Another Step In Neuro-Electrical Stimulated Learning

By Joseph P. Farrell, PhD

There’s been another step “forward” toward the transhumanist goal of uploading knowledge directly into the human brain, according to an article online titled Scientists discover how to ‘upload knowledge to your brain’. In spite of the article’s headline, however, the actual achievement is slightly less than that.

“Researchers from HRL Laboratories, based in California, say they have found a way to amplify learning, only on a much smaller scale than seen in the Hollywood film The Matrix.

They studied the electric signals in the brain of a trained pilot and then fed the data into novice subjects as they learned to pilot an aeroplane in a realistic flight simulator.

The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, found that subjects who received brain stimulation via electrode-embedded head caps improved their piloting abilities and learnt the task 33 per cent better than a placebo group.

‘The specific task we were looking at was piloting an aircraft, which requires a synergy of both cognitive and motor performance’, researchers said. ‘When you learn something, your brain physically changes. Connections are made and strengthened in a process called neuro-plasticity’.”

What caught my attention here was the deliberate choice of both cognitive and motor performance, so one wonders what such a technology will mean, for example, for instrumental musicians who must perform similar cognitive-motor function learning; would the system enable a pianist to learn the third movement of Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto faster and perform it better?

In any case, we’re supposed to be comforted: we’re a long way from direct downloading and uploading of information according to the article. But I have to wonder just how far such a technology might have been taken in the black projects world. 

In the book Microcosm and Medium I pointed out that during the 1970s, brain research was carried on in connection to consciousness control research that compiled the brain wave signatures of people’s brains responding to, or using, specific words. By the end of these experiments, an “electroencephalographic dictionary” of about 2,000 words had been compiled, allowing technicians to ‘read’ the interior conversations that people had in their heads, and by wedding this technology to microwave transmissions, to actually project “voices in the head.” 

Over time, the vocabulary of such electroencephalographic dictionaries was doubtlessly expanded to include many more words. Indeed, the technology in the above mentioned article suggests that one could use such a technology to enhance one’s vocabulary, or perhaps to learn a piece of music faster, and so on. 

Indeed, the Soviets did similar research, and specifically in connection to the arts, and the results were astounding, so much so that an individual who had no artistic experience whatsoever was convinced she was a Russian master classicist painter, and she began to paint accordingly.

So I don’t know about you, but I suspect once again that we’re being told the “safe stuff” and that the reality of these technologies perhaps far exceeds the public narrative.


May 18, 2020


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