our stresses, and in our overall state of well-being.
Flower essences are not cure-alls. Flower essences are intended to be our helpers in aligning our life energy toward healthy growth and development.
An appropriate flower essence to keep near your computer for frequent use is yarrow. Yarrow essence helps relieve feelings of vulnerability and protects us from absorbing environmental influences (especially rampant within office atmospheres). When environmental and social forces threaten to overwhelm us… yarrow helps!
October 19, 2018
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