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News & Events

Five Bizarre Things Spotted on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity Rover may be in full swing, but it’s definitely not the first space vehicle to transmit pictures of the Red Planet. We’ve rounded up five bizarre things that have been spotted on Mars during past missions. Rock Structure This particular scene is imaged from the…

Abundance and Living Fully

We live in an abundant world. There is an abundance of resources, an abundance of ideas, an abundance of opportunities, and an abundance of possibilities, yet it seems as though as a collective race we are incessantly moving from a deeply rooted sense of scarcity, a profound sense of lack. It seems rather important that we…

Why Are There So Many Cancers Now?

This is an „anthology” of sorts about the etiology of the current cancer pandemic. “Cancer” is the word that strikes horror in the hearts and minds of every human alive. However, that was not always the case. Many can still remember when cancer was a rather rare disease or condition. Furthermore,…

Why Is Our Planet Shaking So Violently All Of A Sudden?

At the end of 2016, there have literally been dozens of significant earthquakes in the US, right along the Ring of Fire, and two giant ones made headlines all over the globe on December 8th. First, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Humboldt County, California, and that was followed later in the day by a magnitude…

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