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A sensational referendum-message of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization which is addressed to all the people on planet Earth About Gregorian Bivolaru About M.I.S.A. About us Announcements Astrology Awakening into divine light Being Conscious through the Yoga Practice Censored news - Economics Censored news - Health Censored news - Military Censored news - Politics Censored news - Social Censored Sensational News Extraterrestrial civilisations Health Home Hope Il maestro Pinocchio, or the ridiculous and obvious lies made up by the former coordinator Interviews Karma Yoga Karma Yoga Know yourself through Yoga Letters from Users MEMORANDUM - THE ORGANIZATION FOR SPIRITUAL INTEGRATION INTO THE DIVINE M.I.S.A. News & Events Opening ceremony of the International Yoga Congress «God is giving us signs» Parapsychology Public Relations Raja Yoga Revelations Shaivism Shambala, the magnificent Simple Yoga Techniques Spring Diet: Fruit and vegetables juices – a great source of raw food Tantra Techniques for Focus Testimonials of the yoga practitioners The ASANAS of happiness in the couple The Energetical Physiology of the Human Being: Subtle Bodies. Centres of Force, Energetic Channels The First Congress of European Yoga Federation is taking place in Bucharest and is organized by MISA The Moon influences our life and also our spiritual evolution The program of the fourth day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Saturday, 16th October The program of the last day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Sunday, 17th October The program of the second day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Thursday, 14th October Relaţii cu publicul Taxonomy Community Glossary Login

Why Has the World Suddenly Gone Completely Nuts?

Chaos is starting to erupt all over the planet. Martial law was declared in South Korea, civil unrest is raging in the streets of Georgia, and the rebels (formerly known as terrorists) toppled the Assad regime in Syria. It is almost as if someone decided to flip a switch and now vast hordes of people are going completely nuts.…

Eminent Authors Demand UK Government End Cancel Culture

A group of over two dozen authors including Stephen Fry, Tom Holland and Ian McEwan, have signed a letter telling the UK Government to end “cancel culture” by implementing the university Free Speech Act. The authors join a number of Nobel laureates and more than 600 academics who have already demanded that the Secretary of State…

Curiosity Cracked Open a Rock on Mars and Found a Surprise

A rock on Mars has just spilled a surprising yellow treasure after Curiosity accidentally cracked through its unremarkable exterior. When the rover rolled its 899-kilogram (1,982-pound) body over the rock, the rock broke open, revealing yellow crystals of elemental sulphur: brimstone. Although sulphates are fairly common on Mars, this…

Can biotechnology control human behavior?

Every now and then you come across a study that breaks new ground and advances people's understanding. The journal Transplantology published a study called Personality Changes Associated with Organ Transplants, which documents the experiences of people who have received a range of donor organs, including hearts, kidneys, livers, and…

Just like the deadly mRNA jab, the new DIGITAL I.D. is not “mandatory” yet, but it will seem that way very soon

Everything related to the plandemic is about getting billions of people injected with billions of deadly protein prions, including the all-but mandatory digital ID. Do you like your rights to travel? They can easily be taken away. Do you like your rights to get treated at a hospital for sickness or injury? That too can easily be taken…

Armstrong: Can Trump Run for President From Prison?

By no means is Trump the first to find himself in the crosshairs of the rath of government because he sought real transformation. Eugene Victor Debs (1855–1926) was an American socialist, political activist, and trade unionist and a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). However, he was also a five-time candidate of…

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