Covid-19: who’s scheming?


By Dr. Pascal Sacré

In order to be on the same wavelength, I have to define that word. “Conspiracy theorist: an advocate of conspiracy theory”. It’s like saying, racist: defender of a theory of racism. We don’t get very far with that. A synonym is conspiracy theorist. What is a conspiracy theory or conspiracy theorist? One thing’s for sure, these words are pejorative, bad. Nobody likes this label: “conspiracy theorist”, “conspiracy theory”.

Since September 11, 2001, this ancient word has been used to disqualify anyone who makes statements which go against the official narrative. Let’s analyze this sentence because every word is important.

By “official”, many mean “governmental”. That’s not quite right. If you say that Donald Trump, who is the “official” president and elected head of the U.S. government, is full of nonsense, who has used the support of the Russians to get elected or that he wants to cancel the 2020 U.S. elections, i.e. which constitute conspiracy theories against Trump, Western journalists in chorus will applaud. They won’t call you a conspiracy theorist even if, according to the definition, that’s what you have been doing.

In the case of COVID-19 in 2020, if you say that all the doctors (and there are not two, ten or a hundred, but thousands around the world) who say that hydroxychloroquine is a cure to COVID-19 and that these crazy doctors have escaped from a lunatic asylum, once again the journalists will congratulate you. In any case, even without proof of what you say, no one will call you a conspiracy theorist.

Yet, it is a conspiracy theory and it is directed against qualified doctors. By doing so, you are accusing doctors, some of whom work at the University or in recognized hospitals for decades, such as Professor Harvey Risch of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, Professor Didier Raoult, Director of the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, and Dr Christian Perronne, a professor of French university hospital practitioners, specialized in the field of tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases and former president of the specialized commission “Communicable Diseases” of the High Council of Public Health, in addition to many less known but equally reliable and serious doctors, family doctors, field doctors, general practitioners or specialists. You are a real “conspiracy theorist” if you think that all these highly qualified doctors are lying or want to manipulate you, Yet, no one will treat you like that.

The truth is that you will be labeled a “conspiracy theorist” if and only if you say things against the official narrative or official consensus, which is sustained and acknowledged by:
– international institutions (World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Economic Forum, United Nations, European Commission, European Medicines Agency…).
– by national relays who report to these international institutions in all important fields, health, medical, educational, media, economic…

All this forms a coherent, transnational, supranational system (a consensus), driven by common goals and using a precise and studied language. It must be understood that this system is independent of politicians and survives electoral changes. It perpetuates itself, whatever happens, not through a president, a particular person, but through these institutions that go through all the scandals and all the attacks without taking a scratch.

Who runs this system? I won’t answer here first because this is another task which deserves a full report and second, because many researchers have already successfully identified this topic. Therefore, being a president, head of government, a medical graduate and representing a valid and serious authority is not enough to protect you from being challenged on the grounds that the challenger is a conspirator. No.

To benefit from this protection, you must belong to the system, speak its language and pursue its goals. Thus, Anthony Fauci, with his criticizable and contradictory remarks, will never be called a conspirator. Professor Harvey Risch will.

Thus, newspapers that claim that Remdesivir (produced by Big Pharma) is effective in treating COVID-19, contrary to hydroxychloroquine, will never be called conspiracy theorists. Those who say otherwise, with studies and doctors to back them up, yes.

The problem is that Trump said he was in favour of hydroxychloroquine as well, and he is discredited each time he says it. It is said that Remdesivir “proved” its effectiveness against Covid-19, in a Belgian newspaper of August 11, 2020.

Words are important. The word “proved“, in this case, is false. But who will notice it, if you are neither a doctor nor aware of the studies in question? In the meantime, a lie is taken for granted, it becomes a truth. A single treatment with Remdesivir will bring Gilead Science Inc. $2,500 per patient. In contrast, Hydroxychloroquine, nothing or almost nothing. It is a very inexpensive drug.

The terms “conspiracy” or “conspiracy theory” have nothing to do with truth or credibility, they have to do with conformity to dominant ideas, dictated by the system that relentlessly pursues its goals.

Another important word is “theory“. “Conspiracy theories”. This implies ramblings without foundation, without evidence. Yet many claims labeled “conspiracy theories” are not theoretical. It is rare to have formal proof at the time of the claim. It may be the result of research, reflections or presumptions.

In forensic medicine or criminal science, you will not always have irrefutable evidence but a set of solid presumptions (motive, indirect and coherent facts) that is sufficient to convict an accused person, according to the law.

Consider the “conspiracy theory” that the pharmaceutical industry is pushing to discredit hydroxychloroquine in favour of its expensive products, antivirals such as Remdesivir or vaccines. It would be nice to have irrefutable proof of this, but I can’t see an industry leader writing such an admission and then leaving it lying around to fall into the hands of an honest journalist. That would be really suicidal, don’t you think? And in any case, we would discredit that executive, or that journalist, until their words become worthless.

However, as we would do in any police investigation, is there a strong circumstantial body of evidence?

1) Does this industry have a motive? Yes.
This industry has a famous motive for doing this: money.
It’s not thousands or hundreds of thousands of euros that would push a lot of people to commit murder, but billions of euros.

2) Does this industry have the means to do this? Yes.

We know it thanks to the testimony of people from inside, like John Virapen, former CEO of Eli Lilly & Company in Sweden, or former editors of major medical journals like Marcia Angell (New England Journal of Medicine) or Richard Horton (Lancet).

3) Has the industry ever done it? Yes.

There are proven cases that illustrate the corruption of doctors by the pharmaceutical industry, such as the case of anaesthetist Scott Reuben who falsified data concerning the efficacy of the antidepressant Effexor (venlafaxine), produced by Wyeth (merged with Pfizer) in neuropathic and postoperative pain.
This is just one example. More recently, you have the Lancet-Gate: “Scientific Corona Lies” and Big Pharma Corruption. Even when the evidence is there, have you ever seen a journalist who accused someone of being a “conspiracy theorist” make his mea culpa, apologize for his misunderstanding and restore the reputation of the “theorist” in question? And above all, restore the truth?

For just one example, I will take the story of the Kuwaiti babies torn from their incubator and thrown to the ground by Iraqi soldiers to justify the American intervention in Iraq in 1990. President George H. Bush senior used it on several occasions in several inflammatory speeches. It was a lie. We know that. Yet anyone who would have known or understood this, and said so at the time, would have been called a “conspiracy theorist” in collusion with Saddam Hussein.

For the record, and to show you that these techniques did not stop in 1991 or after the proof of this lie, the dishonest PR firm behind this Kuwaiti babies myth is the same firm that in 2020 helped the World Health Organization (WHO) to make the world believe in the COVID-19 pandemic and to enforce its diktats: the firm Hill & Knowlton.

So, what does this mean, conspiracy, and who is really a conspirator?

We can see that it means nothing. It’s a pejorative, bad label, which will not be given to you if you lie, or if you criticize a person or a government that justly disturbs the system.

It will be given to you if what you say, even if it is true, plausible, proven, goes against the authorized discourse of the system. Check it out for yourself. Criticize the doctors who defend the use of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19, and you won’t be charged with conspiracy. You will be listened to, approved.

Criticize Anthony Fauci or the national security councils regarding Covid-19, then yes, you will be accused of conspiracy, indeed of all evils.

Very often it has nothing to do with theories. The facts that are put forward are sometimes proven, very often supported by many solid and plausible arguments.
Words are very important. Do not underestimate their importance. They direct our thoughts.

I know this as a doctor, but I also know it as a passionate advocate of therapeutic communication. Like the very first doctors of the Antiquity, I know that “words can heal”. They can also make people docile or sick. The words “conspiracy theorist”, “conspiracy theorist”, “conspiracy theorist” only serve to cut short any debate. Only to have the person the dominant system wants to discredit rejected, so that person is no longer listened to. That is what is dangerous, not “conspiracy theories”.

What is really dangerous is to not even want to debate and to exclude ideas, people and opinions on the pretext that they are disturbing.

That is what sows the seeds of a totalitarian society; not conspiracy theories.
It is by refusing any debate, any discussion and by brandishing this kind of disqualifying expression that threatens humanity.


November 11, 2020


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