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Censored news – Health

A sensational referendum-message of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization which is addressed to all the people on planet Earth About Gregorian Bivolaru About M.I.S.A. About us Announcements Astrology Awakening into divine light Being Conscious through the Yoga Practice Censored news - Economics Censored news - Military Censored news - Politics Censored news - Social Censored Sensational News Extraterrestrial civilisations Health Home Hope Il maestro Pinocchio, or the ridiculous and obvious lies made up by the former coordinator Interviews Karma Yoga Karma Yoga Know yourself through Yoga Letters from Users MEMORANDUM - THE ORGANIZATION FOR SPIRITUAL INTEGRATION INTO THE DIVINE M.I.S.A. NEWS News & Events Opening ceremony of the International Yoga Congress «God is giving us signs» Parapsychology Public Relations Raja Yoga Revelations Shaivism Shambala, the magnificent Simple Yoga Techniques Spring Diet: Fruit and vegetables juices – a great source of raw food Tantra Techniques for Focus Testimonials of the yoga practitioners The ASANAS of happiness in the couple The Energetical Physiology of the Human Being: Subtle Bodies. Centres of Force, Energetic Channels The First Congress of European Yoga Federation is taking place in Bucharest and is organized by MISA The Moon influences our life and also our spiritual evolution The program of the fourth day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Saturday, 16th October The program of the last day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Sunday, 17th October The program of the second day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Thursday, 14th October Relaţii cu publicul Taxonomy Community Glossary Login

Health surveillance: Engineers unveil smart wristband that broadcasts your health and environmental data to a phone through Wi-Fi

  Just when you thought that tracking humans through technology couldn’t get any worse, engineers have developed a smart wristband that uses a wireless connection to smartphones to power a new generation of devices that monitor personal health and environmental data. In a study that was published in the…

The collapse of vaccine science is well underway, but people blindly cling to the status quo because they know nothing else

  When the coolant begins to leak out of your vehicle and the temperature gauge rises, you mustn’t continue down the road, pretending like nothing is going to happen. If your vehicle shows signs of overheating, you must stop and face the problem. A coolant hose may be loose, the thermostat may need to be…

The Emperor Has No Clothes

  “One would almost think he had nothing on, but that's what makes them so fine. ‘Exactly,’ all the noblemen agreed, though they could see nothing, for there was nothing to see. The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, ‘This procession has got to go…

No U.N. support for geoengineering: Proposal to use chemicals in our atmosphere to dim the sun is ‘infeasible’ according to leaked report

  A leaked report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reveals one of the main objectives behind the 2015 Paris Climate swindle: The world’s arrogant elite have plans to spray the Earth’s skies with chemicals to block the sun’s light and “save” the planet from “global…

Bill Gates is backing a quest to create a genetically modified Super Cow, hoping to produce four times more genetically modified milk

  Not content with what nature has provided us, Microsoft founder Bill Gates would like to see a cow that can make more milk than European cows yet be able to withstand heat just as well as African cows. As part of this quest, he is funding genetic research that aims to create what they consider “the perfect…

Editors of two of the most prestigious journals of medicine agree that ‘evidence-based medicine’ might not be trustworthy or even true

  Do you remember when we were all told that butter was a sure way to guarantee an early death? Now we’re hearing it isn’t so bad after all. Eggs have gone from being a recipe for high cholesterol to “nature’s perfect food”. When it comes to medicine, it can be even cloudier: Do statins…

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