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Censored Sensational News

China Unveils ‘Neurostrike Weapons’ That Can ‘Attack and Control Brains’ From Thousands of Miles Away

China has declared that it has developed a new sophisticated direct energy weapon, capable of “disrupting brain functions and influencing government leaders or entire populations.” According to the Washington Times, a 12-page report issued by the WEF’s favorite nation declared that the new “neurostrike weapons” would allow the…

Working with tyrants, a way to hell?

The bribery of doctors to inject vaccinations proves that corruption without resistance is a well without a bottom. This story is about the crossroads and the long-term importance of our daily decisions. It is also about the practical strategy of making decisions wisely and without fear. It's also about bribing doctors through…

A leading German politician views proposed climate policies as a danger to the country’s civil stability and democracy

The mood in Germany has become outright ugly as citizens reel from high inflation and fear government policy initiatives that would bankrupt many if enacted. Business sentiment among small to medium companies is souring rapidly. Among these initiatives is the current green-socialist government’s plan to force citizens and…

Divide and conquer: Gen. Michael Flynn warns that China is dividing the US and its allies in push for global domination

China is causing division between the United States and its allies in order to push Chinese global domination. “Part of the 100-year war for the Chinese is to divide those who are allied with the United States of America. Divide those alliances and then build trust with the other side. So, divide us from some partners that we had.…

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