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Risks for your health

Electromagnetism expert issues cellphone tower warning

  Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism Dr. Paul Heroux joined Rick Sanchez to discuss growing concerns about cellphone towers and their adverse health effects on children. He said that corporations’ political power has manipulated FCC standards and is why “the irradiation of the population…

Is Processed Food Killing You?

American’s Dangerous Addiction to Factory Food Over the years ultra-processed factory food has become more and more common. Living in the USA it’s almost impossible to avoid them. As children most of Americans grew up eating them and in many cases those cute frozen TV dinners were…

Glyphosate delivered by vaccine

  Food is not the only source of glyphosate exposure. Years ago, activist Zen Honeycutt came across a Facebook post listing vaccine ingredients. Among them: polysorbate 80 – which like glyphosate can break down the blood-brain barrier and let toxins in – aluminum, bovine serum (blood) and egg. Honeycutt…

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