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Covid 19 crisis

Covid-19: who’s scheming?

  By Dr. Pascal Sacré In order to be on the same wavelength, I have to define that word. “Conspiracy theorist: an advocate of conspiracy theory”. It’s like saying, racist: defender of a theory of racism. We don’t get very far with that. A synonym is conspiracy theorist. What is a conspiracy theory…

George Soros Views The COVID-19 Plandemic As A ‘Revolutionary Moment’ Where ‘Everything Is Up For Grabs’ Says Radical Change Needed

  George Soros is giddy and excited these days… why? Because he sees the COVID-19 “plandemic” working well to destroy the economy, to destroy capitalism, and to weaken the United States to the breaking point so his army of low-information Liberal minions can swoop in and remake it. You will always…

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