Before covid vaccination began, there were three studies; all showing serious harms of these experimental jabs

As it turned out there was not just one study, or two, documenting that the “S” (spike) protein from Covid causes damage. There were at least three studies, with one dating back, in preprint, to the first week of December 2020.

We start the little review of the science here showing something already known today, the direct harms caused by the spike protein, and the fact that this direct harm was known before the first shot went into the first arm and yet was not considered by the FDA nor discussed in the media.

On December 4th, 2020, before virtually anyone had received a single shot, it had been already scientifically showed that the S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) in vitro (in cell lines in the laboratory experiments) and in vivo (in laboratory animals). Endothelial cells line every single blood-transporting element of the body and are essential for them. Endothelial cells have a quite-long lifetime – the average is more than a year – so the risk involved does not rapidly dissipate. This scientific proof had never been mentioned neither by the major media nor the governments and medical authorities. They never said one word about this paper.

On March 8th, 2021, it was another red flag: “One of the most important pathologies is hypercoagulation and microclots in the lungs of covid patients. Here we studied the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential sui generis inflammagen. Using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy as well as mass spectrometry, we investigated the potential of this inflammagen to interact with platelets and fibrin(ogen) directly to cause blood hypercoagulation. Using platelet poor plasma (PPP), we showed that spike protein may interfere with blood flow.”

In other words, until the beginning of March 2021 researchers had demonstrated that the spike protein alone causes injuries of endothelial cells and blood clotting. What were the vaccines supposed to do? Inject a recipe (the mRNA) for producing spike proteins that would transform any single cell of the human body in a production line for spike proteins.

Yet the FDA, CDC, Fauci claimed “there is no evidence of serious risk of these events from the vaccines” and some has said, at that moment, they were going to mandate that college students to be intentionally injected with this substance that causes blood clotting in the lungs and elsewhere – demonstrated by scientific study. In other words, they said that people who want to attend an event or an institution would need to take a serious risk of permanent injury or DEATH by a known-dangerous injection despite the fact that for most young people, and in fact most healthy people, covid-19 never became a dangerous or a systemic infection at all.

On April 27th, 2021, it appeared this: “Using a newly developed mouse model of acute lung injury, researchers found that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to induce covid-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs.” This time by direct sacrifice of the animals involved, extraction of the lung cells and imaging under a microscope, direct and serious damage was shown from the spike protein alone.

In other words every person who was given covid shot would be expected to develop some amount of the above described damage. Mainstream media, governments, medical authorities, all said no word except “vaccines are safe” and other manipulative slogans pushing people to vaccinate.

In May 2021, that first study was published after peer review confirmed the findings: “99% of the associated deaths from vaccination in all of 2021 have come from one vaccine alone (covid), with the more than 100 vaccines in actual use all combined together being associated with just one percent.”

In addition, there was a very large and persistent spike of thousands of weekly deaths that were in the “some odd disease killed you” category which was not resolving as more-complete information was received by the CDC.

Until it is proved that spike protein is not in the blood, anyone who has taken the shot is necessary to be barred from blood donations as it is entirely possible these proteins will contaminate the blood supply and kill or severely injure the recipients of blood donated by a vaccinated person. Contamination of the blood supply is extremely serious; just to remind you what occurred with HIV when near everyone in the US who had hemophilia and required periodic clotting factor transfusions, had been infected because the blood was not tested for HIV.

And given the potential for strokes and clotting there’s a reasonable argument to be made that anyone who took covid shots should be barred from driving – ever. A stroke while driving is likely to kill not just you but anyone near you too, and we already bar those with uncontrolled seizures from having a driver license.

Took the shot? Surrender your driving credential.

Thinking of flying? Did you ask if the pilot took the shot?

The process and speed by which these vaccines were developed and rolled out without taking the time to understand potential pathology, quantifying that risk and halting the process when indications of potential trouble were found, indicate that we cannot trust neither the vaccines, nor those (governments, medical authorities) who insisted and insist on taking the shots.


March 5, 2022

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