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How to avoid a hybrid Orwellian-Huxleyian dystopia

One thing I've learned along the way of my explorations into the human condition is that, when we get chronically stuck in defensive nervous system states (fight, flight, fawn or freeze), we tend to become more: self-centred; manipulative; self-delusional; able to self-justify wrong-doing; resistant to admitting we are wrong, even to…

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire (I)

As some of you know, I’m an aficionado of ancient history. I thought it might be worthwhile to discuss what happened to Rome and based on that, what’s likely to happen to the U.S. Spoiler alert: There are some similarities between the U.S. and Rome. But before continuing, please seat yourself comfortably. This article will…

The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire

Almost everyone sees it, and almost no one wants to discuss it: America and Western Europe are spiraling out of control. And the speed of the descent is crescendoing rapidly. It took a long time for the old Roman Empire to collapse. The seeds of its demise blossomed slowly, but the historically astute among the Romans saw the…

British Bunk Corporation Whitewashes Ukrainian Nazis

The Orwellian reality of the ‘Beeb’ should make it the world’s “most busted” propaganda outlet, Finian Cunningham wrote. There was no Nazi presence in Ukraine, the Azov Battalion were merely excellent fighters, and Russian claims of denazifying the regime were cynical falsifications to justify aggression, according to the BBC.…

Responsible Freedom

The chaos we see around us every day is not arbitrary chaos. It is organized chaos. It results from the fact that almost no one wants to take responsibility for their own lives and for the larger life of the planet and the biosphere. Therefore, those whose desire is to control – fill the vacuum. Everyone wants someone else to…

Leaving an obsolete system behind

“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims” – Buckminster Fuller There is no doubt that humanity has entered a new phase along its developmental journey. We are now observing a grand restructuring of human society and its many systems: financial, technological, political, cultural, and more. This is creating great…

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