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Breakthrough Discovery: Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between Covid Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk

Retired American neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock recently gave an in-depth presentation on the adverse effects the spike proteins, induced by covid vaccination, have on the body. The doctor shared shocking discoveries about neurological damage, cancer rates, cardiac arrest and other exacerbating health issues as well as their…

Où sont les victimes?

"Where are the guns, where are the daggers, the horses, and the outlaws' arrows?" say the lyrics of an old Romanian folk song. The outlaws' arrows are long gone. That much is clear. Still, où sont les victimes? I mean where are the so-called "victims" of Gregorian Bivolaru, ladies and gentlemen journalists and policemen? Well, they're…

‘Goddess particle’: Earth slammed by ultra-powerful cosmic ray, and we have no idea where it came from

Researchers have detected one of the most powerful cosmic rays ever seen slamming into Earth — but they have no idea what caused it or where it came from. The extremely energetic particle, which has been named after a Japanese goddess, arrived from the direction of a void in the universe where almost nothing is known to exist, according…

Brazil’s socialist government threatens to WITHHOLD welfare payments to parents who REFUSE TO VACCINATE their children against covid

Socialist Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has announced a plan to include the dangerous and ineffective Wuhan coronavirus (covid) vaccine in the National Immunization Program (PNI) in 2024. He has also threatened to cut welfare payments to families who refuse to vaccinate their children. “If I have to do ten, fifty…

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