EMFs Linked to Cancer, Autoimmunity, Immune Dysfunction (2)


by Ali Le Vere

Science shows electromagnetic fields are unavoidably harmful to human health, causing bioeffects and derailing the immune system at levels deemed within safe exposure effects.

Read the first part of the article

EMFs and Autoimmune Disease

A pilot study showed that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) resulted in significant symptomatic relief in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. This study, published in Immunology Research, recruited 64 patients with assorted autoimmune diagnoses such as systemic lupus erythematous (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis, (MS), Sjogren’s syndrome (SS), and celiac disease.

For four hours at night and for four hours during the day, subjects wore shielding clothing and tenting comprised of silver-coated polyester threads interwoven with bamboo fibers that were partially capable of blocking penetration of microwave EMF.

Admittedly, this was not a blinded or controlled study, which knocks it down a few tiers on the hierarchy of evidence and renders it vulnerable to criticism that it is not sufficiently authoritative. However, the researchers found the underlying mechanisms supporting the intervention to be so scientifically sound, and the mechanism of therapeutic efficacy so theoretically plausible, that they decided that the idea of using a control group would be morally unethical.

The conclusion arrived at by this research group was that patients with autoimmune disorders demonstrate a pronounced susceptibility to EMF at levels normally encountered in home and occupational environments, and speculated that these EMFs may be a contributing factor to their disease pathogenesis. This is no surprise, given the far-reaching effects of EMFs on the immune system.

EMFs and Hypersensitivity Reactions

EMFs may be capable of triggering hypersensitivity reactions, wherein the immune system reacts in an excessive fashion, triggering both local and systemic tissue damage. Although hypersensitivity reactions can be invoked by self-antigens (parts of our own bodies) and foreign entities (infectious agents), they are also known to be incited by environmental disturbances, a category under which EMFs fall.

For environmental threats to induce a hypersensitivity reaction, they must be small enough to gain access to the immune system. For example, dust is sufficiently small to navigate into the small bronchioles of the lungs, which can trigger an adaptive immune response that generates immune hypersensitivity, manifesting in allergic symptoms such as rhinitis or asthma. The permeation of small molecules, such as the metal nickel, across the skin barrier can also trigger delayed hypersensitivity by acting as a hapten, producing a reaction known as contact dermatitis.

Johannson notes, in his discussion, that EMFs fulfill this basic criteria as they penetrate ever single part of the body – our bodies are effectively translucent to EMFs.

EMF & Mast Cell Issues

In addition to cancer, autoimmune disease, and electrohypersensitivity, EMFs may be capable of eliciting other effects on the immune system, one of which is increased mast cell reactivity. The sentinels of the immune system that directly interface with the environment, mast cells patrol for insults to the body and are present in the connective tissues throughout the body. Mast cells are instrumental in the normal functioning of our bodies, and play a role in vascular homeostasis, vasodilation, angiogenesis, pathogen defense, venom detoxification, and innate and adaptive immunity.

However, they are also implicated in atopic diseases such as allergy and asthma, as well as anaphylaxis, malignancies, cardiovascular disease, and the more recently recognized phenomena of histamine intolerance and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). When triggered, mast cells release granules of histamine, a mediator that is responsible for the redness and swelling that accompanies insect bites, for example.

One of the primary effects of histamine is that it causes increased capillary permeability – or increased leakiness of the small blood vessels – leading to a multitude of body-wide symptoms, including edema, pain, itching, erythema, and dermatoses (diseases of the skin).

Interestingly, researchers have observed a profound increase in the numbers of mast cells in the upper skin layers of electrohypersensitive people as assessed by mast cell markers such as chymase, tryptase, and histamine. Not only that, but subjects with electrohypersensitivity have been observed to have larger infiltrating mast cells, more degranulated mast cells in the dermal reticular layer, with more densely distributed cytoplasmic granules relative to the control group. The same changes were observed later when normal healthy subjects spent time in front of visual display units such as ordinary televisions.

Increases in mast cells are a bedrock indicator of allergic and inflammatory conditions, meaning that these profound elevations are a clear warning signal of the dangers of EMF. Other immune alterations Induced by EMF, as discussed by Johansson (2009), including the following:

• Decreased counts of natural killer (NK) cells
• Decreased counts of T-lymphocytes
• Changes in viability of white blood cells
• Immunosuppression or immune system impairment
• Negative effects in pregnancy such as placental dysfunction or utter-placental circulatory disturbances
• Inflammatory cascades that can ultimately materialize as pathology

Unproven Safety, Untested Outcomes

Worse yet, existing standards are incredibly lax, established based upon the immediate heating of cells and tissues, oftentimes in safety testing models that used fluid-filled plastic dolls rather than live, breathing, animated human beings. Recommended safe exposure levels do not take into account long-term effects or non-thermal effects elicited before heating is detected.

The review in the journal Pathophysiology that examined the effects of EMFs on the immune system concluded:
“Based on this review, as well as the reviews in the recent Bioinitiative Report, it must be concluded that the existing public safety limits are inadequate to protect public health, and that new public safety limits, as well as limits on further deployment of untested technologies, are warranted.”

It is urgent that biologically based exposure limits be established that are entirely protective against both extremely low frequency and radio frequency fields. We must ascertain the exposure standards which do not interfere with normal biological processes as well as systematically assess the bioeffects and adverse health consequences of chronic EMF exposure.

The safe exposure standard may, for all intents and purposes, be zero, as EMFs are reported within the literature to cause the following:
• Disrupt cellular communication
• Disrupt cellular metabolism
• Disrupt cellular repair
• Disrupt cancer surveillance
• Change brain wave activity
• Impair cognition
• Impair attention
• Impair memory
• Induce sleep disorders
• Induce cardiac effects
• Induce genotoxicity (interfere with integrity of the genome).

EMFs and Our Bioelectromagnetic Bodies

It makes intuitive sense that manmade electromagnetism would disrupt the processes of human physiology, as research has reinforced a poetic principle embedded within so many ancient traditions: that human beings are dynamic entities of light. As reported on previously, much of human physiology, including cellular metabolism and functioning of the energy-demanding immune and nervous systems, depend upon quanta of electromagnetic energy called biophotonic emissions (BPE) with a visibility one thousand times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye.

Miraculously, this light that we emit in the form of biophotons, fluctuates along the axis of diurnal time, is modulated by mental intention, and is even synchronized transcontinentally according to rhythms associated with the lunisolar tide.

We are fundamentally bioelectric beings, with physiology premised upon electromagnetic forms of energy transmission and communication that operate on exponentially faster scales than simple chemical diffusion. EMFs interfere with our bioelectromagnetic bodies, which Curtis and Hurtak have characterized as “an entire body distinct from the chemical body that interpenetrates it” and “a light circulatory system operating on an energetic level in a markedly different manner from that of its molecular counterparts”. It is intuitive, then, that EMFs will inevitably, and in some cases irreparably, harm human health, as summarized by an article in Electronic Physician:
“If the body’s biological system is exposed to EMFs, which produce electric currents and fields, which, in fact, deal with the current and voltage, the normal physiological balance is upset”.

The time to act is now – to demand more thorough long-term safety testing and to lobby for biologically based exposure limits – in order to safeguard both the integrity of our own health and that of future generations.


October 27, 2019


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